Friday, June 29, 2007

Well, I called my mom this afternoon..  Let's just say she is having so much fun--she doesn't miss me at all!  I asked her if she has seen or heard from my ex-inlaws, and she said she hasn't.  This could be good or bad...depending on how you look at it.  I mean, I did tell my ex brother-inlaw that my mom was coming, but they didn't make an effort to see her--not even the sister-inlaw I spoke of earlier--she really loves my mom.  Weird.  I guess if they really don't care that we'll be there I can avoid coming to their homes filled with what could be a series of awkward chit chat...  The last time I was there, my poor ex-mother-inlaw didn't even realize that I wasn't married to her son any longer.  I wondered what she thought when her son brought his new wife over the year before my visit.  Did she think I was her?  Poor woman apparently wasn't well back then.  Andrew was only a little older than Nicholas when I last saw her alive, and lucky for me he started crying over something when my ex-motherlaw asked:  "What is it with you and my son?  Are you not together anymore?"  I was dumfounded.  Andrew starts screaming, and before I can find an answer..she goes on and says:  "Oh, I can't hear him cry!  He wants to leave, you better all go now.."  Okay, she wasn't what you call the warmest woman on the planet, but, thank God I didn't have to explain that tid bit of information.  You would have thought SOMEONE would have told the poor old woman that her son was no longer married to me and was with someone else..huh?  One would think.. I think someone did, but dementia was settling in to my poor ex-mother-inlaw's head.  She was a sweet woman, really she was.  Her husband was a sweetheart too.  Before he died he would sleep with a pillow with my son's picture in it.  He so wanted to see the him.  My son is the only grandson who carries the family name; the first American grandson to boot.  I like my ex's family--I just can't stand him.  I do want to visit them; we'll see..

Oh well, it could mean more free time to spend at the beach with my cousin Adelaide.  Adelaide told me on the phone today that she will be on vacation the entire time I'm there, so this is good news.  I can escape for awhile and spend time near the ocean.  I am sooo looking forward to that.  She has kids, so we can relate to eachother and won't be too upset if Nick has a tantrum.  It's weird but I've been around people who had kids; but they just get so weird with little kids around--it's like they forgot the time when their kids were little.  Drives me nuts. 

All is well in the Azores..  My cousin almost cried on the phone telling me how much she is going to miss my brother and the kids.  They are having a great time with them there.  Time flies when you are having fun..

I asked my mom if she had problem with her drugs on carry on.  She wasn't able to bring her carry on because it was too heavy, so it had to be checked in.  I'm guessing she had too many shoes in there.  Anyway, her meds went through with the luggage with no problem.  Okay, I feel better now..

C'est Vendredi!!! (It's Friday!!)

I got this video in an email--just had to share it with all of you today.  If you aren't a head banging rock in roll fan---please keep watching until the end.  It's pretty cute, and unexpected.  :) 

It's Friday (finally) and I'm happy.  The weekend is finally here!  I have a house to clean.  You know, having the kids at home all day sure makes for a untidy home.  Eek...  Oh well, at least I know where they are, and that they eat.  Each time I come home from work I have a sink full of dishes, and frozen food boxes overflowing from the garbage can.  Each time I wake up in the morning, there are even more cups and plates in the sink.  I never go to bed with dirty dishes in my sink, and no one is fessing up to the mess.  I either have untidy elves raiding my kitchen when I sleep, or very hungry ghosts.  Poor cat has been accused already. 

I got an email from my cousin Tania the other day..  She will be here in 6 weeks!  Oh my God.. It's almost July!  I think it just hit me!  Whoa..  It's almost time to take the luggage in the house and start packing!  I'm going to be calling my mom today at noon to say hello and get the inside scoop of the goings on on the island.  I want to know if they checked her meds at the airport.  I guess I just need to hear her say she is fine there; bottom line.  I do worry that she will slip somewhere and fall some place; it's a constant worry.  I also want to know if she has seen any of my ex-inlaws

 I sent a few emails to my ex-brother-inlaw telling them that we were coming this summer, but I haven't gotten a reply; which is a bit strange.  I'm wondering about the health of one of my inlaws--she has had some mental issues and has been on medication for it for years.  I could hardly read her writing from the Christmas card she sent me last year.  I'm wondering if she is okay and if she is really living alone.  The last thing I want is for her to think I'm going to stay at her house though during my visit.  Oh please no..  I don't like mice!!  One day I will have to write about  the night I was sitting in the front yard of this house waiting for the Ex to come home from a night of drinking with his friends (everyone is his friend after a few drinks) and hearing the mice race back and forth around my feet.  Not a good memory. 



Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dawn's Tuesday Night Meme

I just opened some email, and low and behold, another Meme from the Meme Princess herself, Dawn!  How could I resist doing this one?? 

Feel free to copy and paste and do one of your own!!

Three Names You Go By:

1.)   Julie

2.)   Mom/Mommy/Mama
3.)   Sweetie

Three Parts of Your Heritage:
1.)   American
2.)   Portuguese

3.)   Um..Portuguese

Three Things That Scare You:
1.)   Something bad happening to my kids and family
2.)   Snakes
3.)   Natural disasters

Three of Your Everyday Essentials:
1.)   Car

2.)   Chocolate
3.)   Water
(yes, that's all I need)

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1.)   My pink and black bunny pajama pants
2.)   Black t-shirt

3.)   A smile!  (how corny is that?!)

Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists:
1.)   Sheryl Crowe

2.)   Rolling Stones
3.)   Rob Thomas

Three of Your Favorite Songs:
1.)   Boys of Summer- Don Henley

2.)   I Love Rock n Roll - Joan Jett (great song Dawn!)
3.)   Twist & Shout - Beatles

Three Physical Things from the Opposite Sex That Appeal to You:
1.)   Eyes
2.)   Shoulders

3.)   Height

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1.)   Traveling

2.)   Writing/blogging
3.)   Crochet.. (yeah, I'm an old Portuguese grandmother at heart.)

Three Things You Want to do Really Badly Right Now:
1.)   Take a nice long bath...uninterupted!

2.)   Take a nice long walk on the ocean.

3.)   Have a cold Margarita with a bowl of chips and salsa!

Three Places You Want to Vacation:
1.)   Italy

2.)   Greece

3.)   Lisbon--never been there.. 

Only 3 places?  Not fair!

Three Things You Want to do Before You Die:
1.)   Throw my red beret up in the air in front of the Eiffel Tower.  (See I'm going to Paris too.)

2.)  Publish something... :) 
3.)   Dance at my grandchild's wedding!

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically a Boy/Girl:
1.)   I hate worms, snakes..lizards..etc.

 2.)   I like shopping for clothes. 

3.)  I like wearing pink sometimes... Like, get dressed up all fancy with matching shoes, pearls and purses! 


