Friday, March 30, 2007

Weekend Assignment #158-My Favorite Time Of Day & Why?

From John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment #158: What's your favorite time of day and why? It doesn't have to be a specific hour and minute, mind you: "early morning" or "after midnight" or "sunset" works just fine, too. Although if you do have a very specific time, by all means note it.

Extra Credit: What's the longest you've ever stayed awake?

Gee, do I have a favorite time of day?  I have a few favorite times. 

 One of them would be early, in the morning when there is that chill still in the air.  Everything is fresh, clean, and the leaves still have that morning dew.  Unfortunately, as of lately, I have not been able to enjoy this time of the morning, because I'm often rushing out the door with the kids to school and work, but when I do have the time the best time to enjoy this particular time is a walk near the ocean.  The smell of the ocean air, and the sounds and sights surrounding are all pretty awesome. 

My other favorite would have to be the time at night where I find myself all nice and snug in my bed, knowing that all the children are in their beds ready for a nice long sleep.  It's a secure and rest assured feeling that all is okay in the world--even though we are reminded of the harsh and scary realities outside, I feel at peace that the day is done, and we are all there together to face another morning; God willing. 

Extra Credit:  I think the longest I've ever stayed up would be the last time I took a trans-Atlantic flight.  I cannot sleep on planes.  When you find yourself in a country that is 7 hours ahead of your normal time zone, with no sleep, voices start to echo, and the floor will seem to slowly sink down from underneath your feet, in slow motion--kind of like the motion you feel when you are in an elevator.  I do not like jet lag.  It doesn't help when you find yourself bombarded by never ending visits from relatives you haven't seen for years throughout the first day.  Everyone looks older, and babies you once knew as babies are taller than you.  It's like being Alice in Wonderland...looking for a nice bed to sleep in, but when you do find one, Tia Maria is sitting there and won't stop talking about her chickens.  It sometimes takes me a good two days to feel somewhat normal again.   

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Childhood Meme:

This is from Dawn again--Queen of the MeMe!  Feel free to play along.

1. Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s?

The 70's.  I dressed like Cindy Brady.   

2. Where were you born?

I was born in Santa Cruz, California, in a hospital that is now an office building, and one of my favorite Italian restaurants.  I pass it everyday when I pick up my son from preschool. 

3. What kind of home did you grow up in?

A very loud home.  HA HA HA..  A three bedroom home on the westside of town.  They built the 3rd bedroom just before I was born.  My parents moved into it when it was new for $200 as down payment.  My mother still lives there.  I'm almost there everyday. 

4. Did you enjoy your childhood?

Yes..  I lived in a bi-lingual household where my mom would speak in Portuguese, and I would reply in English.  You know that show, Everyone Loves Raymond?  Um..  I grew up in that kind of household.  It was happy..sometimes crazy, old-fashioned, but I always felt safe.   

5. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was younger, I wanted to be a baby nurse; a nurse only for babies.  I also wanted to get married and have kids; oh, and a world traveler.  After high school I took a course in travel/airline, but silly me got married and needed a secure job..  (Where I still am today)..  BUT..  I can't complain.  I am kind of a baby nurse with 3 kids..  World Traveler?  Still working on that... :)   

6. What do you want to be now?

Being a mom, and being a happy wife is good--got that.  My job isn't my life---don't ever want it to be.  I would like to write more..a world traveler, writer?  :)   

7. What was your first best friend's name?

First best friend would be Linda Van Loon.  She would stick her tongue at me on the bus everyday, and I was afraid of her.  Now this is really silly, because Linda was a very thin blonde girl, who I could have beat up...but, I was quite shy.  Her mother arranged a play date one day, and we became quick friends.

8. Is she still your friend? 

Nope.  We lost touch years ago!! 

9. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?

Yes..  I never moved so I graduated high school with a lot of kids I went to elementary school with.  Westlake, Mission Hill, Santa Cruz High...

10. Were you closer to your mom or dad as a kid?

I guess my mother when I was younger...  When I got older, my Dad because he always seemed to stick up for me--especially through my divorce. 

11. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?

Buying with my own money?  Hmm..  I remember getting Disco Duck, but I think the first record I bought was a GoGo's Album, or Madonna one.  Oh, and I got Shaun Cassidy for my birthday one year.. Whohoo.. 

12. How old is a good age to have kids?

I used to think in your 20's..  BUT...  You know..  It depends on the person really.  I don't think there is a better age now. 

13. Are you scared of anything?

Sure..  I'm always worried about the welfare of my kids,  I'm really a mother hen. 

14. What was your favourite class in elementary school?

English!  I always loved to write. 

15. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?

I mostly brought lunch to school.  I always had hungry friends who knew this.  My mom really went all out. 

16. Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?

I once fell down the stairs and sat on a piece of glass.  I had to get stitches on my upper leg. 

17. Were you a mean kid?

No.  I was they shy kid the mean kids used to tease.   

18. Favourite board game of all time?

The Game of Life.  I liked the cars, and the little pegs you stuck in.  I always wanted the car with the most kids.  My dream has come true!

19. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?

Our house was near lots of fields back then, and I remember following my older siblings and the neighborhood kids in the canyon, to make forts.  I remember making little "homes" in the empty lots near the house..  I used to play with dolls..and I used to have a few invisible imaginary friends as well.  No super heros though that I can remember.

20. Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart?

Yes..  I think so. 

Monday, March 26, 2007

Name MeMe, Courtesy of Dawn; AKA Princess Aurora

Well, I'm back from my interview.  Wheww..  Now that was a waste of time..  Oh well, I always seem to do better than I realize, so I will wait and see.  It wasn't what you call an interview-more like a performance test.  In the first part I was in front of a panel of three ladies who asked me questions about different courtroom scenarios.  I have no experience of being a courtroom clerk; I've only had to read from them and work with them, and I know how messy and confusing they are because I get them everyday at work.  I think I did fine on the first part.  The second part however was very frustrating.  They put me in a small room with a recording on the computer, and they had me take minutes.  I don't think they could have they chosen any quicker cases, and a judge who spoke as fast?  I don't think so.  It was a joke.  Oh well..  We shall see.  

I just want to relax now.  It's raining now!  I'm so glad I'm out of the rain and back home! 

