Friday, September 29, 2006

Six Weird Things About Moi

                 Six Weird Things About Me:    

     Only Six?  Okay, I think of more, but here are the ones that I think are more Weird: 

1.  I own the entire ABBA album collection, and I could probably recite any Abba lyric if asked in a moments notice.  Just don't ask me to sing it--I really don't have a good singing voice.                                                

2.  I once had a crush on Danny Kaye. 

3.  I've had a few psychic experiences--to personal to write here.  I've been told I can "read" tea leaves..tried it, and it scared me to death--never doing that again. 


4.  I always expect the best  from people, and I always find myself very disappointed when they don't meet up to my own expectations.  Perhaps I'm a tad naive, but I just can't understand why we all can treat eachother with love and respect.

5.  I love  I feel best when I'm doing things with children--especially with my own.  I get teary eyed each time I see a baby.  


6.  I sometimes check the windows to see if anyone is looking in.  It's weird, and I don't know exactly why, but when I was younger I would do this quite often-especially if I was alone at home.  I guess my number 1 fear back then was if someone was watching..  I don't do this anymore--I think it's because I feel secure now--and I think that element wasn't there for a long time. 


Anything weird about you?  If you read this, consider yourself "tagged".  I read this somewhere, but I don't remember exactly where..  May be it was at Mary's journal.  Try it!

(Have a good weekend!) 


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Weekend Assignment #131: You Little Devil

Weekend Assignment #131: We've all got a little bit of a devil inside. Share a (small) moment in your past where you did something a little less than entirely ethical. I'm not thinking of moments that could, you know, have you tracked down by the police because the statute of limitations is about to expire: Those big transgressions against the law and morality you should probably not reveal here. We're talking a little bit bad here.

Extra credit: Devil's food cake vs. Angel's food cake: Which do you prefer?

When I was younger, there was a TG&Y store right next to the grocery store.  At the TG&Y, you could find EVERYTHING...from batteries and bolts, fabric, and of course, there were toys!  I can still remember the aisles of toys as if it was yesterday.  Well, of course, when I was a child I gravitated to that particular section each time I went inside the store, and of course, each time I went, there was something there that I wanted, and just had to have.  My parents however did not agree. 

One day, out of desperation, I marched into the store, and took a plastic baby doll from the shelf, hid it under my little chubby arm, and proceeded through the checkout unnoticed apparently, and quickly threw the doll right through the back seat passenger side of the window.  I then opened the door and took my seat in the back seat, hiding my doll under my dress.  I think I was 5 years old, if that. 


On the way home, I was lectured by my parents, and I remember crying.  But, they didn't force me to take it back.  Whatever they told me however, did stick in my mind because I never did it again.

I do confess however, that since my adult years I  have been guilty of not telling the grocery store checkout guy that you forgot to "ring me up" for those sodas that are sitting underneath my cart.  I also remember a bagger accidentally adding a purchase from the previous customer in my bag.  It was a SOBE light drink--I love those too much to have walked back--besides, I was already in the parking lot..far away from the checker..  Okay, I still feel guilty about this, can you tell?! 

Extra Credit:  Devil's Cake of course... although the Angel Food is better for me.. 

What Sports Car Should You Drive? .. And Other Silly Stuff

What Sports Car Should You Drive?
You Should Drive a DeLorean
You don't take yourself too seriously, and you prefer a fun, unusual car... like this Back to the Future gem!

What Art Movement Are You?

You Are Romanticism
You are likely to see the world as it should be, not as it is.
You prefer to celebrate the great things people do... not the horrors they're capable of.
For you, there is nothing more inspiring than a great hero.
You believe that great art reflects the artist's imagination and true ideals.

Kissing Purity Test

Your Kissing Purity Score: 31% Pure
You're not one to kiss and tell...

But word is, you kiss pretty well.


How Aries Are You?

You are 67% Aries

Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

You Are Prancer
You are the perfect reindeer, with perfect hooves and perfect flying form.

Why You're Naughty: Because you're Santa's pet, and you won't let anyone show you up.

Why You're Nice: You have the softest fur and the sweetest carrot breath.

What Brady Are You?
You Are Cindy Brady
Warm hearted and sweet, you have a childlike innocence that lets you see the good in everyone.
But you're also a bit of a baby. You stick your nose where it doesn't belong... and cry when you get caught!
OH my God..  I am sure there are some people who are going to say.. "She is such the Cindy Brady!"  Hey, it was hard being the youngest!!  I'm having a slow day at work...  Blogthing surveys are sure addicting!!  Go check it out if you are free:
Okay, I'm back to work!!!  Have a good Thursday people!!! 

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Jillian would have been the name of my first born if I hadn't miscarried.  I chose that name because it was a combination of both my and my "then" husband's.  His name is Gilberto--but in Portuguese, the G's sound like our J's.

