Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mall Madness

Last Saturday, I loaded the kids in the van, and ventured towards the neighborhool mall to claim my prize.  A local radio station was advertising the "grand opening" of the newly renovated mall near out home, and I was the 10th caller who knew the answer to the mall trivia question of the day.  To claim my prize, I had to come to the mall in person to receive my gift bag and to be eligible for the grand prize:  a $2,500 shopping spree!

Okay, I knew that the odds of me winning were small, but I already thought of ways of how I could spend the money.  I figured that after doing some early Christmas shopping, and after getting some back to school clothes for the kids, I may possibly have enough money to by myself an outfit; oh well, a woman can always dream... 

After finding the radio station "tent" set up at the mall, I found myself in a crowd of other contestants:  11 other women, and one "man".  This "man", was the loudest and most excited of the bunch.  Seriously, he would not, could not keep still.  He was making me nervous.  The radio disc jocket finally got on the microphone and described how the gift bags would be distributed to the contestants.  The red prize bags were all set on a table, and we all drew numbers in the order in which we could go up and pick a bag.  I was #6, right after the obnoxious man.  So, after, the man, picked his bag, and jumped to the side, happily carrying his bag close to his chest, I chose my bag, hoping that I had chosen the golden egg.

Well, I didn't win.  Nope.  None of the other women did either.  The man burst out, jumping up in down in the most obnoxious matter, shouting at the top of his lungs, "I WON!  I WON!!"  He and his entire family then gathered around in a circle and proceeded to jump up and down, while the rest of the women slowly, left the scene, with scowls on our faces, as we grabbed out bags, and nervously left the scene.  Really, it hardly seems fair, out of 12 women, and 1 man, a man wins a shopping spree.  What is he going to spend all that money on, tools, or some silly man gadget at Radio Shack?!  For God's sake, how disappointing is that? 

Afterwards, I took the kids to Subway and we had sandwiches.  During lunch, I decided to spend my gift certificates on my husband, (who hates shopping), and I.  We would go out to dinner a few times, maybe see afew movies...  The only way I can get my husband to the mall is to have dinner or a movie, and that is perfectly okay with me.  On Saturday, he would rather watch NASCAR and mow the lawn.  I'm such a lucky woman... 

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ice Cream Flavors; Assignment #69-How sexy!

If I were to invent an ice cream flavor I would combine all the ingredients of a traditional ice cream sundae in one big swirl of flavor.  It would include the following: vanilla ice cream with swirls of hot carmel and chocolate, marshmellows, nuts, and swirls of marichino cherries--just everything smooshed together!  I would call it :


I guess it's because I'm a multi-task kind of gal, okay? 

Extra Credit Flavor:  My Grandma Costa taught be a delightful way of eating ice cream and cake.  Take your cake and smoosh it with your ice cream until fully combined.  It was my first taste of ice cream cake, and I confess that sometimes, when there is no one around I still enjoy the taste of it.  I call it:  "ICED DIRT". Top it off with a gummy worm, and VOILA-----a masterpiece!  If you are eating white cake, you can create your own "ICED DESERT!"

Speaking of DESERT, guess where I'm going at the end of the month?  ARIZONA!!  I'll be traveling with two teenagers, a pre-teen and a almost 2 year old baby, oh yes, and husband across the hot desert sands to visit the in-laws.  Doesn't that sound like a treat!?  Seriously, I AM looking forward to the trip because I know that the journey may involve many stops for ice cream.  Yummy. 

"We Love You, Jesse!"

My computer has not been working well the past few weeks, so I haven't been up to date with my entries lately...  OH WELL!!   I've also been a little busy with summer and all the activities of the season.  A few weeks ago I even got to go see a concert with my teenage daughter.  We saw Jesse McCarthy!  Whoohooo!!!  Exciting stuff.

Okay, the thought of watching a 17 year old on stage strutting around and singing didn't exactly thrill me, but my daughter Lizzy had a good time, along with what seemed to be thousands of screaming girls; most of them under the age of 14.  Elizabeth is going on 17, so she didn't join in with the other girls who were exclaiming, "We love you Jesse!" over and over again for the cameras like the younger girls.  She wanted to say, "I want to have your baby Jesse" but I didn't let her. 