I found this at Dawn's place--looks like I did it.  Do it too! 

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following... They MUST be real places, names, things... 

NOTHING made up!  If you can't think of anything, skip it.

You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name:  Julie

Famous Music artist/group:  Journey

3 letter word:   Jam

Color:         Juniper (Green)

Gift/present:    Jewlery!

Vehicle:      Jaguar!  (my car of the future)

TV Show:   Just Julie!  (Remember Julie Brown?) 

Country:     Japan

Boy's Name:   Joe (my daddy's name)

Girl's Name:   Jennifer

Alcoholic drink:  Jalopy-Made of coffee and Kahlua.  I had to look this one up--sure sounds yummy!

Occupation:  Janitor

Flower:   Jasmine (one of my favorite smells)

Celebrity:    JLo

Food:       Jellybeans

Something found in a kitchen:   Juicer.

Reason for Being Late: Jumped off the curb, and fell in a puddle of jello! (Could happen...) 

Something You Shout:   Just you wait until your father gets home!  Jumping Johovavaghts?! HA...nope!  (I really don't say this very often, but I can't find any swear words starting with the letter J.) 

Interview Day

I'm home this morning, and my two boys are still asleep.  I'm letting Andrew sleep in this Monday and play "hooky".  My interview is early this afternoon, my comute is a 45 minute drive, it really doesn't make sense to drive all the way there, only to take him out of his 3rd period class, so I'm just letting him sleep in.  Nicholas is sleeping  He usually is up at 7:30 am on the weekends--wonder why he only likes sleeping in on the weekdays.. 

I am going to have a busy day today, so might as well get my quiet time when I can... 

Yes, today is the big interview for the super job...  I spoke to a friend who I used to work with who now holds the same job I'm being interviewed for in the same place in fact.  She told me what to expect today, so that is a load off my mind.  I got my grey pin-striped suit ready.  You would  never believe how much I spent on it... Let's just say it was a "steal". 

Passports and primroses was my quest this last weekend, but unfortunately, I did not even start this quest.  It went as far as pulling out another 2 foot weed I found on the side of the front yard, just when two older people came by walking on the sidewalk with a baby stroller.  We exchanged hellos, and I overheard them stop next door and speak to Mr. Stewart. 

"Oh you have such a beautiful garden!"  exclaimed the woman with the stroller.

"Why thank you," exclaimed Mr. Stewart, "My wife keeps me busy!"

I wonder what they thought of me as they passed me by while trying to yank out my 2 foot weed flower.  Hmmm..

Oh well, my silence has broken, the boys are awake and wanting food.  Wish me luck!  :)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Yes, It's FRIDAY! - And I'm thankful


Yes, I know it's Friday, and I missed Thankful Thursday, but I don't care.  Here are some things I'm thankful for! 

1.  My job.  Sure, my building looks like a ghetto, and many of my co-workers are pretty flaky, but it's a job that pays bills, is flexible, and is conveniently near many coffee establishments.  Plus the scones they make across the street at the county building are to die for...yummy. 

2.  My 'guilt-stricken' ex-husband.  Yeah, you heard me say it!  He has promised to send me a rather large sum of money to pay for my kid's airline tickets.  Thank God for guilt. 

3.  Ben Gay.  I had to rub some on my legs last night, and now I wish I had it with me.  Wednesday I made a poor choice in shoes.  I wore these heavy heeled ones that are a size a little too big.  Now, my lower legs are sore from my knees down.  They have been aching since.  This is what I get for writing an entry about the white pumps.  See, if I had chose white pumps on the first day of Spring, I probably wouldn't have had this problem.  Too bad I don't own any.  I refuse!!

4.  Hot baths.  I took a nice hot bath yesterday because of my legs.  I must do it again.  After sitting there however in the tub I found some mildew hiding under the soap holder.  Eeekk!!  Must spray some Lysol on that today! 

5.  My husband.  Last night while I was on the phone, he caught my youngest with POOPY PANTS!  Thank God he was there to help clean the poop! 

6.  My kids.  They keep my life busy.  Sometimes I wish I could just sit all day and do nothing with my life--maybe work on my crochet again, but I think that would get pretty boring after awhile. 

Yesterday afternoon, after the POOP incident I went on to clean my kitchen and front door entrance area, and decided to take a peek outside the front door.  There was my dead, dried up flowers sitting there right near the water can.  How depressing is that!?  I almost took a picture of it.  I think I was able to save a few potted plants I had out there, but then I saw these enormous weeds growing in other areas of the front yard!  Oh the horror!  If my neighbor, Mary Stewart--the woman with the most beautiful garden I've ever seen should happen to walk by and see this diaster area I think she would cry!  I was able to pull out most of them yesterday, but I'm determined to buy some Primroses and repot some plants, and pull up some weeds!! 

Gardening, and passports.  That is my quest this weekend.  I also have an interview Monday afternoon.  I don't know what to wear.  I was told I should wear a suit.  Blah! 


Thursday, March 22, 2007

White Pump Season


I ran into an old co-worker/friend Glenda yesterday across the street at the main county building, and she told me:


“You know what I hate about Spring?” asked Glenda.

“What?”  I asked.  I was a little surprised with hearing the words “hate” and “Spring” in the same sentence, because I truly love Spring—it’s my favorite season.

“White shoes.”  Glenda exclaimed.


We then looked at eachother and burst into laughter.



You know the shoes we’re talking about?  The whiter than white, almost glow in the dark white pumps you can find in rows upon rows at the local Payless Shoes?  There is nothing wrong really with white shoes, but some women feel like they have to wear them on the first day of Spring for some reason.  I mean, white shoes are fine and everything—but, I just don’t feel to comfortable in white pumps.   I think having a size 8 1/2 / 9 shoe is just too big to be sporting white pumps.  I’ll do the flat white ballet type shoes, but not the pumps.  There was this very tall and thin employee that used to work with us, who loved white pumps.  We called her “The Flapper”.  Her white shoes looked like two life boats trudging through the office—they seemed to be the biggest part of her body.  I just read that Paris Hilton wears a size 10 shoe by the way.  I wonder if she has brought out her white pumps.  Something tells me though she didn’t buy hers a Payless-no doubt.


