Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Way Or No Way!

For the past week, my youngest has been testing my nerves each afternoon. 

I don't know what is up with his behavior lately, but for the past week it has been a chore to get him to preschool.  He will insist that I'm not going "the wrong way" when driving to his preschool, and demand that I turn around and go "the right way."  Of course, I do not turn around, and continue to drive to his school my way.  Then the screaming and crying begins until I get to his school.  Once we get to his school, he stops crying, but then refuses to get out of the car.  I either have to coax him out with the usual, "Bob the Gnome is watching you."  Or I have to tell him that a teacher is at the window.  It usually takes a good 5 minutes or more just to get him out of the car.  Normally, once he is in the classroom, he goes directly to his mat and lies down and takes a nap.  Today he would not let go of my hand...  Urrr...  Eventually one of his teachers got him to calm down.  Usually though, I never have trouble.  He just lies on his matt hugs and kisses me goodbye, and closes his eyes and sleeps.  He has been totally draining my nerves-and I don't know why he is suddenly acting this way.  After leaving his school, I felt exhausted.  I had to drive back to Burger Kingto get a BK Mocha; yes it was that bad!  I am sure when I get him later this afternoon, I will hear that he was a "total angel" again.

I've been in a real bitchy mood lately.  I don't know really why..  I think it's a combination of teenager and preschooler anxiety.  I like to leave the house fairly clean and organized.  There is nothing that aggravates me more than coming home to a sink full of dishes that wasn't there in the morning, or a pile of towels from the dryer sitting on my wooden coffee table that aren't even fully dry yet.  I was too tired to deal with it yesterday-but I did.  It took me a good hour to put things away after I got home to even change out of my work clothes.  I felt like Cinderella---before she met the prince..  The step-sisters were disguised as teenagers.  No cute mice to help me though.  I miss my cat. 

At work everyone is a little blue.  A past co-worker who retired a few years ago past away suddenly last week.  The funeral is this week.  I dislike going to funerals--last one I went to was for a mother of a friend from high school.  I left the service literally shaking all over.  It was a very weird experience, and it made me feel quite ill for the rest of the day.  I don't think I'll be going.  I mentioned something about the sensor lights blinking on in the next office near me when no one was there, and the department manager laughed and said that it might be some dead probation officer visiting the office.  Well, he said that last week, and if the light in the next office turns on right now while I'm writing this, I will be freaking screaming right now...  So far, nothing.  This is good. 

Damn..  And it's only Tuesday! 

I've got loads and loads of work to do today.  Yesterday was spent moving boxes upon boxes of old files down the hall to another file cabinet.  It took me about an hour to do it all-perhaps that is why I have been feeling so drained this week.  I just wanted it to get done--I hate clutter, and I don't like not finishing what I set to do once I get it in my mind. 

No word from Erik Estrada yet.  Isn't that disappointing?  LOL...  I'll be surprised if I actually get a response.  I asked him to send me a picture with an autograph so we could frame and put in my daughter's room.  (This was my daughter's idea by the way.)  We shall see; I'll let you know. 

I got an invite by a friend to meet up with a bunch of other women for Girlfriend Day.  Yes there is such a day---apparently it's Girlfriend Day in Portugal on Friday, and a friend of mine is celebrating it Saturday.  We meet up for dinner and then we go to a a strip club. 

Just kidding. 

 After dinner they plan on going to a club to see a folkloric dance.  Purely innocent, I assure you. It's where people dress up in traditional Portuguese clothing and dance around to old world style music.  Kind of like the American square dancing.  A group from the Azores will beperforming that day.  Iam thinking of going--perhaps a night out with the girls, is just what I need; that and a strong drink and an uninterrupted bubble bath.  If I go, I'll bring my camera to show you what I'm talking about. 

You know, I did a search of the blogs and wrote down the word "Portuguese."  All I really got was a list of MY entries.  Damn.  I think I am the ONLY Portuguese woman who writes about it on AOL.  I feel like I have an obligation now or something to continue.  Oh the pressure of it all--it's killing me.  (Not really.) 

Eu sou mesmo o unica pessoa Portuguesa no AOL?  Nao acredite!! 


Anonymous said...

Julie, sorry to hear you youngest is acting up. I first thought that he might be having a problem at the day care or school but it seems that is not the problem.
Just a thought for what it is worth, would it be possible for one of your older children or his father to talk to him and try to get to the seat of the problem? There must be something bothering him that is not apparent to you.
Work up a list of things that you think the older children should be doing and assign them the chores that they should be doing and to do them without any complaints. I chores are not done, then pull the plug on the TV, computer, ipods, etc. for a period of time.
Wish you luck with that.
The problems at work and the recent passing of the holidays seem to be having an effect on you. It is the time of the year and the weather that I thinks effnnnnnnnnnnects us all. Try to remember the nice spring daynnnnnnn when you will be able to walk on the beach or where ever you take a lunch break and maybe that will help.
What a bunch of probably poor or unneeded advice I just gave you but I do feel bad that things are not good for you right now.
Go to the girl friends night out. it should be fun.
I can't believe you are the only Portugalise writing a journal.
I got to quit now I am not even making sense to me. Good Luck Bill

Anonymous said...

I hope the young one isn't having a problem with someone at the school.  Hopefully it's a stage and he'll get bored of the behavior and stop.  Enjoy your evening.

Anonymous said...

Oh I am sorry that Nicholas is testing you... but I would rather have that than the teen stuff.  At least at 4 you can still pick them up and make them!  LOL  Maybe it's the moon, because I have been bitchy too.

Have fun on girlfriends day!  What a blast!

be well,

Anonymous said...

I need a girls night out too..i think a lot of us have the after the holidays funk...I am going nuts myself because while I was sick my house just got plain old nasty...yea they tried..but i can see crumbs on the counter..crap on the floor where they miss the trash can...cabinet doors left open..just STUFF yanno?
happy hump day!

Anonymous said...

do you think he is more tired than usual? Maybe it is just the age thing...testing mommy....i know Chad went thru all kinds of insane things as a toddler and small boy and i sucked much worse than you at dealing with them. Is Mr. Red coming? I know what you mean about coming home and picking up for an hour before you can even take a breath and the rest of them look at you like you are Cyclopes.(SP?)

I hate it that work is frustrating you...say a quick prayer for the deceased worker and go on....there is no law saying you have to go to the funeral...i HATE funerals...i think a strip club would be JUST the thing for you this week but maybe that polka thing will do. Have a drink while you can with the girls.
LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie !  Sounds like your week has gotten off to quite a start!  Just a quick note to you regarding the comment about getting a photo from Erik Estrada.........
If you would, please go to : erikestradainfo@yahoo.com OR go to Erik's website for the optional addresses (www.erikestrada.com) and send us the correct mailing address & contact information for you & your daughter (ie: address, daughter's name, etc.) , because we have checked through our request data and we cannot find your request for a photo for your daughters room.
Once we have it, we'll have it sent out immediately!  Hope your week continues to get easier!  God bless,  Nanette Estrada

Anonymous said...

I really hope that the rest of your week goes along better - stay positive -
take care of you