A Visit To Rabbit's Place

This afternoon at work I got a phone call from my cousin, Coelho (Rabbit) aka: Jose Carlos.  I had a feeling he may call..  He wrote earlier to tell me that the Costa Clan would be at his house for dinner today.  Sure enough, I got the phone call and I was able to talk to my mom, and my brother for a little bit today.  That was nice..  The call was on speaker phone however, and there were some echo problems and the phone line broke.  One thing I can't stand about speaker phone calls is everyone seems hestitant to talk.  I could tell my mother wanted to talk about a number of things, but didn't feel comfortable asking with everyone listening.  I know she was dying to ask, "Are the kids eating?"  or "Did you pay my bills?"  I will have to call her Friday.

I got home and found some pictures Rabbit took of the family while they were over for dinner today.  Isn't great how pictures can be taken and transported thru the internet so quickly?!  I love it!!  I'll share a few with you.. 


My cousin's little daughter Rita, my cousin Jose Carlos (Coelho), my mom, my brother Eddy, his wife Karen, my niece Bonnie (the ballet dancer) and my niece Amanda.


My nephews, Seth and Brett.  Drinking age down there is a lot lower than here.  They are having some serious fun. 


My cousin's wife Isilda, my mom, my niece Kassandra, and Bonnie. 


Bonnie, Amanda, Karen, and Eddy.  Apparently, according to my brother, my nieces are having a great time checking out the matadors at the bull fights.  Oh to be young again.. 

As for the email I sent the Ex--  I unsent it.  After careful review, I have decided to clean my hands from it.  If anyone is going to disappoint him, it's not going to be.  I'm not going to be the bad ex wife again.  The kids are going to have to tell him that they don't want to go.  I'm not going to stress over this.  I hate it when he makes me feel this way..  Stressing over nothing.  He has no power over the situation.  I am not going to let anyone get on a plane to New Jersey.  The tickets can be sent back-I'm sure he can trade them in and get his money back if he should buy them.  I'm thinking he isn't going to even bother buying them.  Sometimes having flaky ex-husbands is good; I said sometimes it's good.   

Tuesday Ramblings...

I've gotten a lot of comments about the artist of these paintings...  I don't know who the artist is either.  I found these at  I simply just did a search on paintings/Azores, and I found them.  I'm hoping to find out, and possibly find some of these prints when I go on vacation.  When I find out who/what and where on them, I will let you know. 

I mentioned a while back that my two older children possibly were going to visit their father in NJ.  Well, he was supposed to get back to us and tell them when; but no word yet.  I'm not disappointed or surprised.  He was talking of sending the airline tickets almost a month ago; but no word.  It's okay; really--the kids aren't disappointed, and I'm afraid a trip to NJ so close to our trip overseas is just going to be too difficult.  He wanted them to fly down at the end of July, and come back only a few days before their trip.  I heard this from my daughter the other day.  He doesn't discuss any of this with me you see.  I am so sure!  Let's fly the kids back east, and then back to California, and then back east again in the same thoughtful!   My daughter has planned another trip with a few of her friends to L.A. in July, and she told her father that she was not going to cancel it.  Okay.  I sent him an email yesterday telling him that this year just wasn't going to work; and not buy airline tickets.  He isn't going to be happy..  BUT, if he had given us an idea of when the kids were going we could have possibly worked out a plan. 

My daughter is already taking 5 weeks off from her job.  She doesn't  want to lose this job, and she can't give them a day's notice of even more vacation time off.  I don't know why I should have bothered to send the email; Ex-Man is a tad too flaky.  I can still unsend that email.  He hasn't read it yet, and he probably won't until a few more weeks.  I'm sure he hasn't even looked into buying them tickets yet; let alone realize that we are in the last week of June.  Hello!!  July starts Sunday!  I'm just hoping he remembers to send child support.  Hmm.. 

I told of the proposed trip to NJ to my mother before she left, and she was totally against the idea.  She told me quite frankly that she would be afraid that something should happen down there and how it would totally ruin her trip--she would worry constantly and would have to take her "nervous pills" every hour.  I confided to another friend of mine, who told me just as frankly "Don't let them go!  He'll kidnap them and take them to Portugal!"  Just when I thought I could give my Ex-husband more of a benefit of a doubt; hoping that he had "changed" or "grown up", all these fears are coming back to me.  My daughter Lizzy knows of these fears.  She still remembers some of them herself; she understands what I'm saying, and added:  "I think he should just come down here and visit us instead.  It works better that way." 

Do I think my Ex will kidnap my kids and I'll never see them again?  No..  I don't think he wants that kind of responsibility; although he did mention once that he wanted to teach my son how "to be a man."  Now, that frightens me; yes.  Do I think my Ex has "changed"--I think he has to the point that he knows what he had done was wrong and he wants to make up for it..but has he "changed"..I can't honestly answer that question. So, am I ready to let my children go off for a few weeks to the unknown?  Not really.  Do I trust the family he has married into over there?  Well, considering all the lies that were told by his new mother-in law who stated that she was "a friend" who knew nothing really of his whereabouts (when he left the state and I was looking for him--he was living at this woman's house at the time); or the woman he now is married to, who accused me of "being jealous" and "being cruel and mean, and a liar", who said I could go on welfare to support my children like she did; no I'm not too crazy about her either.  I do feel sorry for her-in a weird twisted way.  Would I get involved with someone who left two children behind in a different state without giving word of where he was going--no phone number or address?  NO!  

 I don't know how many lies he has told her about me.  For all I know, he told her that I came from a mafia family who hired a hit man to kill him; or that I was a drugged up prostitute.  To her benefit however, she did tell my daughter that I must be a good mother because she was impressed by the way she and my son were well behaved and respectful.  I know for a fact that my Ex had been rude and insultive to her in the precence of my kids; like he used to do to me.  I worry.  I don't want my kids exposed to something/some place that I don't consider safe; that is why I left the marriage.  I didn't leave because there was "someone else", I left because I didn't know who I was married to anymore--Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?  It takes it's toll when you suddenly realize you have used up all of your love and energy for something/someone that isn't there anymore--was he ever there.  Who was he?  After almost 12 years of marriage it felt as though I was married to a stranger. 

Yes, I'm just rambling along here... 

Thanks for listening..  Feel free to comment; please. 


Monday, June 25, 2007

Cartas dos Acores... More Letters From the Azores..

I hadn't received any letters from my cousin Manny recently--I'm guessing they are just a little too busy right now entertaining my brother and his family.  My brother is coming home next Sunday.  I did receive some letters from my cousins:   Rute:

Hello Julinha! 
  Saturday morning I cooked to the coelhos, I thought maybe they to the sanjoaninas and they are sleeping and they ha no time to make food, so I decided to make lunch for them , so about 1pm I went there, I saw your mother, Eddie, his wife, Kassandra and another one blonde too, and then Eddie called her daughter, she's very nice, Eddie says she's ballet dancer, she's very big for the age, their fingers from de feet, the second is bigger than de first, it's like your mother and mine, we laughed about it. 
  Your mother is fine, she seems to be good, of course we talked about your father and we cried. 
  So I made for them that food that I made for you, pork ribs with beans, Eddie's wife tried and liked it very much, she asked me how to make, I don't know if i'm going to see her again, if I don't I'll send you and then you give her. 
  One of these days they are going to dinner with my brother João Fernando. 
  Kisses for every body. 

