Tuesday, June 27, 2006

There is an intruder in the house!!!

I got an IM from my husband today.....

I thought he was joking, but apparently my step-son made a frantic call to 911 dispatch this early afternoon...  Seems like he heard strange sounds coming from a room, and knew he wasn't alone, so poor guy was in the bathroom with a phone and a knife thinking there was an intruder in our home... 

He was right...  He wasn't alone!  My daughter, the diva was with him.  You see, she was still asleep when he arrived that morning, and he naturally thought he was alone because the house was so quiet.  Well, he fell asleep, and was awaken by strange sounds from the next room...strange muffled sounds...  Little did he know that Lizzy was in the baby's room, listening to her earphones while she was recording Nicholas' See and Say sounds onto her laptop.  (Don't ask what she was doing...) 

By the time my husband was half way home, he remembered that Liz was in fact home.  Thankfully, the call to 911 dispatch got cancelled before we had the Swat Team on our front lawn. 

Another story to tell the grandchildren when we are old.... 


Anonymous said...

LOL You're right -- that's going to be one of those family stories that gets told and retold. Not sure which is worse for the poor kid, getting the bejabbers scared out of him or hearing about it at every family reunion from now to eternity.

Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha, just recently, Kelly and I were home alone and we heard noises in the garage (attached)..I told her to grab a knife and we headed out to take a look. I was 1st. Seeing no one I turned around and Kelly had a plastic spatula in her hand, DUH. She just looked at me and said "What if it was Tommy?"
As for the 911 thing, here, once you dial that number they come to your house and you can't stop them. My husband's cell phone number used to start with 991 and twice I dialed 911 by mistake. The police want proof that someone isn't holding a gun to your head making you say it was a mistake. I once dialed 911 while I was shopping in Macy's (again trying to call my husband) I heard sirens in the parking lot and went home real fast.