Thursday, March 1, 2007

Assignment #154-Car or Computer

This assignment comes from John Scalzi: 

Weekend Assignment #154: Your Car or Your Computer: You must pick only one. Which one do you choose?

You have to be joking, right?

This a NO BRAINER.  I would choose my car! 

Not only do I have to drive to work each day, I have to take my kids to school.  I have to do my grocery shopping as well--it's hard wheeling 10 bags of groceries in a shopping cart 3 miles!!  I'm a bit surprised by this assignment.  I don't understand HOW or WHY someone would give up their car for a computer!  I don't want to offend anyone..but...WHY would someone even consider it?  I else would you get to point A to point B?

Perhaps its because I rely so much on my car everyday,  that I find the question a bit silly.  If I worked at home and didn't have to be primary transportation for my children and my mother, I guess I would think of this differently--but, I don't.  I wouldn't even want to imagine having to rely on public transportation to get around either.  I love my car..  I like to drive..  It's one of my simplest pleasures to be able to hit the road, turn on the radio, and sing my lungs out.  It sometimes is the only ALONE time I have besides sleeping, and sitting at the dentist chair--but that really doesn't count, does it? 

This is not saying I don't enjoy my computer.  I do enjoy being on the computer--its another outlet I have, but I really can't take my mom to her medical appointments from it, go to work, take the kids to school...etc..etc..  You get the idea. 

Extra Credit: Which was more expensive: Your first car, or your most recent computer?

Again, you've got to be kidding.  My first car was more expensive.  I didn't get a real PC until 1996.  My car was a lot more expensive.  BUT, I used to know someone who spent more money on their PC than all the furniture in his house.  The coffee tables were made of cardboard; and he was sooo cheap, the guy would borrow a TV from next door when he wanted to rent a movie.  The computer system desk however was the size of Norway.  Go figure.. 


Anonymous said...

LOL.. funny question... Hubby and I share one car now... and often I don't have it because I am home!  And, my first car was $800 used, my last laptop $1000!  So the puter wins...

be well,

Anonymous said...

CAR! Although I use my computer every day and my car about once a week, I don't feel secure unless I have a car.
Not sure what I paid for my first car but I have a feeling that this computer costs more. --Cin

Anonymous said...

i dont know any working mom who could live without a car!
XO lj