I lost this little angel only a few weeks I knew I was pregnant, in fact, I was scheduled to have my first doctor's appointment the following Monday.  I know some of you say I shouldn't refer her as an angel, only a fetus who was not growing properly in my womb.  I know the doctor at the emergency room felt that way, and I will never forget his words that evening.. "Oh I see "something" now." Or the way he said, in a matter of fact way, "Try again in 30 days..."  Nor will I forget the semi sympathetic look on the nurse's face as she dropped a small flesh colored object into a plastic container.  I tried to pretend that I didn't know what she just did.  It may have been easier for me, at the time to think just that way; that it was only a fetus---but, I never could, nor will I ever will. 


  I was 21, and I was just getting to the used to the fact that I was expecting.  The night previous, I was out with my "then" husband and his friends.  His friends were his co-workers who lived out of town, and my then husband wanted me desperately to be friends with his co-worker's wives.  One of them was a very depressed, overweight, lonely, and somewhat friendless woman, who on the first day decided to tell me her life story, and all over marital problems to me on her living room couch.  I felt sorry for her, and was kind, but I could not relate with her.  The 2nd wife, was a young, pretty, thin, and high-spirited Brazilian woman, who made it clear to me, and everyone who cared that she married her husband because of the green card and for nothing else.  What a weird evening. I was tired, and had been "leaking" and apparently so naive, wasn't sure if I should go to the doctor.  My pleas of going home early fell on the deaf ears of my husband, who simply thought I wanted to go home to get away from being friends with these people.  "You just don't want to be friends with my friends..blah..blah..blah..." 

Well, the next night I was at a birthday party at a relative's house, and by the end of the party, I was back at my parent's home, and on my way to emergency, wearing a towel.  It was the most frightening thing I had ever experienced at that stage of my life.  Every time this birthday comes up, I'm reminded of that night and the little one, whom for some unknown reason, just was not meant to live.  I think of a little one named Jillian---and I don't even know of the sex for sure, just something tells me she was a girl. 

A month later, to the day, my 5 month old niece past away.  What a sad time this was.  I thought it very sad and strange that her death marked the one month anniversary of my own miscarriage.  I didn't  want to mention it to my brother about my miscarriage the month before because I didn't want to upset him further.  His little one had been in and out of the hospital since she was born.  God only knows what he and his wife went through losing their first born. 



Thirty days later, however, I got news I was pregnant again with my Elizabeth, years later, Andrew, and then years and years later, Nicholas.  Lizzy does enjoy the company of her brother siblings...she even has a new step-brother..but, I often wonder what life would have been with another daughter.  Two daughters..two sisters..  Would they constantly argue and fight, or would they be eachother's best friends--through thick and thin?  Two little girls to dress up in ribbons and fancy, frilly dresses, dolls, boyfriends, proms...teenage girl rebellion.  What craziness, silliness, insaneness, wonderful episodes that would have entailed?  I don't know, and I guess I never will.  It is only there to be imagined now. 

Jillian is and will always be there in the back of my mind, and safely kept away in a little space in my heart.  Today is your birthday--happy birthday, Jill!  

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Flat Scalzi Memories

It seems like yesterday when I got that suprise visit from Flat Scalzi... 

We really miss that little, flat, man... 

Vivi Awards are here!  If you enjoyed Flat Scalzi's adventures, it's time to vote for him!!!  Best Series!!! Vote here:

Flat is where it's at!!

Fall is here..

Autumn is officially here!  There is a nip in the air, and my office is freezing, and silly me forgot to bring a sweater...  I may have to go to the car to "warm up" later.  Oh well, at least I don't have wet hair.  It's a wonder I haven't gotten sick yet.  There is such a huge difference from the temperature here in the town I work in, and the town I actually live in--it sometimes is like a 20 degree temperature difference.  I work near the ocean, and live over the mountain.. 

 Remember that song?  "The Bear Went Over The Mountain...To See What It Could See...?"  When I was a child I had a little toy record player, that had 3 plastic records.  One of them was The Bear Went Over The Mountain.  It was the blue record, and it had a picture of a brown bear on it wearing red overalls.  I don't know what made me remember that memory just now.  I just remember my father singing it to me..over and over again.  I wonder how old I was. 

Another thing I remember doing as a child, on cold days was stare out the window from my bedroom and watch the black birds sit on the telephone wire.  It was fun to watch them sit there, and I would just count them, one by one, and then watch some of them fly away...  The cold air outside would get the windows wet, and then I would draw on the windows, and write my name over and over again...  Remember, this was before video games and personal computers.  All I had was a record player, and a tape recorder, and a T.V. with only 3 channels.  Yes, I could read my Little House In The Prairie books, but they were soooo boring, and sometimes I could only take so much of Barbies..  Those were simpler days..  What I would do now, for just a simple day of bird watching and drawing on windows..  I don't think my kids will ever understand that concept, and I think that is kinda sad. 

