Our last day of 2007 was spent eating Mountain Mike's pizza, and watching an array of rented movies on the T.V. I didn't hear from my two older kids at 9 pm like I was hoping, so I decided to call them at 9:15 on the east coast-12:15 their time to wish them a happy new year. They sounded quite happy, but they were dying to go home and go to sleep. From all the loud people and music in the background you can tell there were many "happy" people out there in New Jersey... Festa hard, Dawn, Teresa & Mary!!
We saw a little bit of Dick Clark on the tube, but Rich and I found it too hard to watch poor Dick Clark speak. Poor guy... It's enough to break your heart. At least he is looking alright, but his voice--poor man. Watching him made me feel so incredibly old, and the singers that came on were probably not even born when I started watching American Bandstand..probably don't even know what that was.. Oh well. I heard the fireworks go off for what seemed to be hours outside. Happy New Years... We went to bed like too old people!
I'm here at work, and I have my new calendar up. Time to pull out the old bench warrant criminal files of 2007 to make room for the new criminals of 2008! Whoohooo! Exciting stuff I tell you! Our receptionist is here, and she is all bundled up in scarves and her purple coat. When I was in her area last a few minutes ago she was complaining to the boss man about a very rude client who had called previously...blah blah blah.. Boss man was in here looking for the boss lady, but no one knows where she is. After she left, the sensory light in her office went on for some odd reason. This gave me the creeps. I swear, there must be a ghost or something in this builidng. A new employee and I were talking about the weird door jams we both were experiencing, and he said something about checking to see if anyone died in the building---he was very serious about it, I may add. This is a really old building--who knows.
Hubby and I were jokingly talking about GPS systems that people use to monitor kids--their comings and goings...specifically for teenagers. I won't get into why were talking about this, but apparently there IS something where you can put a micro chip in a car and monitor where itactually goes... Have any of you heard such a thing? I know it can be frowned about as an invasion of privacy, but where do you draw the line? Does a child who openly lies about their comings and goings deserve privacy?
Well, I checked in with my two kids in New Jersey, and they spent New Years day in Atlantic City. Today they are doing sight seeing of New York. I asked my son if it was cold, and he said, "not really" but he is not wearing shorts. I packed him 5 pairs of jeans and sweat pants and only one pair of shorts-just in case it gets warm for any odd reason. I hope they are taking a lot of pictures... I told them to call me when they got to the Statue of Liberty--no calls yet. They'll be home on Friday night. I hope they are enjoying some quality time with their dad, and that they get spoiled by their attention as much as possible by Friday. Lizzy thinks her father belongs to the Portuguese mafia because of the fancy car he drives. All I think of when I hear about NJ is The Sopranos..
Tony's uncle, the old man in the hat and glasses looks just like my deceased ex-father-in-law. There is also an old man who catches the bus in front of this ghetto building that looks a lot like him too. My friend Sharon, the medium who used to do readings in the building said she "saw" him and told me he was pushing money in the direction of my two older kids. Interesting, huh? Yeah, this reading was done in the boss lady's office right next to mine. No wonder the lights keep flashing on and off!
No Festa hard here! LOL I thought I read a comment from you about Matt sneaking out? Yikes! I would totally use the chip thing... I think you can do it thru the cell phone and the car! Teens!
Happy 2008! You definitely have some weird stuff happening in your building!
be well,
My husband said it hurt to listen to Dick Clark try to speak as well. Poor guy! Enjoy the rest of your week.
There are all sorts of gps devices out there. I'll be putting one in the car as soon as my son gets a driver's license...just for his own safety if nothing else. I think you can track a cell phone, too.
Happy New Year...make plenty of room for those new criminals (hee hee) --Cin
I watched Dick, he is blessed to be alive! He looks good for being what almost 80? I felt bad for him in away too, but he is so blessed!
~~Happy New Year~~
Well, i'm young and i stayed home and watched tv with a glass of wine. I just didnt wanna put myself through the hassle and stress of going out. maybe next year. who knows, maybe next year i'll get my new years kiss at midnight...never had one of those.
i'd love to be in NY for new years, i dont know, just one of those things i wanna experience.
hey, will you ask your friend sharon to ask your deceased x-father inlaw if he'd like to push some cash my way!?
Happy New Year.
Shermeen xx
I think you should do some online research about your building and who may have died there. I also think that there is NOTHING wrong with monitoring your children's whereabouts, it's when parents KNOW they're up to something and DON'T monitor them that I have a problem with. I hope your kids are having fun, I, myself, am VERY skeptical about mediums... VERY!!!
i had never heard D. Clark speak until 12/31/07....well, i mean since he had his stroke and i was stunned. Totally stunned.
Yes i have heard of putting a bug on your kids car to see if they lie. I can tell you are missing the kids.....i cant wait to hear all about their time away....and i bet your building is haunted. You have enough crazies in there for anything to be happening at any time!
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