Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We Are Okay :)

Yes, last night, we had an earthquake here in San Jose.  You can read all about it here:

It was 15 seconds long, and it was a bit scary.  It's been the biggest since the Loma Prieta Quake, of  1989 (that was in Santa Cruz--my hometown, and yes I was there when that happened).  That quake happened on October 17.  Something about the month of October for some reason.  The weather has been a little odd.  We had thunder and lightning on Monday, and then a sunny, mild day yesterday. 

I was sitting at my computer last night, and, I will say that I screamed.  My husband went out to get a gallon of milk and was on the road, Lizzy was at work, and I was alone with the 3 boys.  Things shook a bit, and Andrew and Nicholas took cover under a desk.  A few pictures fell, but nothing major.  My husband didn't even feel it, of course.  It was scary, and I hate earthquakes, but it wasn't that bad.  I finished making the mashed potatoes, and we had meatloaf for dinner, and the rest of the night was pretty uneventful, although I did finish some baking I wanted to accomplish..

I've been getting a few emails from worried friends and family.  Thank you!  :)  Thank you for checking up on us.  But, I'm afraid the media has been overly dramatizing.  They have a way of doing that. 

 In 1981, when there were flood problems over here, I was out of the country and heard about it in the news. From what the media was saying, the entire state was under water and floating on boats. They kept on showing and re-showing the man on a row boat, over and over again.  And that was CNN, mind you.  I was in Portugal at the time with my mom and sister, and each time I saw that sad man on the row boat, I thought of my dad and brother who were in California, rowing up and down on our street. 

  In 1989, when we had the big earthquake, we all slept in my mother's living room with our battery run radio.  From what the media was saying, you got the impression that northern California was completely wiped out.  It was really surreal, and it really got us scared, not to mention the hysteria it gave to all the relatives overseas that weren't able to reach us by phone at the time. 

It was scary.  We had our Halloween scare a little early..  It makes life exciting, I guess. 



Anonymous said...

Oooooh!!!  Winnie the Pooh!!!!!  I am so relieved everyone was okay... scary stuff!  Yeah, they do make it sound like Cali broke off into the sea on the news!

Happy Boooooo Day!

be well,

Anonymous said...

I heard about the earthquake.  Glad everyone is okay.  Have a good Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Yeppers Julie, I was thinking of you last night when I heard about the quake. All I can say is, I guess Jersey is pretty lucky when it comes to natural disasters (lack of, I mean) so we have to make them ourselves! :) Glad you're all okay
later..I have to go to the gynocologist...yep, I shaved my legs for a woman.

Anonymous said...

please dont get mad at me but i didnt know you had a earthquake until i read this. I am SO glad you are ok.....NOW i am worried. Ohio had a earth tremor in the early 80's. i was in the bathtub. It was strange! LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...

glad to read you're Ok..I was pregnant with my 1st child when I first felt an earthquake in 1990 (San Diego, CA) my husband was away at that time....


Anonymous said...

California has too many issues!! Fires..earthquakes..mudslides..I am so glad you are okay....

Anonymous said...

Glad you are all okay! I'd have peed my pants...but you just get up and mash the taters. Hahaha...very brave!! --Cin