Tags courtesy of Cab's Kreations.. 

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun

Last night was FUN!! 

I am pretty tired however.  We got there a little past 8, and found a table with the "prom queen"---she looked a lot like the blonde from Pretty In Pink--you know, the one that ends up getting her hair chopped off because it gets caught in the door?  She wore a prom dress that resembled my bridesmaid dresses from my first wedding.  Oh, and there was a Molly Ringwald lookalike there too..  It was pretty fun--even Rich had fun--he really didn't think he would--but he did.  The only thing was was kind of disappointing was the fact they didn't play any Culture Club or Thompson Twins, or Billy Idol while I was there....  Errr...  It was fun though---we both had a great time!

It was hoot having my daughter fix my hair and do my makeup..  She had fun, and it was pretty darn weird going back in time with my daughter...  She played 80's music on her laptop, and had it set in the bathroom while she created my "look".  The baby had fun coloring my legs with Q-tips and eyeshadow...

Friday, September 22, 2006

Time for a change..

I've decided to change my journal a bit.

I don't know what is wrong, but in previous entries, my margins

all off!!!

It's driving me insane!!

Oh well, how do you like my new pretty colors? 

Well, it's finally Friday!  After work I promised my daughter I

would go shopping with her for school clothes--she starts her first

day of jr. college on Monday!  I also have to go shopping for a

little, black, thin tie for Rich for tomorrow night for "prom".  Poor

guy..  "Just tell me what to wear, and I'll wear it.."

         "Anything?!  You mean, you'll wear ANYTHING I ask?"

Suddenly, I'm envisioning a Miami Vice outfit, for hubby..all in


          "Um, ANYTHING..."

Poor guy.  He is such a sweetheart-I wuv him so..

Have a good weekend!  It's finally here..yahooo!!  I hope to

have some pictures posted from prom night later..



Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hurricane Gordon

I got an email from my cousin, Tania who is back in Lisbon Apparently there was a hurricane alert for the Azores that I was unaware about Hurricane Gordon was on it's way in the Atlantic, and they predicted that it would eventually hit the Azores last weekend. Everyone took it very seriously, and was expecting the worse. People were actually boarding up their homes, and trying to head to higher ground and away from the ocean, which is a pretty difficult thing do especially if you live on an island! Schools and businesses all closed down, and things were quite tense.
I'm glad I didn't know about this beforehand, because I would have been VERY worried. I know I've mentioned this before in my journal, but the Azores are very small islands. If you are near a globe, they are the little specs you find in the mid-Atlantic, right across from Portugal, above the Cape Verde Islands, and almost directly across the United States, east coast.  Here is a map, just in case you can't find a globe;  <---See what I mean?!  The Azores are tiny!!!
Luckily, the hurricane passed by with only a "flash" of rain. I just got a call from my other cousin, "Coelho ( Jose Carlos-the fireman--sugar daddy candy lover-remember him?) who told me that it was only a "Flash Gordon" of a hurricane. This is good--I have way too many relatives out there, and I'm glad that everyone is nice and safe. I hadn't heard from my Sugar Daddy candy loving cousin in awhile, and it is always nice to hear from him. He went to France, Switzerland, Holland..etc. "Damn, Coelho you have been everywhere!" He responds, "But youlive in California,the most beautiful state in the U.S.!" "Yeah, but I'm getting sick of it here! I want to see the world!!" Oh well.. Living in Europe you are close to everything.  I live near Hawaii at least--gotta go back there one day!! ;
Tania gave me some other family news--one of my cousins just got engaged!  I hope I will be able to attend the wedding---if he gets married next summer--hopefully I'll be there! 
Yesterday evening, I got the tag below from D's Designs... Isn't it beautiful?!  I love it!!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Ahoy, well, tis' a beautiful day, and I would just like t' say, if you aren't a pirate today, you aren't a ol' scalwag o' mine, argh!

Aye, aren't these two pirates beautiful specimens? Aye.

Aye, somethin' tells me real pirates war not as lo'ely, gar!

 Ahoy, but, then again one can always dream.

Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!

Hair Cut


Yesterday afternoon, I left work early, and drove the kids down to my daughter's new college campus.  (Note: Never take a two year old to a college campus.  They like highlighter pens a little too much.)  We bought the rest of her books at the college book store/student supply shop, and she got her college I.D. taken.  We also took a little foot trek to all of her classes so she wouldn't be completely lost next week.  We must have looked "lost" because a nice gentlemen, who later introduced himself as the dean of the college came to our assistance.  That was very nice, I thought. 

