Thursday, June 1, 2006

Weekend Assignment #114: Things You Like Now But Not Then

Weekend Assignment #114: Things You Like Now But Not Then :

Hmmm...  I can honestly say that I swore I would never eat a prune or drink tomato juice, but as I've grown older and wiser, I've found that prunes can be quite tasty,                

and tomato juice is quite nice--especially if it's in a Bloody Mary!! 

Yes, I eat my vegetables, and the fruit keeps me regular. 

Extra Credit:  However, I refuse to eat liver.  I remember seeing it in my grandmother's kitchen, and she would cook it quite often.  I can still smell it.  Ewww.  It was always kept in a white plastic container, and she would leave it out near her red, plastic cookie jar that she kept those bland Stella Doro cookies.  Another food that I refuse never to eat is Grape Nuts--might as well just get a bowl and fill it with rocks!  Life is too short for that. 


Anonymous said...

Still can't do prunes, tomato juice or liver! ewwwwww body organs no thank you! lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you're regular Julie...I'll be able to sleep better tonight!

Anonymous said...

I love it! I was just commenting about Bloody Mary's in another journal realting to this entry. That's one of the reasons I like tomato juice now. Couldn't stand it as a kid. Liver....eeww. :)

Anonymous said...

I love them all, now. I got over an aversion to liver early on when, as a strapping teenager buring through my body's protein at a starvation rate, I figured out that it was a great source of nutrients that most of the other kids didn't like -- all the more for me. Being weird, I've always been fond of prunes and tomato juice. Grape Nuts, yogurt and fresh berries -- Yum!