And Rute's brother, Jose Carlos- (Coelho--Rabbit---we all refer to eachother as rabbits...including my brother Eddy Rabbit)

Yes I was with the rabbits, we played golf the other day and we're going again wednesday.
Thery're coming to my house tomorrow for dinner.
Too bad that they're leaving sunday.
José Carlos

I love my cousins--they are the best! 

I must admit that since my  mother has been gone, I've been feeling a little like an ophran.  I know that sounds silly, but I used to see my mom everyday and it's a little weird.  I've been feeling a little out of the weather lately too; I guess I'm just feeling a tad blue?  Don't know..but my stomach has been bothering me, and my I've been feeling light headed.  I think I've been consuming a little too much caffeine.  I gots to drink more water!  No more coffee for awhile.  I've got my bottles of water and orange juice at my side. 
Sounds crazy, but I love coming to work when there is a pile of work to be done!  I was gone Thursday and Friday and there is a pile of new grants for new and active criminals!!  Oh the excitement!!  It makes all for a fast working day---I love those days. 
Have a wonderful Monday!! 

Friday, June 22, 2007

Dawn's Midnight Meme

Just noticed some mail in my box...  A meme from Dawn; Princess of Memes!!  Of course, how could I resist doing this one...  :) 

Feel free to play along!


What were you doing 10 years ago? 

Oh gosh--  That was a scary/uncertain time in my life; I was contemplating seeing a marriage counselor..which I eventually did; by myself.  It was not a happy time of my life, but it was the year I got the courage to think of leaving a very unhealthy marriage.  Thank God that I did.  If I hadn't I honestly don't know where I would be today.

Five naughty snacks you enjoy: 

1.   Chocolate-doesn't matter what it's on.

2.  Ice cream sandwiches!

3.   Peanut butter.  All I need is a jar and a spoon.  

4.   Licorice--red vines.

5.   Dots!

Five songs you know all the words to:

1.   Time (Culture Club) 

2.   Are You Lonesome Tonight?  (Elvis)
3.   Call Me, (Blondie)

4.  Don't Ask Me Why (Billy Joel)

5.  Last Worthless Evening  (Don Henley

Five indulgent things you'd do if money were no object:
(Not Oprah $, so don't go too wild, and it has to be something you would use or be included with, no gifts)

1.    Put in that pool!  (Hopefully a reality one day in the near future..

2.   Get a boat!  (This is for hubby man)

3.   Buy a seaside summer home/time share.

4.   Travel across Europe!

5.   Take a cruise with hubby..alone. 

Five bad habits:

1.   Forgetting to turn on the bathroom fan when taking a shower.

2.   Day dreaming...  Ever find yourself dreaming away, and forgetting that you are driving up the highway at 65 mph?  Please tell me I'm not the only one...  I also day dream in the shower--always gets me late.. 

3.   Being a worry wart--I worry too much about silly stuff.

4.   Trying to please too many people at the same time. 

5.   Organizing..  I find when I do less of it, things turn out better than if I plan too much..  I know it doesn't make sense, but I over plan sometimes. 

Five things I like doing:

1.   Spending time with my kids...
2.   Spending times with husband :)
3.   Writing.. 
4.   Walking-excercise...

5.   Being outside in nice weather..

Things I'd never wear again:

1.   Rainbow suspenders...  Yeah I used to wear those..
2.   Polyester bell bottoms!  Eeekkk!!!
3.   Red pants!

4.   White tights! 
5.   A bikini; wait, I've never worn one of those... 

Five of my favorite toys:

1.   Computer.

2.   T.V. 
3.   My digital camera
4.   My car--not fancy, but I like to drive it.

5.   My purse--and everything I can fit into it. 

Happy Summer Solstice

Yesterday, the day was spent at the amusement park; Paramounts Great America in Santa Clara.  We had a big ole breakfast at Denny's, later picked up my daughter from her college exams, and eventually got to the park, where the weather was perfect, and the kids had a lot of fun.  Nicholas actually went on his first ride without crying.  He even went on some baby rides by himself, and of course, I left my camera in the car.  :( 

This is an old picture taken about 3 years ago.  Andrew and his little baby brother, Nicholas.  My son Andrew is now as tall as I am.  I think he's grown about 2 feet since this picture was taken.  He is and still remains to be such a proud big brother.  Andrew was the youngest for so long; finally he had someone terrorize!

My "little boy" is now officially, 13 years old.  We celebrated with cookie dough ice cream and brownies.  Later he came up to me looking a little depressed, saying he wasn't feeling well.  I don't know if he was just tierd, and really not feeling well, but he did say he thought he ate too much cookie dough ice cream.  He finally just said he "Needed a hug, and he wanted to be held."..  So he sat on my lap (boy this guy has a boney butt!) and spoke of the night he was born.

"Did I sleep with you in your bed?"

"Yes, Andrew you did--all night long, right on my right arm."

He smiled, giggled, and hugged me again as he sat on my lap, as we surfed the web.   

It was a beautiful night.  It was June 21, 1994, on summer solstice-the longest day of the year.  I still remember looking out from my window of my small hospital room.  The sun was going down, and the sky was pink and yellow.  It was a beautiful night, and I had another beautiful  baby on my arm-this time a baby boy.  Everything was right in the world.

We sat there for awhile last night and talked some more before I kissed him goodnight.  My little boy is growing up, but hopefully not too much.  I'm going to miss his hugs, and boney butt on my lap.  I am not ready to let that go yet. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Something/Someone is in my Boss's Office...

Do you believe in spirits?

Well, I've had a few readings from a friend of mine who used to share the same building.  She has given me a few readings in her office, and in the office adjacent to mine-where my boss lady works. 

So happens, my boss lady has those motion sensor lighting systems-you know the kind that automatically turn one when you walk into the room, and close when there is no motion in a room?  Its suppossed to save energy or what not, but it is just freaking me out.  For the last two weeks, my boss' lights have been coming on WHEN THERE IS NO ONE IN THERE, and it is freaking me out. 

Boss lady is gone for the day, and suddenly the lights come on.  I automatically think of the spirits that may still be in there from the last "reading" I had with my friend Sharon.  Okay, that is pretty ridiculous, I know..  But, what if it isn't a spirit, or worse...a mouse, or a rat?  The lights were turning off on my boss earlier today when she was in there.  I guess she wasn't making enough movements as she sat in front of her computer?  Hmmm...  Nevertheless I went in there a few minutes ago and said:  "Go into the light!"  Just in never know... 