The Dean (no..I don't remember his name) was pretty amused that I had a daughter starting college AND a toddler.  Yes..IT IS amusing sometimes when I think about it.  I can just picture myself now, when my youngest starts college..  There I will be, in my late 50's...  Oh gosh..  I don't even want to picture it.  I just hope I'll be healthy enough to walk around with him.  With my daughter I was always the "younger mother", with my youngest son however, I'll be the "older mother"...  Hopefully, I'll be the more wiser.  I can only hope. 

Anyway, after walking around on campus with the kids under a hot sun, I decide, heck--I'm going to try and get some "me time" and finally get my hair cut!!  I have long hair, and it is very thick.  It's healthy, but it's thick and I can't seem to do anything with it.  Hair spray won't hold it longer than a few hours, and I am sick and tired of combing it back in a pony tail.  So, upon suggestion of my daughter, I went off to get my haircut!

I was a little frightened once I entered the salon.  I chose to go there because my daughter best friend only had rave reviews about the place.  I hoped that the people there spoke English...but no luck.  It's okay though--I got what I wanted, and I LOVE my hair right now.  I've never had so much attention to my head ever when cutting my hair before.  I had an audience.

Upon entering it was evident that the woman who greeted me did not speak English very well.  In broken English she called out, and another woman came to my rescue.  She may be spoke to me for about 30 seconds.

"Healthy, healthy hair!!  Heavy, healthy hair!  Heavy, Heavy!!"

Moments later I was then surrounded by 3 other women at the salon.  I feltlike a lab experiment.  Comb..comb..comb..cut, cut, cut...  Twist my hair, cut..cut..cut..  All the while all three of them chatted in Vietnamese...  I felt like one of those Barbie heads that people practice on.  It was pretty amusing, but I couldn't laugh..  Very strange, and awkward, but funny at the same time.  Then suddenly I felt the hot iron straightener on my head.  One on each side of my head at the same time.  Of course, my head was turned away from the mirror, and I couldn't see exactly what they were doing.  (Kind of scary).  I could however, see A LOT of hair on the ground... 

I was then turned around, and I was glad to see I still had hair....really FLAT hair!  I've never seen my hair so flat before. 

"I'm not done cutting!" 

Okay, so she proceeds to cut my hair...  cut, cut, cut...  And the other two women proceed to giggle, and talk..  Who knows what they are saying...  It reminded me of my dental visit..but I didn't care--I liked the attention.  Getting my hair cut for me is almost therapeutic.  Sad as this may sound, it was nice to get away from the kids, and just spend time on ME--something that I find myself not doing A LOT.  We all need ME time.  On my list to do's..#1 is my kids, #2 hubby..#3 mother....  My name is somewhere near the bottom. 

Anyways, the length of my hair is about the same (I will NEVER go short), but it's thinner, and has a lot more style.  It doesn't look as awesome as it did when I left the salon yesterday afternoon (it will probably never look that way EVER again), but it still looks good.  I'm happy.  I may go back and fix my nails.                                                                      

If you haven't yet today, plan some "ME" time for yourself today!



Sunday, September 17, 2006

The 80's R Coming BACK!

Okay...  I'm all ready for "prom" for next Saturday...

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'm going to a 1980's prom next Saturday night.  It's a dance party I won tickets to from a radio station.  Dressing 1980's style is optional, but, I'm choosing to go dressed up.  I'll be lucky if Rich wears a thin tie...  He's going, but he is less than thrilled.  I told him I would just take some girlfriends with me, but he insisted to go.."for me".  Isn't that nice?  Just like that time I got him to see Julio Iglesias in concert in Reno, NV that year.  "I'm going for you, honey."  I feel a little guilty.  Oh well..  I know he will have fun.  I told him about the black eyeliner and he gave me the look of death.  Nope, I won't be bringing that up again. 

So..  As I was shopping, I realized, that the 1980's are back--clotheswise.  My daughter dresses like she is from that era already, so I don't have too much to buy.  I went to TJ Max and bought a black and white striped pullover type shirt, and leggings--the footless ones, that are in style now that go just above the ankle.  I went to Target later, and got some big black hoop earrings, a long white wife beater (that is back in style now), some black and white polka dot ankelt socks to wear with pumps, and a pair of really cute black head bands that look like big elastic rubber bands with little rhinestones sewed into them.  I also got a pair of $1 black satin looking gloves.  I plan to cut the fingers off of those.  Now, all I need to do is borrow my daughter's studded belt, and all of her multi colored bracelets.  Liz as also offered to do my makeup.  I should look so totally bitchin' now.  Like, totally.  The good thing is, I can still wear these clothes afterwards...

Oh...  I loved the 80's!  I wish I could go back and warp myself back.  I would change a few things..  Marry at age 20?!  What was I thinking..  What were my parents thinking?!  If you could go back, what would you do? 

Sunny, Sunday, Afternoon

Well, it's Sunday afternoon.. 

