Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thursday Meme...

I just got off the phone with the kids in NJ...  Lizzy almost scared me to death--I thought she lost her receipt for her tickets!  When we checked in at the airport with their E-tickets, they got one ticket for NJ----they will need to check in again for their other ticket.  I haven't flown domestic in such a long time, I had no idea.  Things at airports are so much different.  Last time we flew last summer, we had our tickets months before the flight, and we had both sets coming and going..  I called the airline and the reassured me the kids would have no problem getting their boarding passes.  They have their confirmation #'s and flight itinerary.  They also have the credit card # I purchased the tickets with.  Hopefully they won't have to call me.. 

We got an unexpected visitor at the door.  The doorbell rang, and it always throws me off when we aren't expecting someone coming over.  It was my daughter's boyfriend at the door with a Christmas gift that came late in the mail.  He left saying that Lizzy "can call him when she gets back.."  Hmm..  Makes me wonder if they are still boyfriend and girlfriend??  I was a little surprised that he didn't ask to go to the airport with us.  Interesting. 

It's cold and rainy here in California.  At 3 pm the calm broke, and it just started raining cats and dogs.  On the way home, the battery and brake light came on again. It had done that once before, and the day we decided to take it to the dealership the lights went off as soon as my husband drove it up.  I was a little nervous about driving over Santa Cruz mountains, so stopped and called hubby who met me half way and escorted me home.  Of course the brake and battery lights turned off again, but it was nice knowing that hubby was there driving behind me in the rain.  My knight driving the shining white Mustang.. :)  I'll be driving the van tomorrow.

Well, because it's so quiet around here, according to Dawn....  Here is a meme I copied and pasted form her blog: 

The Alphabet List of Things I can see from the Computer

A  -  Avon brochure sitting on my desk---of course..

B  -  Boxes--my storage boxes with all my Avon invoices stored away.  I love these boxes--they are covered with pictures of the Eiffel Tower and of France.  I got them at Ross for $10. 

C  -  Candle-my Christmas sugar cookie candle my old neighbor gave me before she moved away. 

D  -  Discs..Cd discs.. They are sitting on my desk in front of me. 

E  -  Elizabeth's picture on the mantle.

F  -  Frame collage I got for Christmas from boss lady---I need to still fill it with pictures.

G  -  Glasses in the kitchen.

H  -  Humingbird lamp.

I  -  Ink marks on my hand.

J  -  Jumping Nicholas---he's dancing and jumping to his playschool toy.. 

K  -  Kitchen!!  My home is 3 level split home... my kitchen is right above me.. 

L  -  Light bulbs in the kitchen ceiling fan.

M  -  M&M's in hubby's candy dish.

N  -  Nicholas!  He's busy playing with his Christmas toys in front of the T.V,

O  -  Oven

P  -  Plates my aunt gave me years ago--they are hanging on the wall.

Q  -  Quince jelly in my fridge.  Okay I can't really see it from here, but I know it's there, and it's been there for weeks.  Have any of you had quince jelly before? 

R  -  Red bricks in the fireplace.

S  -  Sliding doors in my kitchen and livingroom.

T  -  T.V.---Celebrity Apprentice is one with Mr. Trump.

U  -  Ugly dish towel sitting on my pile of towels. 

V  -  Vanilla candles.

W -  Windows

X  -  X-box game.. someone left in the kitchen. 

Y  -  Yellow curtains in my kitchen. 

Z  -  Zipper on my wallet. 



Anonymous said...

I love the new e-ticket system.... all you REALLY need is your i.d.  all the other stuff makes it easy, but I think if she'd lost the info, she could show her i.d. and they'd work it all out.... that's what they told us when we went to Florida in November.   I'm not doing the meme, I'd like to but that one would take me all night.... LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Loved your glad the kids are coming home...I know you have missed them ALOT....
sounds like their trip has been busy...
GEEZ - Iphones....that are so expensive....crazy!!!
I hope the weather lets up for you!!
take care--Ellie

Anonymous said...

For all the times that i've been to Florida in the last 4 years, they've always given me an electronic ticket. think it saves you needing to worry that you've lost it. Makes things much easier. I bet you're glad that they'll be home soon, wonder what you're gonna do when they fly the nest for good!

We've no rain here as of yet, think its gonna get really cold and icy though. its not very friendly weather out there. roll on summer!

shermeen xx

Anonymous said...

You did great with that meme!  Thanks for playing along!!!  Wow, Nicholas was still up at 10pm?  Does he miss his brother and sister?  I bet he does!!!  I am sure the tickets will be fine... yay for them coming home!!!  

Have a great weekend Julie!!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Too bad the kids are going to miss the big warm up in the weather here in NJ! Did Lizzy get to see Broadway? I have a feeling she going to want to go back.
I go for a CT scan on Monday. Things are starting to get scarey. Although I really think they're going to do nothing, this test will be the deciding factor.

Anonymous said...

hope the lights quit playing games with your car....i hate it when they go on and off...i have no idea how to fly now either...i have not flown in about 6 yrs. love,lisa

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you found something for each letter. Quince jelly. Never had it but I've seen it. Does it go with peanut butter? ;-) Cin