Monday, April 30, 2007


If it wasn't for the fact that my kids had school today, I would have easily pulled the covers over my head and slept until noon... But, alas' no can do!  It has been SOOOOO busy at work though--the day is flying by.  I have only 7 minutes until my work day is over, so I might as well type in a fast entry, hey?

I just got an interesting call.  I always get the interesting calls when the receptionist is here because those are the call she doesn't like to "deal" with.  (Yes she is HERE today--and has been for most of last week--that is another story that I will touch upon later.)  Anyway I get this phone call from a woman, and she tells me:

"I just got home from work, and my drunk husband is telling me that I'm not complying with my probation because I didn't sign up for work release on time."

Gee..  What is wrong with this picture.  Hmm.. 

I looked up this woman's case, and she has court probation which basically means that she doesn't have a probation officer, and she is supervised by the courts, and there really isn't a reason to call this office.  Oh, and by the way, it's for a DUI.  Oh, and her husband is drunk.  Hmm... 

While I'm looking up this lady's information, I can hear "the husband" yelling at her all the while. 

"I was told I had until May 1st to sign up for work release.  Tomorrow is the 1st, right?"

"Yes, it is.  Come down tomorrow and sign up."

"I'm not in no trouble, am I?"

(Husband is screaming again in the background..)

"No, you aren't."  At this point what I really want to ask her if her hubby is threatening her or something.  Reading her terms I notice that she isn't allowed to drive unless it's to work or to a program.  Another real question is going on in my mind:  "Is your drunk husband driving any time soon?" 

It's a scary world.  Be careful and be mindful who is driving next to you. 

By the way, in more scary, senseless news, the woman county worker involved in the love triangle shooting died Saturday.  The husband shot her while she was trying to escape the work place in her car. 

Saturday was a little disappointing.  There I was thinking that Saturday was the day I would get the passports processed!  I was wrong.  We went to the post office, and we were greeted with about 200 other people piled in a room of chairs also trying to process passports...  It was worse than any DMV office I had ever been too.  It reminded me of when years ago when I and the EX had to wait in line at 6am to get his green card papers.  SIGH.  I come from a small town, and I just forget I live in such a large one now.  I think we will have to get it done here in the small town where I work instead.  Oh well.  They take 6 weeks (passports) to process, and I'm leaving in August.  I went and bought luggage Saturday--if I wasn't able to get the passports done, I had to get SOMETHING done. 

My mom has more shopping to do.  Eeek. 



Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday-a day in my life

(A copy of a painting I found.  It's of the Azores of course...  I wish I could buy a print of it!)

Wow, Friday is FINALLY here.   I can only look back at last Friday---looking forward to my weekend away... It's been a long work week for me.  If it wasn't for Andrew having to go to school today, I would have easily stayed in bed and slept a few more hours.  (YAWN)

This morning on the way to work I heard about an awful love triangle incident that had just occurred only a few hours before.  Apparently, the husband came over to the county facility where his wife worked at (they were separated), and took out the guns.  He is dead along with the woman's supervisor.  The woman is in grave condition in a hospital.  Very scary.  No, I don't know who they are, but this is a small town, and I'm bound to hear of someone around here who knows at least one of the them.  Another reason not to have affairs at the workplace.  Eeek.  Love triangles are such a waste of time. 

Despite the horrific news on the radio, and my lazy bones barely getting out of bed, it is really beautiful outside.  The traffic is pretty bad though.  Lots of cars are heading to the beach.  It's about almost 80 degrees outside!  I'm leaving early.  I have a doctor's my mom needs to be at, and afterwards it's time to pick up the boys, and go home.  A guy will be over to give us an estimate on a pool for the backyard.  Yep, yes siree..  We might jus' git us a cement pond!  Yup..yup..yup!!  (SIGH) 

Okay, it's time to go to work now...  I hope all of you have a good weekend!! 



Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Happy Administrative Professional Day/Happy April 25!