Saturday I went to the dentist like a good girl.  It wasn't too bad.  They didn't even give me a shot.  The dentist explained that my tooth was "dead" anyway, and all the nerves were gone, so the permnanet filling would not hurt.  Great..  I have a dead tooth--it sounds so, I don't final.  My tooth is dead.  Lovely.

  I can only imagine what the dentist and the dental assistant were talking about as they finished the burial of my poor tooth.  They spoke Vietnamese, with some English intermixed, with little giggles here and there.  I felt as though I was just a mouth full of dead teeth--defenseless, laying there, closing my eyes from the glaring light, trying to focus on the words of the movie that they put in the overhead T.V., that I could no longer see.   Of course, I automatically assumed they were talking about me.  I imagined their conversation was as follows:

"I wish this woman would breathe through her nose.."


"This lady has so many dead teeth in her mouth, it's embarrassing..." 


"Oh my God..this lady has so much food stuck in between her molars she could feed a 3rd world country.."

Languages don't bother me.  I really don't feel too uncomfortable when someone speaks another language around me that I do not understand.  Being bilingual myself, I accept it, and it really doesn't bother me; in fact, I'm fascinated by other languages and cultures--always been.  But, why do we always automatically assume that they are always talking about us? 

I would assume the same thing whenever I got my nails done.  Apparently, I have tense hands.  I was scolded a few times at more than one nail salon that I have to "relax my hand."  How do you relax a hand?  I just can't.  May be it's because I constantly type for a living?  Apparently, my hands can't relax..  May be there is something wrong with my hands?  I don't know.  I just have heavy, stressed out fingers?!?  I have my grandmother's big hands---sorry!  I've had men do my nails who have smaller hands then me.  I guess, that is intimidating?  I don't know, I could just imagine them saying the following, as I make my way through their door:

Oh no the lady with the heavy hands just came in!"

"You take her Aiko!"

"No way, not this time..."

"Her hands are as heavy as bricks!..." 

At work, I have a friend who also speaks Portuguese, and I admit, we do talk in Portuguese, and at times, we do speak about other people in the office.  I'm guilty...minha culpa, minha culpa, of this offense.  I'm sorry, if these sounds really awful, but it comes in handy in certain situations.  Most of the time, however, when we speak in Portuguese, there are certain phrases that just make more sense than it does in English.  It's kind of hard to explain, but, when you grow up in a different language/culture, there are some sayings in Portuguese that just don't make sense in English.  It's like trying to translate a joke from one language to another.  In English it sounds hilarious, in Portuguese it just doesn't. 

What is really funny, is when I'm out shopping, and I notice other people in the store speaking Portuguese..  I feel like a spy, because the automatically assume I don't understand them.  It's pretty funny what people will say when they think the people around them don't understand--it can be pretty darn hilarious.  I've chuckled a few times, and once they find out you just heard the story of why Uncle Alfredo can't wear boxer shorts, to see the horror on their faces is just priceless!! 


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Weekend Assignment #129: It Just Doesn't Make Sense! :

Weekend Assignment #129: It Just Doesn't Make Sense! :

Weekend Assignment #129: Write about something that makes absolutely no sense to you, or that you find almost impossibly ironic. This covers a lot of ground so let me make it simpler: Write about something you just don't get. You've rolled it around in your brain, you've thought about it, and it just doesn't add up. Yeah. Tell us about that thing. From the enduring popularity of talentless celebrities to people who put mayonnaise on their french fries (yes, I'm looking at you, Belgium), there's got to be something out there that makes you go, "huh?" Or, for the kids, something that makes you go "WTF?"

Extra Credit: There's a song playing in your head right now. Tell us what it is.

While out to dinner the other night, my husband announced that he thought he had another cavity.  Oh no!!  But that is okay, because he has his routine dental appointment next month.  My gripe is with dentists!! 

We both hate going to the dentist, but we go..with cement feet through the dental office's door.  What we both don't understand is why can't a dentist somewhere, out there in our big ole' world of dentistry invent some sort of sealant for our adult teeth that can prevent tooth decay?!?!  I have had my children's teeth "sealed", why can't dentists SEAL adult teeth?!  Is there some sort of conspiracy going on or what?!  I mean, there must be more that can be done!  Thank GOD we have dental insurance!


Yes, I have a dental appointment myself on Saturday.  I'm actually dreading the weekend because of it, BUT, I shouldn't complain.  My new dentist is very gentle and nice, and has small hands.  Nothing worse than having a dentist with big hands and bad breath, and extra nose hair...  Eww.. 


By the way--I've tried mayo on french fries, and it isn't that bad John..  It's actually yummy, and very European-tres chic!  (It's a wonder how/why Europeans are so much thinner.) 

