Thursday, November 2, 2006

It's November... Already?!

Is it really November, already?!  I am going through denial mode right now. 

Well, I had written a whole entry last night, but, my little guy ran to the computer before I could catch up with him, and he X'd out of the screen and I lost it all.  It was a pretty darn LONG entry as well...  Lovely..  He has been quite the little mischievous one lately.. I'm suspecting it's because of all that extra sugar he has been consuming from all those Halloween treats..

I think I've had a little too much candy corn myself.  The insides of my mouth last night felt as though I had eaten 3 bowls of Captn' Crunch--all raw feeling..  Too much chocolate and candy corn can really do you in.  (Surprisingly, the boys didn't collect too many Dots...the ones that we did get have already been consumed..  I'm the only one in the house who apparently likes candy corn, and this could get dangerous.

Yesterday was particularly stressful--unable to divulge why at the moment however.  I went the healthy route and bought a salad at Wendy's at lunch, and it was HUGE!!  I couldn't consume the whole thing, so I brought it home with the good intention of eating the rest of it for dinner.  Well, that didn't happen.  I finally decided to hide the rest of the candy in places I could not see.  Out of mind, and out of sight.  I think I had candy for dinner.  I think---you see, I don't even remember.  Pretty bad, hey? 

Well, I got home earlier than usual, and I did see the neighbor "Robin" out there busily putting out her Thanksgiving decorations.  She put away the gigantic Halloween globe, the gigantic Halloween blow ups- ghost and witch that was sitting on her roof, and they have been replaced with a giant blow up scarecrow and his giant scarecrow wife--yes she goes all out for the holidays--I can't wait to see what she'll put up for Christmas!  She inspired me to take down my Halloween stuff--my spider web, my witch wind sock..etc..  I still have my little scare crows on my bench holding their Indian corn and pumpkins..  No blow ups at my house--we are strictly old school, although I will confess I went the lazy route and got a ceramic pumpkin instead carving one.  I just don't have the time, or for that matter, the energy. 

No sign of the Naked Neighbor guy. 

This weekend is going to be particularly busy for me.  My in laws are coming down from Arizona, and my husband's sister and brother are coming down, along with my relatives. My youngest is officially turning 3 Sunday, and no, he isn't completely potty trained yet, but I'M not going to WORRY about that.  He'll poop on the toilet when he is ready.  He slept with us last night, and unfortunately, I woke up with a very stinky baby..  Another reason that too much chocolate is bad...stinky, runny diaper!!! 

I do not like the journal changes--especially the Add's too white.  I'm going to go blind!  I shouldn't really be adding an entry today.  I have work literally piled on my desk!  Have a pleasant day, and good luck to those who are in the Vivi's..  I hope you win!   There has been so much drama lately around the Vivi's that personally, I'm glad it's going to be over!! 


Anonymous said...

I had candy for breakfast...and then barfed. Yes, the candy must GO! I hope your hiding places strategy works.

Anonymous said...

You'd think that they would warn us?  Wham.. big white screen... agghhh my eyes... my bleary choco holic crashed from too much candy eyes!  lol

be well,

ps... my one son wasn't trained until 4 the other 3 and 2 months.  No biggie

Anonymous said...

i will be glad when its over too....the VIVI's make me sad.
Did you take pics today of your sons' 3rd bday? Cake? I love birthday cake! I am so far behind in journal reading, sorry!
My alerts are all screwy too.
I like maybe one handful of candy corn a YEAR. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sixlets.
Love you too,