It's Administrative Professional Day here at the office, and I was greeted with flowers, an array of presents including a lottery ticket!  Of course, the receptionist isn't here AGAIN, but it's okay.  I've been dreaming of ways to spend my lottery winnings if I should win.  Maria already said she'll take me on a cruise if she should win.  With our luck, the receptionist will win the lottery! 

HAPPY ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL DAY to all my fellow clerical out there!! 

And to my Portuguese friends out there:  FELIZ 25 de ABRIL!  DIA DOS CRAVOS!



Today marks a very important day in Portuguese History--it's a Portuguese holiday, to mark the revolution in government--policital prisoners were released, and the Salazar government was gone forever (this was a very good thing.)  Read about it here:

Yes, and the Portuguese Consulate is closed--lucky for them--I'll be calling tomorrow!! 




Tuesday, April 24, 2007

10 Things I Like To Do Alone Meme

"Ten Things You Like to Do Alone" Meme

"Hey Dawn, here's a meme you can do to take your mind off "The Waiting": Ten Things You Like to Do Alone" (from 

I copied this from Cin.  We are waiting all this together :)

1.  Walk.  Yes, I walk alone.  I'm a fast walker, and I find that if I'm walking with someone it else, it breaks my stride.  Boy, that sounds really stuck up, huh?  If you can't keep up with me..get lost.  Husband and I did a lot of walking over the weekend--now that was nice, though--but, generally, when I walk for exercise I like doing it alone. 

2.  Write.  When I am in the mood to write, I must be alone.  I can't have distractions.  It sometimes is a struggle to find some "alone" time, so unfortunately, I just haven't had the time to write seriously for a very long time.  Sometimes when work is slow, and I'm alone in the office, I will write.  I used to write a lot of poetry during my post divorce years--it was very therapeutic.  My best writing comes from that time; do I miss it though?  No, not a bit.

3.  Cook.  I like cooking alone.  Sure, I will ask husband to cut a tomato (I can't do it), or cut the ham, carve the turkey (I'm terrible with knives) but I like cooking alone.  The kitchen never seems big enough, no matter how big your kitchen is for me.  Too many cooks spoil the stew ya' know.

4.  Work.  Sure I like the interaction of my co-workers from time to tome, but I enjoy doing my own thing alone in my little corner of the office.  If I need socialization, I will go bother my friend Maria in the next room, or turn on the radio, or take a walk and talk to the bums outside or in the lobby.  I think there is an "information" sign floating over my head with flashing lights that certain people see.  Yes, I like to hide away from it all. 

5.  I like singing alone in the car during my commute.  The kids won't let me sing when they are in the car with me.  I sing loud, with Ricky Martin on my occasions, and NO, I am not ashamed. 

6.  I like using the bathroom alone.  Sounds easy and simple, right?  Not too much to ask?  Think again.  Sometimes it is a problem to get alone time in there.  My 3 year old just doesn't understand. 

7.  Use the computer.  3 year old doesn't understand this one either.  It really is hard to type with a 3 year old on my lap who constantly likes pressing the "moon" buttton, and deletes my entries before I can press the save button.

8.  Read.  When I get that RARE moment where I can sit down and read a magazine or a book, I like being alone.  This hasn't happened for a very long time.  I know, it's sad.

9.  Shop.  I like shopping alone especially at the grocery store.  Shopping for clothes--depending who I'm shopping for.  If it's for me, I like being alone.  Stores just aren't stroller friendly. 

10.  Clean.  Don't laugh, but NO ONE likes to clean with I clean alone whether I like it or not.

Damn, after reading this I feel such like the loner.  Feel free to participate! 

It's past 11 pm, time for me to hit the hay!! 

Portuguese Consulate & Toads


You know, I really don't ask to be chosen to take on my mother's legal woes..  Why me? 


My mother has a home overseas that she wants/needs to change the title of the deed.  I contacted the Consulate here and was told years ago to mail in certain documents to change the name on the deed.  Apparently, according to the very LAZY men in the office that don't want to deal with ME, only one woman in this office is in charge of this document, and of course, she is never there!! 