Extra Credit:  For some reason, that song, Saturday In The Chicago is ringing in my ear.  I think it's because I woke up with that song playing on the radio.  It's anoldie, andI like the lyrics..  Here they are: 


Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Saturday in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People dancing, people laughing
A man selling ice cream
Singing Italian songs

Can you dig it, yes I can
And I've been waiting such a long time
For Saturday

Another day in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
Another day in the park
I think it was the Fourth of July
People talking, really smiling
A man playing his guitar
And singing for us all

Will you help him change the world
Can you dig it, yes I can
And I've been waiting such a long time
For today

Slow motion riders fly the colors of the day
A bronze man still can tell stories his own way
Listen children all is not lost
All is not lost, oh no, no

Funny days in the park
And every day's the Fourth of July
Funny days in the park
Every day's the Fourth of July
People reaching, people touching
A real celebration
Waiting for us all

If we want it, really want it
Can you dig it, yes I can
And I've been waiting such a long time
For the day

As for me, I won't be at the park..  I'll be at the dentist to finish my root canal.  Oh JOY!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I just got some good news this morning!  I got an email from an old friend in the mail today.  My friend, Eveling--whom I haven't seen in like..gee, um..20+ years is flying down from Switzerland to visit family here in California this Christmas and we have made plans to meet again for coffee!  Yippee!!  I get to meet her and her husband and her little new baby, Nora! 

Eveling and I met in Campbell, California when we both attended business college.  We became fast friends--she was even one of my bridesmaids--(first marriage--I was very young).  She eventually transferred out and started attending, Stanford.  We basically lost touch for awhile, but kept in touch with Christmas cards now and then.  I one day did a Google on her out of curiosity, just to see if she was still living in the states, or back in her native Peru, but no, she was working at the World Bank in a very high profile job, attending meetings all over the world.  Now she is married and has settled in Switzerland with her little family which includes her beautiful little newborn, Nora that was born August 14th.  


I can't wait to see her again!!  YIPPEE!! 

Meanwhile this morning, I get a frantic call from my mother.

  "Julie, Nicholas will not step away from the T.V.  He is standing in front of the T.V. with his face pressed on the television tube, and he won't move!  I'm afraid he is going to go blind!"

Nicholas is being stubborn again this morning.  I called about 10 minutes ago, and I am happy to report that he is now away from the T.V. and is being a "little angel" now.  He is turning 3 in early November--I hope and pray that the "terrible twos" will turn into the "terrific threes!"  Wish me luck!! 


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Prom Time!!



OOhh..  I know what you are thinking..  It's too late for prom!  What are you thinking?Well, I guess it is, a little too late, but I'm going to a Prom just the same!

I just got an email from the radio station that I listen to, and I and 3 other guests are invited to 1980's & 1990's themed prom, called :  Last Chance Prom!  Totally Awesome, I know--like, TOTALLY!  Whoohhooo!!!  Did you go to your high school prom?  Well, I didn't..and I don't think my hubby ever went to his either, so, hey...never say never, huh?! 

What should I wear?  I may have to go looking in that closet at my mom's house.  The closet underneath the stairs that hold all those old clothes of my youth.  Perhaps I can find that bright pink taffeta dress I wore when I dressed up as Cyndi Lauper that Halloween back in 1985?!  Or, may be I can find that black dress I bought so long ago with the neon yellow belt that I called my Thompson Twins dress...  If I get dressed up, that means that Rich is pretty much stuck in dressing up too..but, guys are easy.  I wonder if I can get him to wear black eyeliner?!  Ha ha ha..  Wish me luck. 


The best thing about this is I get to look like a fool, and dance the night away with husband man.  Any excuse to get out of the house, huh?  I'll get to dance to Culture Club again...awww...  Plus, I don't even have to pretend to chit chat with the other people there, because they will be complete strangers!!  Yahooo!!!  I have two extra tickets, and I'm not sure who I want invite, if anyone.  I'll have to think about that.  I wish my best friend from high school lived closer.. :(  

P.S.  Well, I didn't win the Mexican cruise from that other radio station...  But, oh well, at least I won something, hey?

ARTIST: Julie Brown
TITLE: The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun
Lyrics  (I loved this record--my daughter enjoyed listening to it when she was a mere toddler.  Sadly, the record doesn't exist anymore, but it may be the reason why my daughter is so addicted to 80's music.

Hooooo - It was homecoming night at my high school
Hooooo - Everyone was there, it was totally cool
Hooooo - I was real excited, I almost wet my jeans
Hooooo - 'Cause my best friend Debbie was homecoming queen

She looked so pretty in pink chiffon, chiffon
Riding the float with her tiara on, tiara on
Holding this humongous bouquet in her hand, bouquet
She looked straight out of Disneyland

You know, like the Cinderella ride, I mean definitely an E ticket, E
The crowd was cheering, everyone was stoked, was stoked
I mean it was like the whole school was totally coked or something
The band was playing Evergreen
And all of a sudden somebody screamed

Look out!  The homecoming queen's got a gun!

