jump out of a plane or bungee jump?
be stranded on a deserted island alone or be stranded with someone you hate?
Wow. I would probably rather be alone. I would rather talk to a tree for company than share an island with someone I despised. Thank God, there isn't anyone I know that I truly hate...but still..
eat fried worms or eat chocolate covered bugs?
Eww.. I'd have to go with the chocolate. Anything with chocolate is bearable. I hear bugs are quite crunchy. I would have to pretend I was eating a crunch bar..
trip and fall in front of your co-workers or trip and fall in front of someone you have a crush on?
I'd rather trip and fall on someone I had a crush on. That way, I'd be touching the person. This person might like it.. It would be a good ice breaker, don't you agree?? My current crush is my husband..by the way.
shave your head bald or die your hair purple?
Pass me the purple dye..
not be able to talk or not be able to stop talking?
I think resting my vocal cords would be a nice change; as long as it was only temporary.
always be cold or always be hot?
Always be cold. You can wear clothes and solve the problem that way. I hate being hot; it gives me really bad headaches!
My cousin Jose Carlos sent some more pictures...
Seth, Amanda, Karen holding the kitty, and Bonnie. See the beautiful green countryside in the background with the rock walls? It's so surreal to see them there; it's all so trippy! Amanda is always smiling in all of these pictures--she must be having a great time.
The women with Brett near the Cocoa Cola crates.. The international drink!
Senhor Joao Barbosa and his wife, Manuela. Prima Manuela is one of my mom's first cousins. The pretty girls are a few of their grandchildren. The brunette is my cousin Rute's youngest, Francisca, and the little one is Rita-my cousin Jose Carlos' little girl.
Senhor Barbosa, "Coelho", Rita, and Elvis-the dog.
"Stupid terrorist people"....hahahahaaa, you tell 'em, Julie! Stupid stupids.
Your family will be home soon. --Cin
Sara, that is sure a good looking family. Nice looking scenery also. Looks line a nice spot to visit. Bill
Awww... great pics!!! Everyone is so happy... and the backgrounds so nice! I loved your meme answers too!
be well,
GORGEOUS family.....wow, what a meme.....if i fell into some dude i liked i would probably break his back catching me! You have a great sense of humor.
I hope they arrived back safely!
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