Anyway, I'm feeling better today, although I still have a dull headache on the right side of my head.  I rubbed Vicks on my forehead and it helped me go to sleep okay--although it left some really nasty greasy marks on my pillow case.  I just hope I'm feeling better by tomorrow.  I'm taking the rest of the week off, because tomorrow is my son's birthday--the big 13!  I'm taking him and a friend to an amusement park tomorrow after breakfast out.  It shall me fun--just hoping I don't have this headache by then. 

High School Meme.... Urg..

 I got this from Dawn...  Feel free to copy and paste and play along like I did! 


I could so relate with that old show, Square Pegs...  These were the type of people I used to hang out with in high school.

Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.

1. Name of your homeroom teacher. 

Oh my God..  For the life of me, I don't remember!!!   Man I feel sooo old...  I can remember my Junior High homeroom teachers but not my high school?  This is weird.. 

2.What sports or clubs did you participate in?

I was in the French Club, Girl's Honor Society, and Writings On the Desk Club--A writing club.  I secrety wished I was in the drama club, but didn't have enough nerve. 

3. What kind of car did you drive?

My dad's brown Chevy Nova..  I think it was a 1979.  It was an automatic, and I swear, that car could fly!

4. It's Friday night, where were you?

Hmm...  More than likely I'm at home; or I'm with my best friend Denise at one of her Salvation Army gigs.  No, I'm not kidding. 

5. Were you a party animal?

You must be kidding.  I'm not even going to answer that question.

6. Were you considered a flirt?


7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir. 

No, not in school, anyway, but that year I did belong to the church choir.  I was part of Sister Barbara's Flock of Angels. 

8. Were you a nerd?

HA HA HA HA...  What do you think?

9. Did you get suspended/expelled?

Never.  I was too good.  Remember, I belonged to Sister Barbara's Flock of Angels. 

10. Can you sing the fight song? 

I don't think we had one. 

11. Who was your favorite teacher?

Ms. Migdall--she was the young English teacher.  I always did well in English.  She STILL teaches at my old high school--of course she isn't that "young" anymore, but she still looks pretty good. 

12. Did you cut on Senior cut day? 

 Yes..  I did. 

13. School mascot? 

A Cardinal..  School colors are red and white.

14. Did you go to Prom?


15. If you could go back and do it over, would you?

If large amounts of money was involved, perhaps.

16. What do you remember most about graduation? 

I remember being happy..  Bouncing beach balls during the ceremony, and watching some of the graduates moon dance on stage..

17. What did you do on senior cut day?

I probably slept in.

18. Did you have a job your senior year? 

Yes..  I worked for a Chinese family run eye lense company.  I think I did data entry.  The boss was a very mean..  Everyone was scared of him when he walked down the hall--even his own family.  He always seemed to have a scowl on his face.  I later worked for a shipping company doing data entry. 

19. Where did you go most often for lunch?

Only the mentally challenged people ate in the cafeteria at my school.  I usually ate my lunch near the front steps of the school with my friends so I could wave to the buses that went by.  Sometimes we would all leave campus and venture to the Saturn Cafe down the street.  We liked to rub elbows with the more "sophisticated" college crowd.  It was open campus.

20. Have you gained weight since then?

No, not really. :)

21. What did you do after graduation?

I went to junior college, and then later graduated from a vocational/business college.

22. When did you graduate?


23. Who was your Senior prom date?

I didn't have one because I didn't go.  I was asked to go.  Yes, and I turned him down.  It was very embarrassing because he was the nerdiest boy in school.  I didn't even know the guy, and he asked me.  It was insulting to me to be asked by him.  It still gives me the shudders.  I saw him at the last reunion, and he is still pretty nerdy. 

24. Are you going / did you go to your 10 year reunion?

No, I didn't go to my 10 year reunion, and I didn't even get an invite to it.  I don't think I would have either.  However, I did go to my 20th, and it was alright.  It was a positive experience.  Most people looked happy, others haven't really changed much, and some looked just so was weird.

25. Was your prom held at the school or in a hall?

I have no idea.  I think it was at a large resort type ballroom near the ocean.  I didn't go; remember?


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Meme: In Care of Cin

It's Tuesday, and although it's a beautiful day in San Jose, California--here in Santa Cruz, at work, it's dark and dreary and sprinkling outside.  I'm freezing cold.  The air vents in my office are giving out cold air.  My hair is still a little wet, I have cramps, and my head hurts.  I wish I was at home really.  Oh well, might as well do a Meme! 


I got this from Cin: 

Meme: Just Because Dawn Seems to be Slowing Down...haha

1. A mani/pedicure or mountain biking? Definitely a mani/pedicure, although mountain biking does sound a bit fun; but with my luck and lack of experience I'd probably fall in a ravine.

2. A day at the beach or a day on the slopes? I don't ski, so it would be a day at the beach!  If I was at the slopes however, I would be making snow men, or be sitting at the ski tavern/clubhouse with a drink by the fire like a snow bunny.  I've never done that, but it looks like fun. 

3. Dinner at a 5 star restaurant or homecooking at a diner? Dinner at a restaurant overlooking the ocean with husband.  The restaurant needs to have crab cakes on their menu.  I home cook enough! 

4. Coffee and a good book at a coffee shop or a cold drink and a good book in the park? Cold drink, good book in the park.  I probably wouldn't be reading though; I like to people watch. 

5. Musical theater a là Broadway or a movie in the theater? Give me Broadway!  I love musicals! 

6. An evening at the opera or a rock concert? Rock concert!  -but, I've never been to an opera.  It must be fun to dress up and see one-I'd like to do that one day...  Okay, I'm torn on this one. 

7. Manilow or Metallica? There is no way I would attend a concert of Manilow.  One can take so much of "Mandy" or "Cococabana..."  Not a real fan of Metallica, but I'd rather see them then Barry any day. 

I got another email from my cousin Manny.  He is having great fun telling my brother's sons all about Azorean culture.  He has them already believing that they will be asked to participate in the bullfights tonight, and got them to eat "lapas" (limpets)  It's a shellfish.  (eek!!)  I'm sure they'll be talking about this summer vacation for many summers to come. 

Well, I'm off to break the reception desk.  Our receptionist was gone for 3 1/2 weeks with the shingles.  She came back yesterday looking very pale.  (She is pale as it is already, but yesterday she looked like a ghost.)  She isn't here today.  Duh...surprise!  Why did she even bother coming in yesterday?  Boss lady finally told her she should go on disability.  I'm guessing what boss lady said had something to do with the fact why she isn't here today.  Duh.. 


I know..  You are probably thinking, why in the hell does Julie have these pictures up on her journal?  I don't know either...  They just make me laugh. 

Monday, June 18, 2007

Destination Complete

Just got word from cousin Adelaide---  The Costas have arrived to their destination.  They have been fed a big meal at my Aunt's house, my brother has rented a van, and they have all retired to the ole' homestead to take a much needed rest.  Being in a plane for 12 + hours is a long time. 

