Friday, May 9, 2008

More Pictures of Monterey

Here are a few more pictures of Monterey, Lover's Point.  You really can't tell how windy and choppy the ocean actually was; but it was enough to cancel our whale watching adventure.  Instead of being out at sea, Rich and I were feeling groggy and kind of shitty (excuse me) because of all the Dramamine we took for no reason.  That is why we aren't in the pictures. 

Near Lover's Point.  See the beautiful purple ice plants?  I wish I had taken more pictures of it when I was there. 

Picture taken from Lover's Point in the direction of the Monterey's wharf.

We ate at the wharf later that evening.  Here is picture of Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf at night.

I'm not quite sure if that is the moon, or a big ole' orb.  There were a lot of orbs captured from in the pictures I took.  Perhaps they belong to the spirits of the many fisherman that worked from this wharf?  Steinbeck?  Who knows.  I'm guessing there belong to some Portuguese fisherman wanting to say hello. 

This picture was taken the next day.  See how lovely the ocean looks?  Hardly a wave, huh?  On the other side of this were lines of hopeful people waiting in line for their whale watching trip.  I was so mad we weren't in line--I didn't even bother taking a picture of them.  Instead I took the picture below:

See this cruise ship?  Isn't it beautiful?  We left the wharf inspired.  We need to take a cruise before we get old.  You should have seen the frail looking people coming on deck to the wharf.  Some had oxygen tanks with them.  Oh well, better late than never. 


Anonymous said...

Julie, what nice pictures you took. They are great.
Trust me a cruise is a great thing to do. I am old but I have seen a lot of younger people enjoying the trips I have been on. I would recommend a trip to Alaska which I believe your husband would also enjoy. With you being in California it would not cost an arm and a leg to get to the liner.
Have a Happy Mother's Day, Bill

Anonymous said...

WOW~!  Unbelievably gorgeous!  I am so jealous!!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

 I wish a had something like that to get pictures of.  How beautiful.


Anonymous said...

After looking at these pictures, I've added a new place to add to my places to visit list.

Anonymous said...

that is a good motto for life: better late than never.
GREAT pics.....Monterey is a gorgeous place.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!  These pics of Monterey are all beautiful, but that purple ice plant adds so much to the pic....  I love Monterey, but haven't been in quite awhile.  Hmmm... I smell a road trip coming!!