Well, I finally got her on the phone (thank God she understands English) and according to her EVERYONE knows how to do her job.  Okay-whatever.  She tells me that the paperwork I had sent, usually takes a few months to process.  Hmm...  Gee, we submitted it a few years ago lady!  After she asked for my father's name, she told me that it didn't sound "right."  I know my father's name lady!  She just assumed he wasn't American, and didn't believe he could have a name like "Joseph".  Just because I'm not a native Portuguese, don't assume I'm totally clueless about my origins, or the correct spelling of my father's name, woman! Yeah, I'm a little peeved, because the documents she made me send were originals--if they are lost, I may have to SCREAM.  She is suppossed to call my mother about the status soon.  I'm assuming (one should never assume of course) that the paperwork is sitting on someone's desk, gathering dust somewhere in San Francisco.  The last time I spoke her, which was months ago, she said that she hadn't gotten it back from the Azores yet, and now she is telling me that it only takes 2 months.  I warned her, that "I will be calling back, and NO, I'm not going away" until I hear back from her. 

Be very scared. 

Anyway, I heard something equally scary on the radio today.  Apparently there is an online dating service out there that enables you to submit your own review on various people you have dated.  Now that is bizarre!  Yes, now you can "shop" for dates just like you would shop for a hotel or restaurant, or movie!  Have a bad date?  Why simply write the review about how late your date was to pick you up, how he smelled like goat cheese, used his coupon book, or you can report if he is a  bad kisser..etc..and all the other reasons why you would not date him again.  You can warn other people out there not to date a particular person.  Oh brother...  I am so sure!  All I'm saying, is don't expect to read any raving reviews about people.  If you find someone who is normal out there, why tell other people about them?!  That would be just plain stupid. 

I'm so glad I'm not single anymore.  Being thrown in a dating pool after years and years of marriage (even if he was with an A-hole) was not fun for me.  It's a scary, scary, world of toads out there ladies!!  I found my prince, but I know far too many women out there that are still in search of their own.  Slim pickins!!! 



My Fab Weekend :)

I’m back from a fun-filled weekend spent alone with the husband.  It was fun!  I'm feeling still a bit tierd from it, and I have pink eye now, was hella fun!  


The weather was very cooperative.  It was supposed to rain all weekend, but it didn’t.  Ha ha ha weather man!  You were wrong! 


(Pacific Grove) 


I don’t know of any of you are familiar with Monterey Bay, but it’s a beautiful place to visit.  There is a house right there near Asilomar State Beach that I want to buy one day.  It will have to wait however until we retire and have a whole lot of money.  This house is right in front of the beach where hubby and I took our vows.  We stopped there and took a whole bunch of pictures on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning in hopes of capturing the perfect picture for our living room to sit above our fireplace.  I found a few that I hope to BLOW UP. 


We did a lot of walking around in search of a nice painting to replace the mirror clock that is currently hanging above the fireplace.  We really couldn’t find anything we liked.  We found a lot of overpriced, bowls of fruit and flowers.  We ate at some nice places, strolled around at a street fair, took in a movie, went to a dance/comedy club owned by a little man who looked a lot like Mr. Bean.  I’m not kidding.  We stayed for the comedy show and saw a few comedians who weren’t very funny, but I was laughing the whole entire time simply because the owner and main singer of the club looked like Mr. Bean.  We were seated by a young guy who looked a lot like Pee Wee Herman, so in between him and Mr. Bean, and my Chocolate Monkey (yummy) martini combined with the rather large strawberry margarita that was consumed at the Mexican restaurant across the street, everything was funny to me. 



 All and all, it was a nice time spent alone with just the two of us.  Our hotel did not really meet the expectations of what I saw online when I booked the place, but we found a Hilton that served an awesome breakfast buffet. 


It was a great getaway.  Must do it again, soon; ain’t waiting another 4 years for this!   


It’s a beautiful day outside!  I got a tan from the weekend, but my left eye is puffy and pretty nasty looking.  It’s all gunky (is that a word?), and I could barely open my eye this morning.  Eeew…nasty I tell you.  Came to work, looked in the mirror and found some more white gunk in the corner of my eye..  Yucko!!  But you know, it’s another work week anyway!  The working week struggles onward, while the weekends just seem to fly by a little too quickly…  SIGH.. 