Azores, Terceira 1979---my aunt's livingroom..  The guy behind Grandpa is my John Travolta lookalike, cousin, Manny.  Do you see me?  I'm sitting on the floor with cousin Adelaide.  Sorry for the fuzzy picture, but this is from a polaroid.. 

Monday Tongue Twister..

I'm waiting for an email from the cousins or someone overseas to let me know that my brother and mom and family made it safely across the Atlantic to their Azorean destination.  Although I haven't heard word yet, I did get the following email from my cousin Rute.  It's kind of fun, thought I'd share--it's in Portuguese and English, entitled: 

Don't say the Portuguese Language Is More Complicated... 

Some of the grammar is off, and it doesn't make too much sense, but it gives you an idea of how a Latin language is translated into English--and how difficult it seems to a non-English speaker.  My problem is understanding which nouns in the Portuguese language are considered feminine or masculine.  It confused the hell out of me. 

>o diga que a lingua Portuguesa é complicada / Don't say again that >Portuguese language is complicated. 

>Ler em voz alta / read it this out loud:  

>* Três bruxas olham para três relógios Swatch. Qual bruxa olha para qual >relógio Swatch? 

>Agora em inglês / Now in English: 

>* Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch >watch? 

>Foi fácil? Então agora para os especialistas / Easy? then now only for >experts. 

>* Três bruxas suecas e transexuais olham para os botões de três relógios >Swatch suíços. Qual bruxa sueca transexual olha para qual botão de qual >relógio Swatch suíço? 

>E agora em ingles/ And now in English: 

>* Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. >Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch? 

>Então? o português é assim tão difícil? / So, is Portuguese really that >difficult? 

Yeah, it is..sometimes!!  I think English is EASY. 


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

It's a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon.  A few hours ago my brother came on down with his crew and my mom.  Everyone is pretty excited.  My mom was all decked out in a nice suit looking ensemble with open toe shoes.  Everyone else was pretty much in shorts; I bet my mom was just thrilled.  Oh well..  What can you do? 

When I was growing up, my parents would take us overseas every 2 to 4 years.  Those summers were the happiest and most memorable.  We kids always seemed to complain that we never went to Disneyland, and my dad would always complain about the cost, and the amount of shoes my mom would pack, but those summer vacations with all the siblings were ones that are irreplaceable.  I'm so happy that my brother is going to be able to experience it all over again with his kids.  They are going to treasure this time for years to come.  Thank you Daddy!  I know we can't see you, but I know you will be in that plane tonight. 

Below is a picture take at the Denver airport...years ago.  1981 to be exact.  It was the year of the airline strike during the Reagan Administration.  Remember it?  Well, our cross country drive we were going to take to the east coast did not work as planned.  The little Honda Civic my dad drove broke down in Nevada, in a little town called Lovelock--not a place to have a car to break down-believe me.  Anyway, my parents had to scramble for airline tickets, and our trip was a series of stops and plane changes.    All the bags around my parents (the lovely couple sitting in the orange chairs) belonged to us.  Those were all the carryons.  The black plastic trash can has a T.V. in it.  Behind the picture I write about the picture.  When I was younger I always wrote what each picture was about--I guess a picture is worth a thousand words, and I always think a thousand words is just not enough. 


reads:  "Father and Mother and many other people at the Denver Airport posing with their designer luggage, while big "Tex" scratches his butt as he reads the paper." 


Happy Father's Day!!! 

I hope all of you are enjoying your day celebrating your Dad.  Since my dad has already passed, all I have are memories of past Father's Days with him.  I remember the last Father's Day I shopped for him.  I went a little overboard, and bought him some outfits he could wear while he took his morning walks.  I would always see him walking on the street each morning on my way to his house.  It was one of his simple pleasures; walking around the neighborhood, and his cancer wasn't going to stop him each morning.  In the back of mind I had a feeling it might be the last time I would have to shop for a Father's Day present; but I was wrong.  I have a husband now to shop for; and like my dad, he is such a good man, and father to his kids and step-kids; we have been blessed. 


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Email from my cousin, Manny

I got the following letter from my cousin, Manny.  It brought me back to a lot of memories of my summers when I was a kid; almost made me cry.  I'm just glad the kids are going to experience some of that too this summer.  My brother's children have never been to the Azores before--it's sure going to be an experience for all of them--I wish I was there to see their reactions.  OH well, I'm sure I will hear all about when they come back..  Just wish we were all there at the same time!!  Check out how well he writes in English, by the way: 



The Festa de Sao Joao de Vila Nova, starts today with Bailinhos Folklores, tomorrow is a band, Monday evening they will catch the all popular  "Cantoria" I think your mom likes Cantoria, who doesn´t ? ha..ha..   Tuesday will be the Bullfight at 1830 hours, right here na Praca, i´ve already boarded up the front of the house for us to all stand out there and watch, I´m sure the kids will get a kick out of it.  And on the 22nd starts the SANJOANINAS in Angra it lasts 9 days, they will really enjoy that.  They can go see Arena Bullfights and catch all the other activities, my son Tiago can take the kids to all the hot spots at night, he knows all the discos where kids hang out and dance to the latest house music and rap.  It will really be a good time for the younger cousins to really get to know each other better, Tiago, Beatriz, Miguel and Luisa are really excited!!!!  Tell Eddie that the weather has been crappy all month just like the last time he was here, maybe this time it will be the opposite it will get better when he arrives.  It hasn´t been cold just cloudy  most of the time with some light rain.

When you arrive I think you will catch the last day of the Praia Festival, but we will find other things to do I´m sure.  You can check out the Sanjoaninas  and the Praia Festa @;

See you soon,



Friday, June 15, 2007


First things, first---  My sister in-law, Becky sells Avon!  Feel free to click on the site above and shop to your heart's content!  They have some really nice things for the summer..check it out.  There really isn't a sweeter woman to buy from; and I'm not just saying that because she's my husband's younger sister either.  She is a hard working and devoted single mother!  Her website is also listed to the lower left of this journal under Favorite Sites.  Check it out! 

Thanks to all of those who had suggestions about my medication "dilemna" for my mom.  My lady boss just can't believe the hoopla--last summer she went to Mexico and Canada with a purse full of drugs herself (she was going through chemo at the time) and no one ever once asked her about the drugs in her bag.  The prescription labels had her maiden name on them; her passport had her married name to boot.  She even suggested that I could put the medicine in a empty aspirin bottle.  I think I'm just stressing a little too much over nothing.  My mother has always traveled with medications, and she had never once been asked to show her passport for them, or even asked to see the meds at all.  I was able to get some free samples for one of my mother's medications, (thanks to Mary) so, that is good anyway--1 less medicine bottle to carry with me.  I even looked into Fed Ex'ing (thanks to Dawn), and I'll still think about that one.  It would involve having someone fetch it through the airport there through customs, but it sounds so involved, I don't even think it would be worth the trouble.  Customs there at the airport can be tricky sometimes.  I do have an ex brother-inlaw (my ex-husband's older brother) who is a policeman who works at the airport sometimes, and another ex-ex brother in-law (he used to be married to my ex-husband's sister, but ran off with a much younger stewardress) who works for the airline, but I can't really depend on them to help me.  Oh well..  The worse than can do is hold the medicine, and my mother can claim it there.  Again, I think I'm just stressing a little too much over nothing.  I'm going to stop thinking about it; starting NOW.  :)   

OKAY.  I feel better already.  Deep breath...exhale...