Everybody run, the homecoming queen's got a gun
Everybody run, the homecoming queen has got a gun

Debbie's smiling and waving her gun
Picking off cheerleaders one by one
Oh Buffie's pompom just blew to bits
Oh no, Mitzie's head just did the splits
God, my best friend's on a shooting spree
Stop it, Debbie, you're embarrassing me
How could you do what you just did
Are you having a really bad period


Stop Debbie, you're making a mess
Powder burns all over your dress

An hour later the cops arrived
By then the entire glee club had died, no big loss
You wouldn't believe what they brought to stop her
Tear gas, machine guns, even a chopper
"Throw down your gun and tiara and come out of the float"
Debbie didn't listen to what the cop said
She aimed and fired and now the math teacher's dead
Oh it's really sad but kind of a relief
I mean, we had this big test coming up next week


Debbie's really having a blast
She's wasting half of the class

The cops fired a warning shot that blew her off the float
I tried to scream "duck" but it stuck in my throat
She hit the ground and did a flip, it was real acrobatic
But I was crying so hard I couldn't work my Instamatic
I ran down to Debbie, I had to find out
What made her do it, why'd she freak out
I saw the bullet had got her right in the ear
I knew then the end was near

So I ran down and I said, in her good ear, "Debbie, why'd you do it?" She raised her head, smiled, and said "I - I did it for Johnny." Johnny? Well like who's Johnny? Answer me, Debbie, who's Johnny? Does anybody here know Johnny? Are you Johnny? There was one guy named Johnny but he was a total geek, he always had food in his braces. Answer me, Debbie, who's Johnny? Oh God this is like that movie Citizen Kane you know where you later find out Rosebud was a sled? But we'll never know who Johnny was because like she's dead.

Everybody run, the homecoming queen's got a gun
Everybody run, the homecoming queen has got a
Everybody run
Everybody run, the homecoming queen has got a gun

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Weekend Assignment #128: 9/11, Five Years On

Weekend Assignment #128: Share your thoughts about 9/11. You can remember back on what you were doing on the day or give some thought to how we think about it today. Thoughts personal, political or philosophical are all up for consideration. Tell us all what you think about when you think about September 11, 2001.

I live on the west coast, so when 9/11 happened, I was getting ready for work.  I was single, living in my little condo with my two kids.  The kids were eating their cereal, when one of them shouted to me across the room that something "crazy" was happening on T.V.  I ran over, and I was in shock.  I couldn't believe what I had just seen.  They had shown what was once the Twin Towers on fire. 

It was surreal.  While driving to work, after letting off the kids at school, I listened to the radio in total shock.  It was unbelievable, and I couldn't comprehend what was happening.  At work, people seemed to work in slow motion, and there was a lot of silence in the hallways.  My supervisor kept me up with what was going on.  "People are jumping out of the Twin Towers!"  she exclaimed.  It was so unbelievable, as if I was hearing of a movie or a story someone had written, or of an occurrance that was happening in some distant country, far, far away...

Distance can really make you feel immune in a way.  You can feel unattached to it, but it wasn't until I came home that day, did I realize how close, and how small the world is.  I heard of stories of terror, and a coming together.  Yes, there is a lot of hate in this world, but there is hope, and there is love--I could see it in the faces of the brave firemen and policemen,  on TV, and I could see it on the faces of the victims, their loved ones, hoping to see their husbands, wives, children, sister, brother, friend walk out of the building.  At the end of the day, it was a bit emotional, and I had a good cry.  I felt a little vunerable, and scared, and alone, as I sat with my kids that night on the couch.  They had questions, and my youngest no longer wanted to travel on a plane.  How can you explain what just happened to a 7 year old?  I worried about my parents who were vacationing overseas as well.  I think they were more worried for us.

Do you ever remember seeing so many American flags waving that year?  I don't, and I don't ever remember feeling more proud of being an American either. 


Two Words Only


You can only type 2 less.

From Brenda  at  Brenda's Way , by way of Princess Aurora!

1.yourself: giggle/silly

2. your husband: serious/entertained

3. your hair: too long

4. your mother: helpful grandma

5. your father: miss him

6. your favorite item: pen, paper

7. your dream last night: don't remember

8. your favorite drink:  iced tea

9. your car: jaguar convertible (i'm dreaming, ok?)

10. the room you are in: cold office

11. your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: time wasted

12. your fear: sickness/loss

13. where you want to be in 10 years:  world traveler (hee, hee)

14. what you're not: superwoman

15. your best friends: Denise, Maria

16. one of your wish list items: clean carpet

17. the last thing you did: file searching

18. what are you wearing: denim dress

19. your favorite weather: sunny cool

20. your favorite zoo animals? bears/tigers

21. your thought for the day? quit job

22. your favorite book: too many

23. last thing you ate: cinnamon scone

24. your life: circus tent

25. your mood: reflective/cool

26. your body: long walk

27. what are you thinking about right now: date night

28. your crush: forgot name

29. what are you doing at the moment: taking break

30. your summer schedule: it's over!