Well, as of 3/20 at 5:21 pm, it is officially Spring!  Yeah!!  As I drove to work yesterday, I realized that I was dressed very un-Springy.   Grey pants, black shirt, black blazer, black shoes..basically-nothing like Spring.   Oh well, no matter.  It was a busy day yesterday.  One co-worker is out the whole week for vacation, the other clerical was gone on a family emergency, and of course our receptionist was not here yesterday because of the mysterious virus she keeps getting each week….(she isn’t here today either)..  SO, I was the only clerical in the office yesterday.  It was a very busy day involving irrational people, as well as smelly ones.  The flaky woman who is leaving soon (yeah from the flyer I had to make for) calls in and says:  “Uhh…  I can be reached by my cell, but I am not going to talk to anybody.  I may come in “later.”  (laughs)  I’m really “short timing it.”  Okay, whatever..  No, Idon’t really feel guilty anymore about drawing that moustache on her face..  Nope, not at all now.  I should have included some bunny ears.   Too bad I threw it away, huh? 


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Very odd email

I got the following in my email just now: 

Show/Hide all the To recipientsTo:
Subject:  Return sunrise to your life!

Tue, 20 Mar 2007 4:31 PM

The body of my message was empty.

I don't remember sending myself this email; in fact..  I never send myself emails--unless I'm at a different computer.  Very strange. 

What does "Return sunrise to your life!" mean?  Does it imply that I'm a vampire or something?!   Very odd. 

Have any of you gotten emails like these?  I just don't get it. 


"I've Got To Pee!"


The last two days I’ve been relieving another clerical on her breaks and mail runs at the reception desk.  Yes, our receptionist is “gone” the last two days.  In her long winded explanation of her sickness that she left on the voicemail, she did say she would be well enough to come in tomorrow.  Let’s just see.  I say she won’t be in until Thursday.  Anyway, lucky me has been working the front desk off and on the last two days, and it’s been quite a “pleasure” working with our clients. 


“I’ve got to pee!” 


“I can’t hold it in much longer!”


“I need to relieve myself half way, and save some for the probation officer.”


This is just a sample of the words from some of our clients as they are left waiting in the lobby for their pee test.  You would think grown men and women would use words a little less suttle; but no…  It’s like communicating with a room full of children most of the time.  It’s just embarrassing—especially when they bring their children with them for a pee test.  Why or why would you make your kid be witness of such humiliation is beyond me.   I see clients coming in with babies—letting them crawl all over the carpet and the chairs, and let them rub their noses on the glass.  Don’t these people realize that the lobby is full of germs!  We have drug addicts, and homeless people in there.  They haven’t bathed in days, may be weeks..  We sometimes find bottles of pee and garbage on the floor.  HELLO!!!  This is not a place for children!!  I swear to you, sometimes I just want to go in that lobby and swoop up those kids and take them away.  After looking at some of these parents, it leaves me to wonder if these children will have a half a chance growing up a normal life.  It’s very, very sad.


Here is something else that is equally sad.  A co-worker’s daughter’s best friend was raped.  15 year old.  Her father who is a Meth user dropped her off with a “friend” (another drug user) who raped her.   Imagine getting a text message on your daughter’s phone that reads:  “I’ve been raped.  What should I do?”  The guy is in jail now-got booked in today, but before he was he was calling my co-worker’s house.  He knows where my co-worker lives.  Scary.  This raped daughter’s mother (who is also a drug user) abandoned her with her dad when she was 3.  Where do kids like these go in situations like these?  Basically her meth user father has no sense and obviously cannot care for her any longer. 


I just got back from the reception desk where I had to deal with a young woman on the phone, yelling in my ear about her wanting a new probation officer.  I looked up her case.  This woman is only a few years older than my own daughter.  She’s barely 20 years old, and already a felon, and a nasty and rude one to boot…




Makes me want to fall on my knees and thank God for the life, and the secure atmosphere I have for my kids.  After a day here at work, yes, I’m paranoid with what is out there.  It’s scary!   After sitting at the receptionist desk, I can now almost understand why the receptionist is GONE all the time.  Almost..   I’m feeling a bit ill at the moment.  I’m sure there is a gopher hole I can fall into to twist my ankle..   


Saturday, March 17, 2007

For Mary

Mary, don't let this one get away... 

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you! 

I did a very UnIrish thing and made tacos for dinner tonight.  I was at the grocery store this morning, and all I saw was pre-packaged corned beef, and lots of cabbage decorating the store.  I went for the Easter candy instead.  I was tempted--but I've never prepared Corned Beef before, so I don't have a clue how to make it.  I guess I could have gotten the pre-packaged kind, and just stick in the oven, but I went for the familar taco dinner.  No one seemed to mind. 

I don't have green on either.  Pinch me--go ahead.

As far as I know, I'm not Irish..  But, then again--who is to say I'm not.  My family is from the Azores--it was invaded hundreds of times by the Flemish, and the English, and the Vikings--I could be very well of Irish decent.   I definitely think I'm part Viking--I don't know why--I just do.  My aunt married an Irishman, so I have a bunch of Sullivans in the family.  They all go up to San Francisco and see the parade--it's the biggest one next to the Gay Pride parade they have every year. 


I did a mean thing at work yesterday.  I still feel a little guilt stricken.  I actually laughed afterwards after I did my "evil deed" but felt really ashamed afterwards.  I was sitting on the couch watching T.V.--Bridget Jones-Beyond Reason--(great movie), and I found myself thinking of what I did earlier that day, and I laughed again.  Oh, sure, I seem all innocent, and sweet; but I was bad yesterday.  I may confess it later.  It is pretty shameful--but funny at the time.  Bad, Julie.. BAD...

I found myself driving around earlier this afternoon; killing time.  I had Nick in the car with me, and I was waiting for my daughter to get out of a school meeting she had at her college campus.  We just left the store where Nicholas found his COSMIC BROWNIES.  Ohh..bad food for a 3 year old--but surprisingly it knocked him out.  He was asleep.  So..  I wondered..  Gee, I remember these streets.  I decided to be the the psycho ex-girlfriend I was once accused of being, and be the stalker that I was also accused of being and drove by an ex's house.  I laughed an evil laugh while I passed his little crappy car, and his little crappy house.  If he only knew that PSYCHO woman was outside circling outside..  Ha! Ha! Ha!  See, this is a side of me I really don't show to you Jlanders..  I hope I am not shocking you all. 

