Saturday, October 20, 2007

Toma Forca!

Just playing with YouTube again.  This is such a cute video!  Nelly actually is wearing something decent in it too..  Viva, Nelly Furtado!!  If your wondering what "Forca" means (it's pronounced like Forsa).  It means basically:  with force, with all your strength. 

I'm hearing Andrew playing "soccer" with a little rubber ball in his bedroom.  May be that is why I chose this video today?  I went with him today to get new football cleats.  Is that how you spell it?  He plays flag football on the weekends.  He is getting more and more interested in playing soccer now as well.  Perhaps his visit this summer in Portugal made him pick up interest?  I'm not quite sure.  His father will be thrilled to know he is interested.  His father was quite the player when he was younger.  Too bad he didn't take the game seriously.  It's every Portuguese mother's dream to have their son turn into a soccer star. 

I'm in the process of making tacos for dinner, and I'm waiting for the furniture people to come so they can take away the broken hutch the delivered.  Lizzy and Matt are going to the homecoming dance later.  I hope to take some pictures to share with all.  Do you realize that it will be another 11 years or so before my youngest goes to prom?!  Oh dear Jesus, give me strength.  By the time these teenagers are out of the house, I hope when it's Nicholas' turn, I'll know what to do.  Yeah...right, I know..good luck! 

Have a great evening!  :) 



Anonymous said...

my moms husband is a German and they are obsessed with soccer too. I want to see the Homecoming pics!! Love,lisa

Anonymous said...

When you get teenagers all figured out, be sure to write it all down and send it to me before my own kid gets to be that age. Thanks. --Cin

Anonymous said...

 Pretty song, I have never heard her before.  Taco's, yummy.


Anonymous said...

My favorite quote about teenagers is: 'Raising teenagers is like nailing jello to a wall.'  I don't know who said it...but it fits!  LOL

be well,