Thursday, November 2, 2006

Weekend Assignment #137

Weekend Assignment #137: Recount the first time you voted in a local, state or national election. That's to say the first time your vote counted, not a play vote like Athena's. For this, primary voting counts, too. If you want to share who you voted for and whether they won, that's cool, but if you feel like you want to keep your political affiliation unstated, that's fine too.

Extra Credit: Are you voting next Tuesday?

The first time I voted, was the year I turned 18, and I voted for Jesse Jackson!!!


Okay, he didn't win obviously. 

Will I vote this Tuesday..  I'm going to try.  I work a distance from my polling booth, so hopefully I will get home in time to put in my vote.  I missed the deadline to send in my votes in the mail. 

Here in California, we have two "celebrities" on the ballots.  Arnold, "The Terminator" for governor, and Jerry Brown--(You know Linda Ronstadt's old boyfriend).  I'm not quite sure what Jerry in running for, Controller?!  Gee, I obviously need to study before I go vote, huh? 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arnold and Jerry won, by the way...