Jesse is cute, but just not my type.  I could be his mother for God's sake, but I do admit, I had fun screaming with the crowd.  Hearing screaming girls just makes you want to join them.  If you don't, you are just going to sit there covering your ears; it's a no win situation. 

Gabriel Mann, a curly headed guy openned up for Jesse.  Okay, he may look a lot like Side Show Bob, but  we were impressed by his music.  Check him out at .  Sorry girls, I don't remember Jesse's website address..  But do a google on him and his song "Beautiful Soul"---it's a cute song.  I got the above picture from Gabriel's site.  Boy does Jesse have good teeth---you have to appreciate that; he should be a spokesperson for dental hygiene everywhere.  I wonder how much his parents spent on that boy's mouth! 



Thursday, July 7, 2005

Favorite Bad Movie--Mr. Wrong

Assignment #67-Favorite "Bad" movie:

This is soooo easy.  My favorite "bad" movie is "Mr. Wrong;" 1996, starring Ellen DeGeneres (she is so funny), as Martha and Bill Pullman (so cute) as Whitman.  Okay, it's a silly movie about "Martha" finding the "perfect" man, and there he is in boots, near the juke box, picking up that quarter: that is my favorite scene---in fact, just that scene of Bill makes the rest of the film bearable, even when he's throwing  that can of beer at the old guy (I was kind of shocked seeing him do that) after he gets Martha to steal at the AM/PM market.  Sigh....  And, of course, how can anyone forget that beautiful wedding ceremony, with the little flower girl hiding a gun under her bouquet of flowers, as drug induced Martha walks up to the altar with her crooked tiara?  Haven't we always wished to be in a wedding that special?

Memorable Quotes:(?)

Inga Gunther: Bob cut the couch!
Martha: Don't cut the couch HEY..
Inga Gunther: HEY IS FOR HORSES!

Jack Tramonte: Ok Whitmans records. Lived with his mother until about six months ago. Had one serious relationship with an Inga...Gunther who once tried to assassinate the rock temptress.. STEVIE NICKS!

I have somewhat silly story to tell you about my video cassette of  "Mr. Wrong".  Apparently, I had rented "Along Came A Spider" at one point at the neighborhood Blockbuster.  Weeks later, I got a notice from them stating that I had still not returned the movie.  This did not make sense.  After a few more weeks, I called the Blockbuster personally to try and clear up the matter.  Apparently they were waiting for my call. 

"Oh, you must be the lady who turned in the WRONG movie." 

"Wrong movie?  I only saw "Along Came A Spider" one evening, and turned it back in before it was due.  I just don't understand."

"No m'am, let me explain, you turned in the "Along Came A Spider" video jacket with the wrong movie.  We have "Mr. Wrong."

Gasp!  Did I really put Mr. Wrong in the WRONG case?!  I went immediately into my video collection, grabbed Ellen and Bill, and took out the movie that was inside. It read: "Along Came A Spider." 

Ironic, hey?  Hey, I even was married to a Mr. Wrong, and gee, I dated a lot of Mr. Wrongs too!  I can laugh more now---'cause now I've got Mr. Right!



Friday, July 1, 2005

My Haiku

Haiku Assignment: 

Okay, here is my 4th of July Haiku.  My inspiration comes from the American flag.  I bought an American flag for my father recently from the 4th of July display area at Longs.  Tomorrow would have been his birthday party; and I remembered how annoyed he (a Korean War veteran) would get every Memorial Day and 4th of July when there weren't enough flags out on display for the veterans at the cemetary.  I noticed this year on Memorial Day the same lack of flags, and I shared his past disappointment; especially when I came to my Uncle John, a WWII veteran, without a flag; it made me want to cry.  Today I went to Longs again and got a flag for Uncle John.  This "Haiku"--- is for them both:



Striped Flag

Your Memory Stands;

Stars that never Fade

P.S.  Another reason why my Daddy loved the 4th of July:  The Portuguese festival of the Holy Ghost is celebrated the first weekend of July.  If you are in the Santa Cruz area this weekend, look for the Portuguese Hall and have some sopa & carne and join in on a "chamaritta" (traditional Azorean dance)! 

Happy Holiday!