Come on... give it a try!

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

These Dreams

I've had some really nutty dreams recently.  During one dream in particular, I hit Sarah Ferguson (Fergie) with a frisbee.  It hit the back of her head.  I can still see that grin of pain in her face as it happened--as if someone took a snapshot of it.  Very strange.  I don't remember actually playing frisbee, however, I know that I was the one who did it.  I woke up, told hubby about it before he went off to work, and then apparently, I went back to sleep and had more dreams that morning...

The other dream I had was a bit frightening.  I had a dream that I was in my mother's home, in my old room, and I was single again---this thought scares me already.  Well, in the dream, I'm been haunted by a ghost.  This "ghost" is apparently trying to make me lose my mind.  I don't exactly remember what it did, but it involved moving items out of my purse--important stuff, and hiding it around the room.  You know that movie Ghost, (with Patrick Swayze---yum) where he is driving his "friend" (the guy who had him killed) crazy?  He is alone in his office trying to find the "lost money", and suddenly, the typewriter keys are typing on all the computers at once???  Well, it was something like that.  I have no idea what this dream was suppossed to represent, but I will tell you that I was very happy to realize eventually that it was just a dream, and not real.  What a relief! 

It's been another busy weekend, and I hope that next weekend I will be able to just sit down, relax, and go out with my hubby bear.  Saturday was my daughter's birthday party, and yes, I even went jumping in the jump house--something I recommend everyone on doing once in their lifetimes--very thrilling.  Sunday was spent mostly cleaning after the party.  After decorating with the streamers in my kitchen I discovered how dusty my kitchen curtains had gotten, so I took them all down, and proceeded to take the ones down from the family room.  Those curtains from the family room were even worse.  They have been hanging there since we moved in (3 yrs ago!) and who knows how long they have been hanging there.  I should just replace them--they don't match with the carpet anymore...  So, I went on a cleaning frenzy that continued until late in the evening, as I put the clean curtains back on the rods with help of husband. (Yes, I love him.)  We then sat down and watched Big Brother--very disappointing.  Am I the only person out there that hates CHILL TOWN?!  I can't stand that doctor--he is so hard to look at.  His white complexion makes me go blind.  I think Janelle should win.  I hope Erica kicks "Boogie's" butt--he is such a man-whore.'s a ghost!!!!  

Anyway, Monday I went with the kids out to see the Arts and Tapestry Festival at downtown San Jose.  It was interesting--lots of pretty art on display.  Andrew had fun getting the free samples from Mr. Peanut and the Spam Mobile..  Too bad I didn't have my camera--he really wanted to take a picture with Mr. Peanut.  I will have to remember next time.  Oh, and then there were those Celtic/Renaisance people who told me to "Release him!" when I passed by with the baby stroller.  What weirdos..  Sure people, I'll release my son out of the stroller, and you can chase him around the festival!  I think they were trying to be funny?  Oh, and then there were the psychics there too.  Been there, done that..  There is nothing I need to know anymore.  My future is there for only me to see. 

All that art around me, and I will add it was all pretty expensive art, really got me thinking.  I've always been a creative person---something inside of me is telling me to CREATE something (other than another child).  I have to take up something!  May be I will have to walk around Michael's again and be inspired.  I need to make something!!  I need to take the time to do it...that is the problem.  Oh well..I will have to think upon this some more..


Friday, September 1, 2006

Weekend Assignment #127: "Goodbye Summer" Haiku

Weekend Assignment #127: "Goodbye Summer" Haiku :

Weekend Assignment #127: Write a haiku saying farewell to summer. A haiku, as many of you know, is a poem of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five again in the third. Simple and fun, and anyone can do 'em. You can do more than one if you want. As a bonus, technically speaking haiku are supposed to feature seasonal imagery, so we've got that going for us this time around.

Extra Credit: A picture of a fun summer activity you're saying goodbye to for another year.

Okay, here is a Haiku for you:


Summer at the beach

Sandy shoes, and suntanned feet

Fall moon sets on tide

It's getting chilly

Where has my summer sun gone?

My ice cream cone melts

Labor Day Weekend is always celebrated at our house in a big way.  This year will mark the 18th anniversary that I was in labor with my first born:  Elizabeth.  (She's the girl in the pictures sporting the rainbow afro wig.)  She was a good baby, and was born right on her due date!  We won't be at the beach this year.  This year were doing it at home with a Jump House--yes, that is what she wanted. 

Have a good holiday!!