Friday, May 30, 2008

Hello Friday - Hello Tomorrow

Last night I was looking for something to watch on T.V., and there is absolutely NOTHING on lately.  Living Lohan?  I found myself watching that for 10 minutes-what a waste of time.  I even found myself in a chatroom of all places on AOL, something I rarely do nowadays.  Kind of scary crowd of people in there, but that is whole other story and entry I can write about later.  Anyway, I noticed last night that Avon have quite a few commercials out.  Between Living Lohan, there was an Avon commercial on the new stretch mark creme.  YAY!!  Contact your Avon representative plugs--hey, that's ME!  I was also surprised to see that this morning  AOL has a few Avon products featured at the Market Place.  Check it out, under the Body Shapers story!  (Under the smiling lady in the black bikini top.)

You can purchase the items at my website, or I can personally deliver it to you-through the mail of course. 

Okay, that was my shameless plug for the day. 

It's Friday, and I am glad. 

Can you believe that Sunday is the 1st of June?  Half of the year 2008 is over and done with?  School will be out in a few weeks, and it won't be long until summer is here?  Weird.  The months are flying by, and I don't like this.  I long for those long summer days, when I would find myself waking up at noon, to the smell of eggs and bacon downstairs in my mom's kitchen.  Those days, are gone forever.  I can only relive those days through my children.  I'm just thrilled that tomorrow, if hubby doesn't wake me (wink) that I can sleep in until 7 or possibly, 8 a.m.!  Whoohooo!!

Anyway, I'm deciding that this summer I'm going to be a little more walking.  I have a high school at the corner at my disposal, and I have a walk o meter, and I'm going to walk laps around the track field.  I'm also going to ask for a new schedule.  10 hour days, 4 days a week.  It isn't that bad really; it will be worth it all--not only will I be able to save on gas money (it's $4.29 a gallon here, by the way which is completely insane.) but I can have 3 day weekends.  NO ONE is here at 7 a.m. anyway.  It's nice coming to work to an empty building; it really is. 

I got some news today that "someone" I know has a  boyfriend!  Whooohooo!!  Yay Becky!

Some pictures of the Old Country, Terceira, Azores...

Courtesy, of Tania

Tania, I won't be going there anytime soon..  But, I'm saving up my money for the wedding!  :)


Anonymous said...

The journals chat room was great at first ,but now ????????,love your graphics today Jan xx

Anonymous said...

"Living Lohan" is an unwatchable trainwreck!  I switvhed after three minutes.


Anonymous said...

i went to your Avon site...i am looking for something VERY local Avon rep can not get it and your site said it will be available soon and i asked it to notify me so if you get it, i will buy it from you. A CARS collapsible thingie for toys.
i can not believe it is June either. Gee.
Maybe just maybe your DH will make you breakfast in bed sometime.

Anonymous said...

Loved the pics of the Azores!  Gorgeous...  The tv season went to fast!  We waited all thru the strike for 6 weeks of good stuff?  Sheesh!  I do love 'So you think you can dance' though... great!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Loved those pics Tania sent... WOW!!!  Hope you get to sleep in tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

loved the pictures and I am already enjoy my summer ...

Anonymous said...

I love the new Avon commercials with Reese Witherspoon.  I LOVE REESE! LOL.  I also saw the one with the new stretch mark cream.  hey, do you think that stuff works?  I have "old" stretch marks from junior high... the white kind, but they are there nonetheless.  (sorry if TMI- LOL). Surprisingly, I didn't get any stretch marks with Macy.  I think I gained the weight so slow I was able to avoid them.

I might be interested in getting some of that cream if you think it works!