Be afraid..very afraid..


Friday, March 16, 2007

Party Pooper Me

It’s FRIDAY…  Despite being at work with RUDE people, it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.



Yesterday, I was asked by another co-worker to create a flyer for someone who is leaving the department.  I send out emails that people say are “creative” and “cute”, so when an email or flyer needs to be made, I’m usually the person they ask.  I mean, I think it’s more like:  “I don’t want to deal with it..  Let’s go ask Julie.”  I obliged, and made a flyer.  I knew it wasn’t going to be “easy” from the get go because the person who asked for the flyer to be made is a very picky person.  Picky, picky, picky…


 After four, yes—four alternations of the finished flyer I was done.  The Picky Person didn’t give me the correct name of the restaurant, or address.  I was notified later by a few co-workers that the restaurant I had written on the original flyer was no longer in business, and no one knew the address of the correct one.  So after that flyer was made, I had to send another flyer with the new restaurant, and its address.  Then I get an email from another co-worker who informed me that the person’s last name on the flyer was incorrect—she went back to her former married name.  Now how in the hell was I supposed to know this?  The last time I heard she proclaimed herself back to her maiden name during her very office public divorce with the husband…NOW she is back to the husband’s name?  Oh, and then after printing out the new flyer for the 3rd fricken time, I get a call from Picky Person asking me to put the address on the flyer…  Okay, no problem.  Name change, and address.  I thought it was over.


I go get my work at my pick up, and I notice ANOTHER flyer taped next to the one I spent way too much time on.  It has all my information, but instead of my graphics they put her picture in it.  Whoopee doo!  WHY or WHY couldn’t they have asked this person to do the fricken flyer instead of me?  Next time Ms. Picky Person asks for a flyer to be made, I’ll tell her to go ask someone else.  Flyer Maker is not included in my list of work duties.


You know, if I actually LIKED the person who the party was going to be thrown for, I might have a better attitude.  I’m actually HAPPY this woman is leaving.  She is one of the most rude, and inconsiderate people I EVER had to work with.  As far as I can tell she has  already "left" mentally from her post here, months ago.  I’m just happy her “party” is not going to be thrown during business hours at the office where I would be expected to “help” Ms. Picky set up party decor for this woman.  It will be at a restaurant after work with cocktails.  I WILL NOT be in attendance.  If I did, I would bring my digital camera and do some serious possible blackmail photos.  Probation officers engaging in activities involving liquor--interesting material. 


MeMe of 3s

It's Friday!!  Whoohoo!!!  I snagged this from Dawn...  Thanks for doing my thinking this morning!  :) 


Lists of Three

Three things I am wearing.

1. blue jeans--it's Friday, afterall..  

2. my favorite red cordoroy shirt

3. my black flats with the bow

Three things on the desk.

1) my cold coffee

2) hole puncher

3) my computer  (I'm at work)

Three good ways to describe my personality.

1.  optimistic

2.  friendly

3.  trustworthy

(So people say, anyway..)

Three bad things about my personality. 

1.  Emotional--I can't hide my true feelings--if I'm in a crappy mood-it shows on my face--can't hide it. 

2) Procrastinator (sometimes)  I start something, and end up rushing to finish it.  If I don't have a specific deadline, I may never get back to it--I tend to put a little too much on my plate, and regret it later. 

3) Naive--I tend to trust and expect the best from people--this does not always happen. 

Three parts of my heritage.
1. Portuguese-my mom

2. Portuguese-my dad's parents

3. American--native Californian

Three things I like about my body.

1.  I'm healthy--all my parts work. 

2.  My legs.

3.  My hair. 

Three things I do not like about my body.

1.  My butt--who likes their butt? 

2.  My toes--my 2nd toe is longer than my 1st.  I hardly ever wear open toed shoes for this reason.

3.  I inherited my grandma's fat hands.  I love my grandma, but I wish my hands were more..umm...graceful looking.  .

Three things most people do not know about me.

1.  I'm a good actress.

2.  I daydream alot

3.  I used to play the clarinet.

Three things I say the most.

1.  Ai, meu Deus!  (It means, Oh my God!)  I get this from my mother. 

2.  When I call out for one of my kids, I tend to run down and say all their names.  For example, if I call out to my daughter, it usually sounds like:  "Nick, Andrew, Lizzy!"  Sometimes I call my cat by one of my kid's names.  I do this quite often--and it drives me nuts.

3.  "Get down L.A.!"  (To my cat (L.A.--yeah, he has a strange name) when he tries to climb on my screen in the kitchen--which is very often.

Three places I want to go.

1.  Hawaii (again)

2.  Lisbon

3.  Rome.

Three names that I go by.

1.  Sweetie

2.  Mommy, Mama, Mom

3.  Juliana (my mom--usually when she's upset). 

Three screen names I have had.

1.  Jules4466

2. JacVicente

3.  FrednDebee (don't ask why)

Three foods I ate today--I haven't eaten 3

1.  Slice of veggie pizza (last night's dinner)

2.   coffee (is this considered a food?)

3.  1 old fashioned glazed Donut

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cave man for Cin

This is for Cin. 

The guy above actually is "cuter" than the doctor we saw yesterday.


When Your Doctor Resembles A Caveman

My daughter got a case of the hives a few days ago, and it has been lingering still.  Yesterday I left work to take her to see a doctor.  She turned 18 late last year, and she got a letter in the mail from her new doctor.  Let's just say this letter left her a little frightened, because in the letter there was a picture of her new doctor by the letterhead. 

"Mom!  My new doctor looks like a caveman!" 

I checked to see, and I thought she was crazy.  Sure, he wasn't the most attractive man I've seen, but I didn't think the poor fellow deserved to be called a caveman. 

On the advice of the "advice nurse" that advised me to have my daughter seen right away--(this nurse frankly, scared me to death with her warnings:  If she can't breathe or has trouble breathing she needs to call 911!) I got her scheduled to see a doctor.  I left work early, gathered my boys from preschool and the Boys & Girls Club, and rushed over home to take Lizzy to her doctor's appointment.  As soon as we sat down in the lobby, my daughter caught eye of her doctor.

"Mom!  It's the caveman!" 

