Friday, August 26, 2005

Sacred Heart Diet

A co-worker from work announced that she had already lost 6 lbs on her 4th day on the Sacred Heart Diet.  It's a diet that Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital give to overweight heart patients in order to lose the weight rapidly before they are wheeled into surgery.  According to Angela, the co-worker (who looks great now, and is only trying to lose some of her baby weight from having her baby), she feels great and loves this diet.  I would love to lose those 10 lbs that refuse to come off, and I may consider this.  Has anyone tried this before?  Let me know, or if you want to check it out:


Anonymous said...

You have probably tried this diet already, but I have done it and it does work. Feel free to email me at

Anonymous said...

Hi I am on this diet and it has been day 4 and i have lost 8 pounds it all depends on how much you eat the more you eat the more you lose

Anonymous said...

I tried the diet, it worked.