This morning, after strapping my youngest in his car seat, I saw my neighbors, The Stewarts off and running to begin their morning walk, with sunglasses and bright smiles on...  Driving off, I saw even more people, out on their morning walks..  I'm soooo jealous of these people.  Sure, they are all much older than me, but damn..what I would do just have a free hour in the morning to take a nice walk!  By the time I get home, it is so hot still outside, and it doesn't cool off until like, 7:30 or 8 pm.  Last night I went outside around 9 pm, and I was soooo tempted to take a walk outside.  I may do that tonight..  Well, may be not tonight.  I'm  bringing my mom down tonight so she can see the grandchildren before she leaves Sunday.  She also needs her nails done, and she thought may be my daughter could do them.  She also wants her toe nails done because all her shoes are open toed.  Oh, and she needs her hair trimmed---might have to go to JcPenny again.  Um..  I think my walk around another mall will have to take the place of my walk outside. 

It's FRIDAY!!! 


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Feeling a little Stressed/Thankful Thursday

Currently, I have the phone resting on my shoulder as I type this.  I'm on hold with TSA-Transportation Security Administration.  According the automated operator I have 12 calls ahead of me, and my waiting time is 13 minutes.  Thank God this is an 800 #. 

Why am I on the phone with TSA? is why.. 

My mother, who is diabetic, will be gone for 3 months.  She can only get 2 months supply of her medication to take with her.  I'm going to have to take her last month's prescriptions.  I was informed by the airline that I can only take prescriptions on my carry on that match the name on my passport.  Sooo..  I will have to risk putting her medication in my other luggage.  The guy from the airline then went on to say:  "Oh, and if your luggage does get lost, the airline has no liability.."  Great..  Thanks--that is all I need to hear, man.  Bring on the stress now!  Now I will have to worry whether or not my luggage will get lost. 

It's never happened before..  But you know, there is always that risk. 

Now I'm wondering..  If they decide to open my bags at my destination and find my mother's drugs, is there going to be a problem?  Do they need a doctor's note?  What if the note is written in English, and not Portuguese...  Yeah, I'm feeling a little stressed now.  All I need. 

So, I'm on the phone now so I can ask some questions.  Do I need a doctor's note?  Are there safe options on getting the meds there on time?  Lovely, huh? 

So, now that I'm still on hold, I might as well list the things I'm thankful.

1.  My son Andrew is out of school!!!  YIPPPEE!!  We celebrated with a drive to the wharf the other day where I got him some cooked shrimp to share with his grandma, and a tuxedo, candied apple from the candy store. 

2.  I'm thankful my youngest enjoys his preschool.  Starting next week, he'll be going in full days for 4 days.  I'm so thankful he loves his teachers and new friends there!

3.  My daughter took her driver's permit test (finally).  Nope she didn't pass; but she is determined as ever to try again soon. 

4.  TSA has an 800#.  I've been on the phone a little too long. 

5.  I'm thankful that I have a very understanding, and loving husband, who is going to have to drive to a very busy airport in Oakland, California,  Sunday in my brother's truck full of luggage on Father's Day.  He hasn't complained. 

6.  I'm thankful for having such a loving and there.  When I go there this summer, I know they will always make me feel like I'm home again. 

7.  Lastly, Nicholas-my youngest has gone on the toilet by himself (of course secretly) a total of 5 times this week alone.  He likes to sneek in the bathroom when no one is looking, with the door wide open to surprise us all.  You don't know how great this makes me don't!  There is nothing more stinky than diapers of a 3 yr old. 


Nicholas is 1 years old in this picture..  My little baby is getting bigger!! (SIGH)


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

She'll Be A' Coming Around The Mountain..

My mom leaves for the Azores in less than a week, and her bags are already near the front door. 

Yesterday she got a phone call from her sister, my aunt Aida, informing her that the house has been cleaned from top to bottom, painted, toilet fixed, awaiting her arrival.  The whole family plans on being there at the airport at 2:30, next Monday afternoon at the airport to whisk her and my brother and his family away back to the house of their birth.  They are all pretty excited, and already planning on what to make everyone for dinner.  Dinner will include some homemade chicken soup for sure, Alcatra (Portuguese meat stew made in clay pots) and lots of sweet bread, wine and sweets-of course.  One thing about Portuguese people, they really make sure you always feel welcome and fat and happy!  It all reminds me of this song I used to sing in elementary school.  I just read the lyrics again, and I couldn't stop laughing... 

She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain

She'll be coming 'round the mountain
When she comes.
Toot toot!
She'll be coming 'round the mountain
When she comes.
Toot toot!
She'll be coming 'round the mountain
She'll be coming 'round the mountain
She'll be coming 'round the mountain
When she comes.
Toot toot!
She'll be driving six white horses
When she comes.
Whoa back!
She'll be driving six white horses 
When she comes.
Whoa back!
She'll be driving six white horses
She'll be driving six white horses
She'll be driving six white horses
When she comes.
Whoa back!
Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes.
Hi Babe!
Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes.
Hi Babe!
Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
Oh, we'll all go out to meet her
When she comes.
Hi Babe!
We'll be singing "Hallelujah"
When she comes.
We'll be singing "Hallelujah"
When she comes.
We'll be singing "Hallelujah"
We'll be singing "Hallelujah"
We'll be singing "Hallelujah"
When she comes.
Well, the dogs'll start to holler
When she comes.
Woof woof!
Well, the dogs'll start to holler
When she comes.
Woof woof!
Well, the dogs'll start to holler
Well, the dogs'll start to holler
Well, the dogs'll start to holler
When she comes.
Woof woof!
She'll be pettin' two pink piggies
When she comes.
Snort snort!
She'll be pettin' two pink piggies
When she comes.
Snort snort!
She'll be pettin' two pink piggies
She'll be pettin' two pink piggies
She'll be pettin' two pink piggies
When she comes.
Snort snort!
We'll be sippin' sasparilla
When she comes.
Slurp slurp!
We'll be sippin' sasparilla
When she comes.
Slurp slurp!
We'll be sippin' sasparilla
We'll be sippin' sasparilla
We'll be sippin' sasparilla
When she comes.
Slurp slurp!
We'll all have chicken and dumplings
When she comes.
Yum yum!
We'll all have chicken and dumplings
When she comes.
Yum yum!
We'll all have chicken and dumplings
We'll all have chicken and dumplings
We'll all have chicken and dumplings
When she comes.
Yum yum!
She'll be wearing green pajamas
When she comes.
Ha ha!
She'll be wearing green pajamas
When she comes.
Ha ha!
She'll be wearing green pajamas
She'll be wearing green pajamas
She'll be wearing green pajamas
When she comes.
Ha ha!
She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes.
Snore snore!
She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes.
Snore snore!
She will have to sleep with Grandma
She will have to sleep with Grandma
She will have to sleep with Grandma
When she comes.


