Friday, March 16, 2007

MeMe of 3s

It's Friday!!  Whoohoo!!!  I snagged this from Dawn...  Thanks for doing my thinking this morning!  :) 


Lists of Three

Three things I am wearing.

1. blue jeans--it's Friday, afterall..  

2. my favorite red cordoroy shirt

3. my black flats with the bow

Three things on the desk.

1) my cold coffee

2) hole puncher

3) my computer  (I'm at work)

Three good ways to describe my personality.

1.  optimistic

2.  friendly

3.  trustworthy

(So people say, anyway..)

Three bad things about my personality. 

1.  Emotional--I can't hide my true feelings--if I'm in a crappy mood-it shows on my face--can't hide it. 

2) Procrastinator (sometimes)  I start something, and end up rushing to finish it.  If I don't have a specific deadline, I may never get back to it--I tend to put a little too much on my plate, and regret it later. 

3) Naive--I tend to trust and expect the best from people--this does not always happen. 

Three parts of my heritage.
1. Portuguese-my mom

2. Portuguese-my dad's parents

3. American--native Californian

Three things I like about my body.

1.  I'm healthy--all my parts work. 

2.  My legs.

3.  My hair. 

Three things I do not like about my body.

1.  My butt--who likes their butt? 

2.  My toes--my 2nd toe is longer than my 1st.  I hardly ever wear open toed shoes for this reason.

3.  I inherited my grandma's fat hands.  I love my grandma, but I wish my hands were more..umm...graceful looking.  .

Three things most people do not know about me.

1.  I'm a good actress.

2.  I daydream alot

3.  I used to play the clarinet.

Three things I say the most.

1.  Ai, meu Deus!  (It means, Oh my God!)  I get this from my mother. 

2.  When I call out for one of my kids, I tend to run down and say all their names.  For example, if I call out to my daughter, it usually sounds like:  "Nick, Andrew, Lizzy!"  Sometimes I call my cat by one of my kid's names.  I do this quite often--and it drives me nuts.

3.  "Get down L.A.!"  (To my cat (L.A.--yeah, he has a strange name) when he tries to climb on my screen in the kitchen--which is very often.

Three places I want to go.

1.  Hawaii (again)

2.  Lisbon

3.  Rome.

Three names that I go by.

1.  Sweetie

2.  Mommy, Mama, Mom

3.  Juliana (my mom--usually when she's upset). 

Three screen names I have had.

1.  Jules4466

2. JacVicente

3.  FrednDebee (don't ask why)

Three foods I ate today--I haven't eaten 3

1.  Slice of veggie pizza (last night's dinner)

2.   coffee (is this considered a food?)

3.  1 old fashioned glazed Donut


Anonymous said...

FrednDebee??? Hey, I'm learning cool stuff about you: a clarinet-playing actress! Great stuff.--Cin

Anonymous said...

Now... you KNOW I consider coffee food.  Giver of life... Manna from heaven... Okay, I'll stop!  lol   Lots of people have that with their toes... don't worry and wear all the sandals you want, hon!  Life is too damn SHORT!!

ps... I do that with my kids when I call them too!

be well,