Thursday, July 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Simon

Well, Simon came into the lobby today with disappointment written all over his face...

The receptionist is at home with the hives again. 

"No wonder she didn't call to wish me a happy birthday," Simon exclaimed.

I felt horrible for him.  There he was wearing what looked to be a new blue Italian soccer jersey with matching blue flip flops!  (I won't use the word "thong" anymore---when I said pink thongs in the previous entry, I didn't been pink thong undergarments.  I don't know or want to know what Simon wears in between his jeans.) 

"Happy birthday!"  I called out to him as he slowly made his way out of the lobby. 


Simon wasn't very happy.  Oh well...what can you do? 

The receptionist called in this morning to say that she had an awful allergic reaction to her Chinese take-out, and now is covered in hives again.  She is going to have an alergic reaction test done next week.  Hopefuly they will discover the mystery.  She actually thinks she may be allergic to her car now.  She drives a used Jaguar.  It's pretty.  If she's allergic to it, I want it. 

I've got some good news today.  I was worried that I would be sharing a flight with one of my mother's crazy cousins-the one that lives in group homes that owned a gun.  I was told by another cousin that she is still living in Fall River.  Thank, God.  Flying with a 3 year old is going to be crazy as it is enough.  I just read the article about the woman and child that was kicked off the plane.  Great.  I was told to give the youngester children's Tyneol before the flight, and I intend to do it. 

I got some other news yesterday. My friend and partner in crime over here in the ghetto is transferring to another position across the street at the county building.  I'm happy for her because she is going to get a promotion, but sad she is going to be gone, and I'll be alone here at the ghetto without her... Sad..


I'm sure Simon is just going to break down and cry now when he hears this news..



Anonymous said...

I just discovered your journal, and love it!  So many talented people in here with so many interesting things to say.  I thought people watching was fun, but I can see I'm going to have to discipline myself to limit my time in here or I'm going to be in big trouble, lol!  You write so well - now I must add you to my favorite journal sites!  I'm from Duluth, Minnesota and just starting out with journaling (is there such a word?)  My daughter and granddaughter are alread addicted and now they've sucked me in.  Well, gotta go read more about you!


Anonymous said...

Aww... poor Simon!  So sad.  Oh I hope you get out of that office soon!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Poor Simon!!!!   Glad you yelled out the wish tho

Anonymous said...

Oh that children's tylenol! hahaa. I used to give it to my kid right before every doctor's appointment that involved injections so he would pass out in the car following all the screaming he used to do.

I hope Nicholas gets through that long plane ride happily. --Cin

Anonymous said...

Hope you get the Jag...LMAO!! have a good rest of the week!  Hugs,TerryAnn