I found this at Photobucket!  You would think the person who made this would have enough sense to spell "Portuguese" correctly, huh?  Oh well, I thought it was funny anyway. 

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lazy Sunday com Toiros a Corda :)

Hello J-landers.. :)

It's Sunday, and I'm feeling particularly lazy. 

Yesterday afternoon I took my oldest and youngest to Kelly Park in San Jose to celebrate Dia de Portugal, 2007..  It was a nice event.  I met my friend Angela there with her two girls.  My youngest unfortunately did not have much fun.  He fell during our walk there and scraped his knee, and from then on it went progressively down hill as far as his attitude went.  I could have kicked myself for not bringing my camera with me.  There were many people dressed in traditional costume, singing, and dancing; even a parade.  Oh well, I'll have to make it up with pictures I take when I'm in the Azores this August.  No use to bore you now with photos..just wait until this summer!


There was a booth there hosting a particular author:  Sue Faglade Lick.  She has written a few books including "Stories Grandmother Never Told" and "Azorean Dreams."  I had purchased "Stories.." for my daughter a few Christmas' ago, and I could have kicked myself for not having it with me or I would have gotten it signed.  Anyway, I had been in contact with this author via email a few years ago.  She is a writer and a teacher; here is her website:   She is an equally sweet woman in person--just wish Nicholas was more cooperative or I would have taken the time to speak with her more, but Nicholas was more concerned about "cleaning his hands" and was rather upset.  I bought one of her books...her publishing ones.  She teaches classes online..  Very interesting woman. 

My mother is leaving for the Azores in a week with my brother and his family.  My two older kids will be visiting their father in New Jersey sometime next month.  That is going to be particularly hard for me...but I will just have to deal.  I KNOW there are some really nice people in New Jersey.  :)  Yeah, I'm talking about, Dawn, and Mary and Teresa..  There is hope.  Before, when I would think of New Jersey, I would just have a real bad taste in my mouth because all I could think of is my ex-husband.  I might as well let the ex spoil the kids for a week.  Hopefully I won't drop dead from nerves during that time.  Some people eat when they get stressed or nervous..  I don't eat..unless it's made of chocolate.  And I'll shop..and I'll buy things.  This could be scary.  I do have a few things to buy before my trip, so may be it will be a good time to get things done. 

Well, in view that yesterday was Portugal Day, here is some "toiros a corda" for you.  They only do this on the island my family is from...  In Portugal, they don't kill the bulls--but, it's a sport to see the bulls almost kill other people..  Hear the screaming women in the background?  Real Portuguese drama!   That's the best fun of all.  It's only fun if the bull has it's horns near someone's butt.  Kind of like Nascar.  It isn't fun to watch until someone crashes.  All the houses are boarded up, and the women, children and older men folk sit on the terraces or at the windows.  At one time this was the best way to find a husband.  Think about it.  You sit up there, and watch the men pass by...  It's how my grandparents met.  People still do this today.  Oh well; watch the video if you have time.  Nicholas had a kick watching it the other day.  Tell me what you think. 


Friday, June 8, 2007

True Family Stories..

This afternoon, while doing  errands with my mother-(a drive to the Goodwill to drop off a bag of clothes, and a stop at the bank), she told me of a family story that I had heard before, but got lost in translation years ago.  Here it goes:   

A little girl lay feverish on her small bed, with city doctor and local nurse at her side.  The mother was frantic in the kitchen.  She had lost a husband, and two infant baby girls years previous, now her eight year old daughter lay in her bed also close to death.  The nurse signaled to the mother with a very sorrowful look on her face.  The little girl had ceased breathing. 

Delirious with the news, the mother ran out of the room, through the kitchen and into the backyard where she fell to her knees. 

"Please Holy Mother of God, please do not take another child from me again!" 

Her husband, also in tears, led her back into the house.  There was more commotion coming from the little girls bedside.  The little girl who had been pronounced dead, minutes, may be seconds ago was breathing, and ALIVE!

As you can imagine, the mother was now confused, but ecstatic with joy.  She made a promesa to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Mother.  The little girl's step-father killed a cow, and fed the entire village.  Word of the little girl's recovery spread throughout the small island, making headline news in the local paper.  The doctor proudly brought copies of the article to the little girl's parents.  A miracle had happened. 

My mother was the little girl who died.  Prayers are answered; they really are. 

Part of the "promesa" involved my mother wearing white dresses and blue sashes.  Just like in that movie:  The Sound Of Music, where the lead character Maria (Julie Andrews) sang:  "Girls in white dresses, with blue satin sashes....  These are some of my favorite things..."  My mother had to wear this particular outfit for years.  Years, and years later, when my father was in the hospital he lay on the hospital bed unconscious.  Apparently when he "woke up" he turned tomy mother to tell her that he saw her wearing that white dress.  This floored my mother, because she could not believe he remembered what she was wearing the first day they met each other in 1954.  He also said he saw my older brother who had died years past waving to him, and motioning him to "go back".  Of course, hours later, my father forgot what he had said. 

Yes, I come from a very unusual family; but's never a dull moment.



Thursday, June 7, 2007

It's Thursday.. :)

Yesterday was a silly day. 

I saw the lady again who was ranting and raving how she was going to light a match under "Mary Ann".  She had walked down the street in front of another building with her paper bag.  She didn't look very happy, and she was still ranting--this time in front of a dentist office.  To answer your question, Lisa Jo, she wasn't wearing one of those frilly hats that church ladies wear..  Nope, it was more of a conductor looking hat--black and felt looking--I guess she was trying to capture that retro look.. 

Yesterday while I was on my way to Burger King to get my son a hamburger for lunch, I see two transient types sitting in front of the door of the establishment.  I hate it when they do that.  They just plant themselves right there so they can corner everyone who goes inside for money.  I'm sorry; I am sensitive to people who are hungry, but that is just not right.  They see me driving towards the drive thru, and immediately one starts clapping his hands real loud trying to get my attention.  I'm in a hurry buddy--I only have 10 more minutes out of my 20 minute break, my son is hungry, and I can't help you!  I am so sure; like I'm going to stop and talk to you because you are clapping at me!  As my  husband can attest to you, this woman does not carry cash!!  I only use ATM! 

This is one of reasons I am afraid to wash my car.  The last time I went to one of those wash your car places on my lunch break, this guy wanted to wash my car for money.  I said, "No thank you, I can manage thanks.."  He didn't like my answer, and he kept on asking, commenting how he could do a better job.  So this guy won't stop talking to me, and I only have 3 and 1/2 minutes left on the timer to finish washing my car, and I don't have any more cash on me, and this guy is freaking me out because he won't leave me alone.  I am holding this hose that is spraying my car, and I am sooo tempted to spray this guy out of the way.  Luckily for me he leaves.  I don't vaccuum my car--I'm afraid he'll come back and attack me or something. 

