Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trick Or Treat Thru Jland


I imagine I'm going to be very busy tomorrow, so here it is.. My Trick Or Treat Thru Jland! 


Come and snag a treat, and visit with others..  :) 

Tonight, I'll be busy making cupcakes and cookies and cake for my son's Halloween party, and I was just informed that there is going to be even more Halloween goodies at the Ghetto (my office).  The fillings in my teeth are already getting jumpity..they can feel the sugar already! 

    Not a day to start a diet, that is for sure!

Have a fun and safe Halloween! 

   Things I like About Halloween:

1.  The cute costumes  

2.  The anticipation of trick or treating on the faces of children.

3.  The nice walk outside.

4.  The sound of children's laughter outside.  (Or are they screams?)

5.  A great excuse to light candles.

6.  Great excuse to dress strange.

Things I hate about Halloween:   


1.  The raw, sugary roughness that is left in your mouth after consuming too much candy.

2.  The candy wrappers I always seem to find all over the house afterwards, and throughout the next year..

3.  Piling all my Halloween decorations in boxes and putting them in the attic.

4.  The dread I feel that it's time to shop for Christmas already.

5.  Irritable, sugar induced children, with tummy aches. 

6.  "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?"  I just know I'm going to hear that tomorrow morning. 



7.  Obnoxious teenagers and their stupid parents who allow them to buy eggs.




Anonymous said...

I know... all my kids will be whining about school the next day too!  LOL

I forgot that one!  LOL  Trick or Treat!  

be well,

Anonymous said...

Trick or Treat!

Happy halloween...
Gem :-)


Anonymous said...

such cute tags! Enjoy your goodies at work and at home!
XO lj

Anonymous said...

Julie, nice Holloween Show, Have fun, Bill

Anonymous said...

Trick or Treat to you!

Anonymous said...

The kids should all have Nov 1st off just to recover! --Cin