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Four Years


                       I love you Rich!  Can't wait until the weekend! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Still ANOTHER MeMe--Thanks Dawn!

Hello!  It's Wednesday!  HURRAH!!  Two more days until my weekend... YIPPPEE!  I have so much to do before I go.  No time to think really.  I copied and pasted this from Dawn's journal.  Hopefully I won't skip a question and leave her answer.  (Did that once..oops..)  I hope all of you are having a good day! 

1. What is your favorite thing to wear? Pajamas--they are just so comfortable.  I love the feel of flannel.  I try not to wear the "Little House & The Prarie" nightgown my mom got me.  I look pregnant in it, and I know it frightens the husband. 

2. Last thing you ate? A cinnamon scone.  Yummy!

3. Nastiest thing you've ever eaten? Hmm..  I once bit into a egg mcmuffin that had a hair in it.  I threw it away once I saw the hair.  There can't be anything more nasty than that!

4. I say Shotgun, you say? Wedding..  Shotgun in the back of a Ford Pick Up perhaps--handy for squirrel hunting..  ?

5. How many U.S states have you been to? CA, NV, OR, AZ, OH, NEB, KS, MA, NJ, NY....etc.  Oh yeah, and Maui, Hawaii..can't forget that place!  Drove through the US twice, don't remember them all to tell you the truth..

6. How many of the U.S states have you lived in? One--California-where all we crazy people live!    No place like it..I'm telling ya'!

7. What is your favorite romance movie? Oh gosh..  So many.  I love Bridgett Jones' Diary.  My favorite quote from the movie is, of course:  "I like you just the way you are."  (SIGH)    I also like Moonstruck, and Pretty Woman. 

8. Favorite type of food?  Basically, anything with cheese on it.  That may sound bad, but I don't eat very much meat.  I like Italian and Mexican.  I'm not a fish eater either.

9. Do you care if your socks are dirty? Yes, I care.  I love the feel of new socks, don't you?

10. Have you ever cheated on a test? I don't remember really doing that.

11. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?

When I was younger, I had a cousin who would sing that song, "Julie, Julie, Julie, do you love me.." over and over again.  I was like 5 years old.  That song apparently was very popular in the 70's.  I saw Bobby Sherman live a few years ago.  I like to think he was singing to me that day; but highly unlikely. 

12. Do you like Bush? Not really.  I mean, he is the president of my country, but..he just doesn't seem very intelligent.  I question it all the time.

13. Have you ever gone white-water rafting? No.  I'm just not a strong enough swimmer to even think about that.  If I had a life vest, well, I guess I would consider going, but never had the desire.

14. Have you met a real redneck? Hmm.. Yep.

15. How is the weather right now? Blue skies, with cold breezes. 

16. Where was the last place you went besides your house?

I'm at work right now.  I was at the cafeteria across the street to get my coffee and scone.  Before that, I was at my mom's house.

17. What are you afraid of? Illness, accidents, natural diasters effecting the ones I love. 

18. How many pets do you have? One cat. 

19. What's one thing you’ve learned? 

Yes Dawn, "What goes around, comes around."  Also, never to judge a person--until you've walked in their shoes for awhile.  In other words, it's best not to judge. 

20. What do you usually order from Starbucks? OOh, I don't go to Starbucks, really.  I've had a few iced drinks that were quite yummy, but I'm not a regular Starbucks patron.

21. Have you ever fired a gun? No way!  I hate guns!  My ex wanted to buy one once.  Thank God he didn't.  I may not be alive right now if he had. 

22. FavoriteTV show? Ha ha..  Don't watch enough to have a favorite, but I do like Amazing Race.  :) 

23. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb? Um..  When I was like 13 or 14 people used to say I looked like Valerie Bertinelli.  It's must have been my chubby round face, and long hair. 

24. If you had a daughter (or another daughter), what would you name her? Hmm..  Gee, I can't imagine having another daughter, because I have one already (one is enough..ha ha ha).  BUT, before Nicholas was born, my husband was really hoping for a girl...  Perhaps we would have named her Nicole?  Or Emma.  I've always like the name "Emma" or "Emily". 