I looked up and saw a taller man in the white coat.  Oh my God; he did look like a caveman.  Poor guy only needed to wear an animal cloth skin and a club.  I tried not to stare. 

"Mom, what am I going to do to stop from laughing?" 

Well, she insisted on going by herself, so I let her.  She had no complaints, and said later that he was nice, but she was unable to look him in the eye.  He said the hives were going to stay around for awhile, may be up to 7 days--not an acceptable answer for Ms. Liz.  He did offer her steroids, but she declined.  I will have to change doctors for her--she says she feels more comfortable with a female doctor than a caveman. 

Well, our anniversary plans are set!  Monterey, here we come!  I got the okay from my mom, and we'll be leaving the "crew" with her a few days.  We'll only be a 40 minute drive away, so it won't be that bad.  I booked the hotel online last night, and we have something to look forward to next month!  Yippee!! 

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

MeMe Snagged

I'm always snagging Dawn's Meme's at: Carpe Diem - Seize the Day, who got it from  Heather over at  Tightening the corset    Looks like fun, so what the hay?

10 states you've been to (other than your own):

I've crossed the United States twice by car, but I don't remember too much of it, but here are the ones I've been to that I remember the most from.

1.  In Hawaii, I went when I was single to Maui with some girlfriends.  The weather, the atmosphere, the smells, the friendly people,  and the ocean and beaches were breath taking.  I couldn't stop saying "Oh it's so beautiful here!"  I love being on an island.  I hope to go back soon one day with my husband and family. 
2.  Oregon -  I went years ago, along the coast.  The coastline is beautiful, and life seemed a lot more slower than fast paced California life.  I can see why they would call us all crazy, but it was a little to slow for me.  I felt almost as if I was in a different country.  A lot of very pale people live in Oregon. 
3.  Massachussets - Can you say, Taunton?  Taunton is the first town both of my grandparents came to live when they first came to America.  They met there, and got married there before they headed out to California.  I have still many relatives that live there, and I've been there a few times during my childhood.  I would love to go back again.  I remember lots of large homes with big porches, and porch swings; hot summer nights, street hockey, cemetaries, and the cobblestone city streets of Boston. I still remember the hockey mural of the airport in Boston.
4.  Nevada- Yes, I've been to Nevada a number of times.  I've been to Reno-(The Biggest Little City In The World) a number of times, and Lake Tahoe, and once to Las Vegas--the town of sin...ha ha ha..  What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  I went there with a group of friends (when I was single), and I almost confessed to the priest waiting for a plane in the airport.  Don't ask me what I was going to confess. 
5. Arizona  - Whoa...  It's hot in Arizona--especially in the summer time!   My inlaws live there, and I was truely impressed with Sun City West---I was actually jealous of all the neat facilities there were for the older generation.  For a moment there, I wanted to be 65 and retired.  Lots of quail and bunny rabbits hopping about--very cute, and rock gardens.  Next time we go we are going to try and see Phoenix, but in the winter or fall, never again in the summer!  Can you say 116 degrees in August?! 
6. Colorado - Denver--a very interesting airport.  We had a lay over there during the big airline strike of 1981.  I never saw so many strange people in all of my life.   I know that is no reflection of the city.  It was just a strange experience; let's just say there were a lot of old men in cowboy hats at the airport. 
7. Utah- Salt Lake City.  I remember the lake, and I remember being told that anything you throw in would float.  It was very desolate looking.  This was a long, long time ago.  I don't remember much of the state--only that it was very flat. 
8. Nebraska - An equally flat state.  Lots of cowboys there.  We drove through this one too.  Tumble weeds as well.  The flatness was spooky to me.  If you stare at the highway from the back seat of aChevy Nova for days, it is very unusual for me to see how the heat from the pavementmade the cars "float" from a distance. 
9. New Jersey, the Garden State - Okay, this really doesn't count, because the only real part I saw of New Jersey was the inside of the airport, and the drive from New Jersey to New York.  We took a limo ride with another couple-(the taxi couldn't fit all of our luggage).  It was dark, and I didn't see much of anything that I could tell you that was memorable, but I hear it is a nice state--at least my ex-husband seems to like it.  There ARE nice people from New Jersey--I've met them here in JLand!  (Waving to Teresa, Mary & Dawn.)
10.  New York.  I LOVE JFK Airport.  Just the size, and the different people, the different languages being spoken--the rush, rush of it all--it just excites me.  I love airports for this reason, but JFK-the atmosphere is just over the top.  I think I would LOVE to be in New York City-will have to do that one day, definitely.  I do remember one thing in particular during the limo ride from NJ to NY.  We were passing a neighborhood street in NY City, that looked a bit old, and ghetto like.   I remember the limo stopping in front of one house with a little girl at the front of the door way.  My first New York "ghetto" experience I thought as I stared out from the window.  I pulled the window down.  She stared back at me, but her hands on both of her hips and exclaimed in a loud voice:  "Whatcha lookin' at?"  I quickly pulled up my window.  
9 lasts:
1. Last dollar spent: Next door for my coffee.  Can't start the day without it.
2. Last tv show: 2 1/2 Men with hubby.  I didn't watch T.V. at all last night.
3. Last beverage: Coffee. 
4. Last movie: The Departed.  We rented it--and I was a little disappointed by it.  Why does Leo have to die in every movie I see him in?!
5. Last phone call: From my mom, yesterday late afternoon.
6. Last Song Sang:  Oh gosh..  Did I listen to the radio this morning?  I don't even remember--that's bad, huh?
7. Last bubble bath: I don't remember.  Sometime last year?
8. Last time you cried:  For a co-worker, who has been in and out of the hospital with her newborn--her younger sister just died in a car accident--so everyone has been a little teary eyed over this at work the past few weeks.
9. Last time you went on a date: A few weeks ago with my husband; dinner and a movie.  The last date I had before I was married, was with him too.  :) 
8 have you evers:
1. Have you ever dated a best friend: Trick question..  My husband is my best friend. 
2. Have you ever skinny dipped: No, can't say that I have.
3. Have you ever kissed someone & regretted it? Yes, there are a few.  Life is too short.
4. Have you ever lost someone you loved: Yes.
5. Have you ever been dumped: Yes--and I thank that person everyday--not in person, but in my thoughts. 
6. Have you ever been drunk and threw up: Yes, on Porto Wine. 
7. Have you ever ran away: Yes; when I was 32. 
8. Have you ever snuck out of your house: Yes.. Once I did. 
7 favorite restaurants in no order:
1. El Palomar (Santa Cruz)
2. Benehana
3. La Mission
4. Buca di Beppo
5. Cheesecake Factory
6.  Crows Nest (Santa Cruz)
7. Ristorante Italiano (Santa Cruz)
6 things you've done today: (in no particular order...)
1. Got out of the bed, took shower-got dressed for work.  
2. Dressed up Nicholas
3. Fixed his diaper/preschool bag
4. Drove to Santa Cruz.
5. Went to my mom's dropped off Nick, picked up Andrew and took him to school.
6. Went to work.
5 of your favorite things in no order:
1. My familia--not things--but I like doing things with them. 
2. My home.
3. My bed.
4. Writing
5. Free time--enjoying it. 
4 places you want to go:
1. Lisbon, Rome, Madrid
2. Oh hell, I want to go on a European cruise--see all of Europe!
3. Hawaii (again)
4. South America..  Que legal--vamos o ver os brasileiros! 
3 things that make you smile:
1. My kids.
2. My husband, and the sweet things he does.
3. Babies--(no more for me though) 
2 things you want to do before you die:
1.  Write a book.
2.  Dance at my grandchildren's wedding. 
1 thing that you cannot live without:
1.  Love.  If you don't have it, life isn't very special. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Spring has finally arrived!!  The weather has been awesome lately.  I don't care what people say, but I LOVE daylight savings time.  I love that extra hour of daylight.  I don't have to rush home in the dark anymore, and gives me the illusion that my day is longer.  It is pretty dark when I get up in the morning however; but I'll trade it for an extra hour of sunshine later. 