I may be jaded because of what I see and hear about at work, but you can never be too careful. 

My Ex's envelope came to my door--unfortunately, no one was home to get it.  I also officially dropped my child support case.  My daughter called me from home to inform me that there was a message from a woman looking for her dad on our phone.  Okay..  That really makes sense.  This is an example of how screwy this child support office is.  My caseworker is calling MY home number asking for my ex-husband.  Now does that make sense?  Doesn't she know that he lives in NJ?!  You would think, right?  I sent her the letter, with a note informing her that he has paid for May and June AGAIN, but this time the money is with me.  Then she sends me an email telling me.. "oh he must have got my message...I called him.."  Right lady, you called me and you didn't leave that message you just asked him to call you back.  The irony of it all is the name of my caseworker--her name is Esperanza; the name of the woman my Ex cheated on me with.  Weird..  I know. 

Our lovely receptionist has been gone for almost 3 1/2 weeks because she contracted the SHINGLES.  We don't expect to see her for the rest of the month.  Have you ever had the Shingles?  I don't ever want them.  You can contract them from having extreme stress--it attacks your nervous system.  It just sounds awful..  Just another thing to be stressed over, huh? 

The weather has been acceptionally beautiful lately.  Good "take a walk on the beach" weather.  Unfortunately I'm at work now...but it's Thursday..  One more day, until the work week is over---HURRAH!!  Next week is my son's last week of school!!  DOUBLE HURRAH!!! 

Thankful Thursday:

1.  I'm thankful that my name isn't Mary Ann.

2.  I'm thankful that the ex-husband is showing signs of maturity in regards to his kids.

3.  I'm thankful I don't have to deal with Esperanza again.

4.  I'm thankful for the beautiful weather, and longer days.

5.  I'm thankful for my family---always thankful for that.

6.  I'm thankful I can  still afford to put gas in my car. 

7. I'm thankful my car still works.

8.  I'm thankful for the kiss my husband gives me everyday before he leaves for work.

9.  I'm thankful school is almost out. 

10.  I'm thankful for drive-thrus....  Considering the amount of time I'm in my car each day, they are a Godsend.  Burger King has great veggie burgers by the way.. 

11.  Oh yes..  I am thankful I never had the shingles before...this was added later.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Happy Hump Day :)

I just got back from getting my morning tea (yes I’m drinking tea now), and I couldn’t help noticing  a woman ranting and raving to herself in front of my office building.  By the paper bag that was sitting on the stairs, I’m guessing she was just released from the jail down the street.   I noticed right away that she wasn’t dressed as your average transient, crazy person.  She was rather put together in new looking jeans, matching clothes complete with hat—she looked more put together than myself to tell you the truth.  If she’s not crazy, she has one of those blue tooth thingies on her ear, and whoever she is talking to, she sure isn’t too happy with a “Mary Ann.”  May be Mary Ann got her in jail, or quite possibly Mary Ann forgot to pick her up from jail…  Either way, from the few words I did overhear I’m almost certain that Mary Ann is going to get her ass kicked!


I just got a call from my son Andrew.  Andrew is in middle school, and is studying Family Life.  Poor boy has to have all of his diagrams of male and female reproductive systems signed by a parent before turning in his homework.  He will give them to me usually in the car and have me sign them at the last minute.  He will make a line on the top and tell me “sign here, mom” hoping that I won’t actually see what he is studying, I’m guessing.  Poor boy is a little embarrassed.  Well, he needs some more papers signed, so I will now have to make a special trip and meet him at the school so I can sign more embarrassing diagrams.  Oh joy! 


I am counting the days until school is out.  SIX MORE DAYS!!!  I don’t know who is more anxious, me or my son. 


I’m supposed to get a hefty check in the mail from ex-husband today.  Child support in NJ is not sending money for June either, stating that CA should, but by law, they “can’t”…  Oh well..  Who needs them.  I hope I never do again. 


Oh well, I got to run and meet my son and his diagrams.  I hope everyone is enjoying a happy hump day!!   


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Dawn's Summer Survey Meme

         S U M M E R  S U R V E Y

I got this from Dawn:  Carpe Diem - Seize the Day

Feel free to play along!! 

Pool OR Jacuzzi :Pool!

Ocean OR Pool : Pool for swimming, ocean is fun too--but not for swimming...

Ice cream OR popsicles : Ice cream :P

Lemonade OR iced tea : Iced Tea!

Tennis shoes OR flip flops: Tennis shoes..  I hide my toes. 

Fans OR Air conditioning : Air conditioning

Sprinklers OR slip n slide : Sprinklers!

Water Balloon fight OR Water gun fight : Water balloons are scary..but fun..  Depends on who is throwing the balloons.  It always involves a crying child most of the time. 

Y O U R  F A V O R I T E  S U M M E R . . .

Drink : Water, Iced Tea...lemonade is good too..can't forget the Crystal Light!  Oh... and Strawberry Margaritas!!!  YUM YUM YUM..

Food : Hamburgers, hot dogs....watermellon..strawberries!!

Song : Anything from the 80's.  Summer isn't summer without hearing the Beach Boys..Rolling Stones--may be even some Scorpian music..

Hang out : Anywhere near the ocean.

Camp: Oh gosh..  Haven't done that in years.  Pinecrest is very pretty up here in California.  Camping is fun if you don't mind constantly cleaning out dirt from your tent, or the dirt grit in your mouth.  Drinking by a fire at night is fun though.

Holiday : 4th of July..  Barbecues, fireworks, and it's the first Portuguese festa weekend in my hometown..  Whoopee!  Sopas & hamburgers!!

Vacation: Take me to the islands...please..  Hawaiian, Azores.. Don't matter...

L A S T  S U M M E R :

Where did you go :  Stayed home..  I don't remember!!!  Eekk..  This is bad..  Okay, it's coming back now...  We basically stayed around and did day trip things.

Who did you hang with? My family...  My cousin who was visiting from Portugal...

Did you do anything illegal : I went down a one way street in San Francisco...arrest me..

Did you go to a concert? Yes!  Went to see a night concert for Jason Mraz in Los Gatos..very nice..

What was your best memory : Get togethers with family--I did a lot of barbecues at the house.

T H I S  S U M M E R :

Where are you going : I'm going to the Azores in August.  I hope do some day trips with the kids and hubby before I go.

Name five things you're most looking forward to this summer :

1.      Spending time with my kids, family and relatives I haven't seen in years..

2.     No work; late nights in city cafes with my cousins...sigh..catching up with all of them. 

3.     Days at the beach..

4.     Taking pictures of everything.

5.     No work commute!!  YIPPEE!! 

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