Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!



Happy 4th!  I'm not going to be anywhere near the computer (I hope) later today, so I wanted to extend a Happy 4th to everyone.  I don't know exactly what we'll be doing later today other than a barbecue and a ride to the city to see fireworks.  My youngest has a case of "pull up rash"  - he's not in diapers anymore, only pull ups--and he is watching Land Before Time right now with his butt in the air.  Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.



It's suppossed to be a very hot day today.  It's 9:43 am and I can already tell that it is going to be a scorcher of the day.  I'm so tempted to just stay home the entire day and just leave in the evening to watch fireworks.  My daughter is on-call at work, and with her luck, they will call her in anyway.  They always call her and extend her hours because she works part-time, is young, and at the "bottom of the totem pole" as to speak.   I'm sure there will be lots of shoppers at the mall.  It's nice and cool in there, and there are many sales.  Perfect time to shop for summer clothes! 



I won't be shopping today..  I have cookies and cup cakes to bake.  I bought some rasberries yesterday, but have no idea what I'm going to do with them.  The plastic container fell to the floor in the kitchen, and left an awful mess.  It looked like someone got shot on my kitchen floor.  They sure are messy!  Anyways, I am going to try and enjoy my day today, and then it's work tomorrow.  Thursday and Friday, and it's the weekend again..  Short work week, short work week pay day week--hurrah!! 



Have a safe, fun and beautiful 4th of July!  Remember the men and women from the past and present that fought for our freedoms.  There is really no better place in the world to live.  God bless the U.S.A.!!    




Anonymous said...

I hope Nick's little bottom is better today. Happy 4th to you, too. --Cin

Anonymous said...

 Have a wonderful and loved your graphics today.  I am just trying to stay cool also, so hot and humid.


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th... stay cool!  Get 'Buttpaste' for his rash... works magic!!!

be well,

Anonymous said...

i hope you had a great 4th.