My weekend just flew by..  It was extra nice because we made it a family day Saturday and drove up to San Francisco and went to the zoo.  The zoo is great in the morning--no crowds, and good parking.  We drove past the ocean in San Francisco--something I haven't done in a while, near Ocean Beach-(original name for a beach, huh?).  The zoo was fun, and Nicholas had a great time just being outside and enjoying his surroundings.  Oh, and yes, he liked looking at the animals too--but we think he just enjoyed just being outside in the open.  We took a lot of pictures there--will share some of them later.  Nicholas is getting worse than his sister now--he is getting to be a little ham for the camera.  After the zoo we had dinner at a restaurant.  It was a nice, and pretty much relaxed little get away spent with all the kids.  Hopefully we can do it again soon.

I can't believe it's mid-March already.  My birthday is coming up..urrr...but, even better, our wedding anniversary is coming up!  4 years :) on April 19th.  Wow, has it been that long already honey?  Well, hubby brought up that we should go spend a weekend away for our anniversary, and I'm so happy that he thought up the idea on his own.  He is such a sweetie--I love him, and he is all mine :)  Just me and my hubby..can't wait!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Movie Meme

Movie Meme


Found this Cyn’s and Dawn’s blogs, who found it at Paul's blog:   Aurora Walking Vacation...

1. Name a movie that you have seen more than 10 times.  10 times?  Hmm..  Perhaps, Star Wars, Dirty Dancing, Moonstruck, Ghost…  I’m sorry, I don’t remember if it was 10; never really counted..

2. Name a movie that you've seen multiple times in the theater.  I don’t think I’ve ever done that…unless it was a Benji movie when I was younger. 

3. Name an actor that would make you more inclined to see a movie. Hmm..  I like funny people, like Robin Williams, Will Ferrell..but I like serious ones too.  Jack Nicholson—eeek---his eyes freak me out.  I’d rather see Leo Dicaprio, Colin Firth or Nicholas Cage..Patrick Swayze, Hugh Grant. I hate it when actors try and switch roles from comical to serious..  It confuses the hell out of me. 


4. Name an actor that would make you less likely to see a movie. If a movie looks good, and I hear good reviews, I’ll see it.  Tom Cruise however gives me the heebie jeebies. 

5. Name a movie that you can and do quote from.  Dirty Dancing, Ghost, To Wong Foo: Julie Newmar With Love, Moonstruck, Bridget Jones’ Diary.. 

6. Name a movie musical that you know all of the lyrics to all of the songs. Muriel’s Wedding (I know my ABBA), My Fair Lady (of course!). 


7. Name a movie that you have been known to sing along with. If I know the song, I’ll sing it. 

8. Name a movie that you would recommend everyone see. The Color Purple. 

9. Name a movie that you own. Just one?  Umm… Okay…  I own To Wong Foo To Julie Newmar, With Love.  I love seeing Patrick in drag. 

10. Name an actor that launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops.  Other than Cher, may be Mark Wahlberg. 

11. Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what? Yes.  It was the only time my parents took us to the movies as a family.

12. Ever made out in a movie? Sadly, I don’t think I ever did that. 

13. Name a movie that you keep meaning to see but just haven’t yet gotten around to it. I want to see the whole entire movie of Love Actually.  Grrrr… 

14. Ever walked out of a movie? No, never, but I was quite tempted to walk out of the movie Planet Of The Apes.  I hated that movie!!  May be it was because the place was full, and we had to sit on the second row?  Horny apes are not pretty!  I remember my father driving out of the drive in during the beginning of High Anxiety with Gene Wilder.  According to my parents it was too dirty.  It was pretty embarrassing leaving the drive in.  I hid in the backseat. 

15. Name a movie that made you cry in the theater. Last movie was The Nativity.  I saw it on Christmas Day, and it was very touching. 

16. Popcorn? Yes.  If the movie is really boring, I can always concentrate on getting the corn kernels out of my teeth.

17. How often do you go to the movies (as opposed to renting them or watching them at home)? Not as often as I would like.  When hubby and I go out, we usually go out for dinner and a movie.    

18. What’s the last movie you saw in the theater? Number 23.  I don’t recommend it. 

19. What’s your favorite/preferred genre of movie? Comedy, but I like suspense, drama, & horror—sometimes. 

20. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in the theater?  Sleeping Beauty.  I was afraid of the witch.  I would run and hide in the bathroom of the theatre whenever she came on screen.

21. What movie do you wish you had never seen? Texas Chainsaw Masacre. 

22. What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed? George of the Jungle. 

23. What is the scariest movie you've seen? Silence of the Lambs. 

24. What is the funniest movie you've seen? Gee..  So many funny ones..  For some reason, I remember watching SomethingAbout Mary at the movies, and I could not stop laughing in the theatre.  I had the same experience with George of the Jungle.      

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Weekend Assignment #155-Childish Thing I Did

Weekend Assignment #155: Recount a distinctively childish thing you did (or your children did) when you or they were children. Because things like painting your hands pink, or trying to make chocolate milk with mud, or arranging a marriage between your stuffed animals? Not something you're likely to do when you're older.

Extra Credit: The name of your favorite stuffed animal growing up.

When I was younger, there was an older neighbor that lived across the street, that I would bother now and then.  I don't necessarily know why; may be it was because I thought this older man was lonely?  I don't know.  I remember ringing his doorbell and telling him that I "found this near the house, and I think it belongs to you.."  It could be a number of items I would find..from buckets to garden tools.  Each time I would know that it didn't belong to him and it was left at the front of the house by my father or someone else, but each and every time this old man would say, without fail:  "Oh, thank you!  I've been looking for that!"  And he would smile, and close the door, and I would leave his door thinking I did him a great service of some kind. 

Mr. Catini was his name.  He drove a shiny aqua marine Ford pickup, and he would grow zucchini in his garden.  He would come over and give us zucchini.  I don't remember my mother making anything made with zucchini at home, so I'm guessing my mother just smiled, said thank you and wondered what to do with it.  He was a very sweet old man who lived alone who, according to the Avon lady enjoyed buying many of her men's products; perhaps just to make her happy?  Now that I look back, I think it would be safe to say that he probably must have thought I was a very strange, and lonely child. 

Extra Credit: The name of your favorite stuffed animal growing up.  I don't remember one particular stuffed animal that I would call my favorite, but I had this plastic poodle dog that I particularly loved.  Apparently, when I was younger I had bit into it, and there was a mark on it from my tooth.  It was yellow, with a pink mouth and pink ribbons on each side of it's ears, and it squeaked. 

Yesterday was another whirlwind of a day… 


I got off early because my son had his annual doctor’s appointment.  I was so proud of him.  He stood on the scale, and let the nurse measure him and take his blood pressure.  I am so glad I got him his little doctor’s kit for Christmas.  I think he made him less scared when his blood pressure was taken.  He was fine until the doctor checked out his ears.  He still has a slight ear infection, but the doctor didn’t prescribe him anything. 


Then, it was off to the INJECTION ROOM. 


He needed a shot, and so did a lot of other kids/people.  I’ve never seen the lobby filled with so many people-mostly children.  I was there for an hour at least.  After they called Nicholas’ name, we were in and out a few minutes. 

During this whole time, my mother wanted to stay in the car.  Surprisingly, she wasn’t too upset after sitting in the car for two hours like I previously imagined.  I fortunately got a nice parking space under a tree, and she was able to take a nice nap. 


Later that night we went to JcPenney and didn’t leave until closing time.  My mother just loves to shop.  I trailed behind her carrying her suit and array of fancy dresses.  I will say that my mother has good taste, and left the store with some really nice choices. She was just a little disappointed that we didn’t even look at the shoes.  When I suggested that she buy some low heeled shoes, or some sneakers, she looked at me and said:  “They hurt my back.”  My mother refuses to wear any shoes that don’t have at least a 2 inch heel.  I suggested she buy a pair of sneakers for the summer, and she responded telling me that she never wore sneakers before she came to America, and she never will wear sneakers when she comes back to her native land. Okay mom. 


Well, it’s Thursday, I am at work, and I haven’t seen the Booger Man yet today.  Frankly, I’m afraid to.  I keep on imagining him with a booger coming out of his nose.  I don’t dare leave my office now without checking the mirror.  What if I had a booger coming out of my nose?  Would someone tell me?  My friend Maria reassured me that she would let me know.  Gosh, it makes me think.  What if I left the bathroom with toilet paper coming out of my pants?  Would someone tell me this?  I can only hope.  I remember a long time ago, we were in church, and the woman who was in front of us had a lady bug in her hair.  It looked like the bug was actually trapped in the woman’s beehive. (This was quite a few years ago—beehives were still the fashion.)  I remember clearly how my mother just reached over and took the bug off of this woman’s hair without any thought whatsoever.  The woman turned around and my mom showed the bug, and she seemed happy, and thanked my mother.  I don’t know if I could do that.     


Test results are in, and I passed that Courtroom Clerk test.. (YEAH!)  It didn’t tell me what my ranking was on the test, but I guess I’m in the top 15 or 10?  There were at least 50 something people there, so that makes me feel good.  I have my first interview in a few weeks.  If they like me, I get another interview.  Wish me luck, please! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Office Boogers - To Tell, Or Not To Tell...

One of my co-workers was faced with a dilemna yesterday at the office.  She was called to the Boss Man's office for a casual meeting, and it wasn't long until she noticed that the Boss Man had a booger.  Not just any booger, but the dry and greenish kind that was coming out of his nose.  It was just hanging there.  She tried not to stare at it, but she was lost of what to do.

She did nothing, and walked out of his office without saying a word. 

She felt guilty.  It bothered her all day. 

What would you do?

Would you tell?  Would you hand a kleenex to the guy, or politely point to his nose?  Or would you say nothing, and hope that it would just fall off by itself before he saw himself in the mirror, so later he can realize that you had said nothing?  I'm not quite sure what I would do myself.  I don't  refer the Boss Man as a friend really--just my boss.  He is a nice guy, but he is the Boss.  I don't think I would feel comfortable to point out his big booger.  I think it would have been too much of an embarrassing situation for the both of us.  Too personal.  I'm just glad I didn't have to witness it first hand. 

Has this ever happened to you?   

Flying the Friendly Skies...

This was written a few years ago in my other journal at Diaryland.  It kind of somes up the flight experience of flying in a charter plane to the Azores.  Suntrips doesn't fly to the Azores anymore, and I am extremely grateful for this.  I hear TAP/SATA is a much better experience.  Well, here is taste of some other past experiences of mine: 

Flying the Friendly Skies..

Have you ever taken a charter plane to the Azores?

It all starts with the line at the airport. The line starts from the around the Suntrips terminal with people with suitcases, sometimes boxes tied with rope (for those extra fragile items). If you read the tags off of these suitcases you will find names like, Silva, Santos, Medeiros, Bettancourt, Mendonca, Costa, Sousa…. You’ll hear voices speaking in Portuguese and English, sometimes mixed in the conversation. In line you may come across someone that you know, or someone you have seen before at a Portuguese event or festa. This gives you the opportunity to actually get to know these people and learn what island they are from, and carry on a conversation as the long line slowly makes it’s way up to the check in; you will be with these people for the next 24 hours, so get used to them.

If you have heavy luggage, this could be a problem, and you will have to pay extra. You need to pack carefully. Things to remember: If you are planning to be there during the festas, you should at least bring a good dress for each one you plan on going, with matching shoes…or, have a nice dress for every Sunday to attend church. Don’t wear the same dress to church more than once, and make sure your shoes and purse match the ensemble, because you may have to walk in a church procession during a festa, and EVERYONE will be there and watching you. I’ve learned this from my mother, who always seemed to over pack her suitcase with shoes.

Always wear comfortable shoes on a plane. NEVER take off your shoes while in flight however. I’ve learned this from personal experience. When you are up so high in the air, your feet actually swell up…well, at least mine..especially ifyou choose to wear a new pair of pumps for the first time. Nothing is worse than getting off a plane with no shoes on; I mean, what will people say when they see you at your final destination?! “Olha aquela Americana sem sapatos!…que vergonha!” Another thing to remind yourself, if it is that time of the month…go to the bathroom at least twice every hour. For some reason, the high altitude seems to trigger a very cruel force of mother nature. No matter how crowded the aisles are….don’t be a victim of, “Coitada, olha aquela Americana….”

I have never been on a charter plane going to the Azores where there has never been a man or two who refuse to sit in their seat during a flight. Rather, they like to get up from their seat and chat with someone who is seated clear across the other side of the plane. They will stand there for hours if need be and chat with this person. They will talk about numerous things, ranging from cows, land and real estate, or the American currency rate. These people are the most irritating people in a charter flight. Not only are charter planes filled to the hilt with people, the seats are narrow, as well as the aisles. These “men” plant themselves in these aisles, making going to the bathroom almost near to impossible. They talk and they will hover, and they will not go away unless a meal is served, or when the stewardess or steward threatens them.

I once sat on an aisle seat and witnessed this myself. I put my earphones on to block the jabbering, but the voice would not go away. In fact one person actually thought my head rest was an arm rest for the now and then air pocket turbulence. I must have cursed this at this man (under my breath of course) with all the evil names imaginable. Each time a steward would ask him to sit down, the same thing would happen. The man would look at her with a blank face, nod his head, and then continue talking.

If you are lucky, you will get a seat behind someone that does not move the seat back, but, if you are like me, you will have a large person either sitting behind you or in front of you. Remember, the tray for your food is attached to the back of that person’s seat. Have you ever had to eat in the fetal position? It is not fun, and it is almost impossible. The only food that seems safe without stabbing yourself with a plastic fork is the bread, the breadsticks, and cheese, and if you are brave, try drinking your coke before it spills on the front of your dress. You may have to make that extra trip to the bathroom and jump over the men standing in the aisles to clean that spot. Again, there is nothing worse than hearing someone say, “Olha aquela Americana…”

Did I mention how long a flight is from California to the Azores? Let me tell you. From San Francisco to the East Coast (NJ or MA, or NY) it’s about 9 to 10 hours…yes… This includes the actual sitting in the plane before taking off, and the getting out of the plane to take the next plane. If you are lucky, you’ll get to fly a Portuguese Airline, TAP—(Take Another Plane). I don’t care what anybody says, TAP is the best airline I’ve ever taken. They serve food that you can actually eat..and they have little wine bottles.

So..for 10 hours, you must share your little space with about 200 people, including stewards that often don’t know a word of Portuguese. If you disclose that you know English you are a target. During one flight, the dinner was served. “Raise your hand if you want chicken,” the pretty blonde stewardess called out. Her audience just stared back with blank faces. She must have encountered the same situation before, because right after, she proceeded to flap her arms and repeat “Chicken”. Suddenly there was laughter, and arms were raised. She didn’t need to pretend to be a cow later for the filet mignon…she got everyone’s attention with the chicken, and the irritating man standing in the aisle wearing that big gold chain and eagle medallion finally sat down.

There are always a few people on the plane with nervous conditions. I will never forget one summer, when a woman, wearing a yellow fur coat entered the plane, and announced in a very loud voice to everyone, “Tem muita gente aqui! Eu vou morrer no iste aviao!” Translated, There are too many people here! I’m going to die on this plane.” Some get on with their rosary beads in their pockets for easy access. Some people just drink. Drinking on a flight is a good idea…as long as you are a man---if you are a woman, it’s socially not a good idea because once you reach your destination, you need to direct your “man” to fetch the correct luggage at the luggage claim. If your single, and without a man; you'll find one at the baggage claim to help you out, as long as they are sober--just pretend to be really helpless--most Portuguese men, old and young love that, and will be there for you. There is nothing worse than ending up with the wrong luggage, or being caught with the wrong luggage.

Changing planes is an exciting event. If you have to change planes, you may have to go to the baggage claim and check in again. Just remember this, there is safety in crowds. If you don’t know where the other terminal is, always follow the American woman with the tight shoes and stained dress. The flight to the Azores once you are back East can range from 4 to 5 1/2 hours. Don't worry, we don't pass the Bermuda Triangle.

There is nothing more beautiful, however, than finally getting to your destination. Terceira is so beautiful in the morning when you come down and descend through the clouds. The green island suddenly appears, and suddenly the little rock walls are seen. The familiar white houses and orange roofs are there, and the plane falls into silence with “oohs” and “awws”, and jubilation. People are crying, but at the same time, holding their breath until the plane finally hits the runway. There is applause, and the rosaries are put away into their pockets. There is that rare silence again, before the mad rush to the luggage in the overhead compartments, as a few women open their compacts and check their lipstick. I don’t even bother. My dress is stained, my shoes don’t fit; and I look like hell.