25. Do you find yourself loved? Very much so.

26. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?

Yes, but don't ask me what it was.  :)

27. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? 

Plain?  Are you kidding me?  Life is too short to eat popcorn without some salt and butter! 

28. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

Yes--to and from airports a few times.  They are fun!

29. Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently?

I lost my dad about 5 years ago.  It still seems recent to me though.  It really doesn't seem that long ago.

30. What's something that really bugs you?

Jealousy, close mindedness, prejudice, stubbornish... "It's all about me" attitude in people...  Yuck. 

31. Do you like Michael Jackson? I don't know the guy.  I think he has some emotional/image problems.  I feel sorry for him.  Would I let my kids go to his house to play?  Probably not, but my daughter is still going to invite him to her wedding. 

32. Favorite baseball team? Giants?  A's?  I don't have a favorite--I'm not a sports fan really.

33. Have you ever milked a cow?
No, but after hearing my father's stories of it while he was growing up, I wouldn't want to know how.  Milk wasn't his favorite drink because of it.

34. Last time you went bowling? OMG..  Years, and years ago!!
35. Have you ever cut your own hair? I cut my bangs once--when I had bangs--years ago.  I hate bangs!!  There is nothing worse than waiting for them to grow out.  I don't recommend them. 

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Another MeMe

I have 15 minutes to kill before I have to pick up Liz from work, Nick is sitting on the potty playing a video game, so what the hey.. Might as well do this!  :) 

I got this from Dawn, who got it from Sin, who got it from : Russ  Feel free to copy and paste and play along!

1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?  No, but I almost got named after my aunt Aida.  Could you imagine what torment my life would have been if my father let my mom name me Aida?  "Hi, my name is Aida Costa."  Eeek.  My dad thought the name was too old-fashioned, so they let my brother name me.  Thank you Eddy.  I think I was named after "Julie" from the Mob Squad. 

2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Hmm..  Luckily, I don't remember when.  I think this a good thing. 

3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? It's alright.  People can read it still, so this is good.

4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? I don't like meat very much, but if I had to decide on a lunch meat, it would have to be either dry salami or thin sliced ham. 

5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Yes.  I have a 18 yr old daughter, a 16 yr old step-son, a soon to be 13 yr old son, and a 3 1/2 year old son. 


7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Yes, but only when I'm trying to be funny.


9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? No, unless a lot of money was involved, perhaps.

10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Capt'n Crunch or Raisin Bran.

11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? No.  When I wear sneakers, I don't bother to untie them.  I know it drives my husband nuts.  My son does the same thing.  We are just lazy that way. 

12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Yes.  Physically and emotionally I think I am...but I melt emotionally pretty easily--especially when it comes to babies and old people. 

13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Dove ice cream--any flavor, or of course Haggen Daas..  Any flavor, but my favorite is chocolate.

14. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? I look at the way they carry themselves.  Where I work, I sometimes have to play a guessing game-especially when I work in the receptionist area.  If people smile, and can look you in the eye, it says a lot.  I think I would have to say their facial expressions are what I notice first.

15. RED OR PINK? Red.

16. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I am sometimes a little too naive.  I expect the best from people all the time, and it just asks for disappointment a lot.

17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST?  I miss my dad the most.

18. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Blue work-out pants, and pastel Easter socks with little white bunnies--how appropriate for me,  hey? 

19.  WHAT DID YOU LAST EAT?  Peanut M&Ms. 

20. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? My son's basketball outside, and the T.V.  It's on the Disney channel. 


22. FAVORITE SMELLS? Cookies in the oven, or bread.  Jasmine, and brown sugar vanilla :)


My mom--who else?

24. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? Soccer, aka : FUTEBOL!  Basically, it's the only sport I watch besides my husband's Nascar.  I watch football too..but only when it gets to the Super Bowl.

25. HAIR COLOR? Brown.  I have red can get almost blondish red in the summer when I'm in the sun.

26. EYE COLOR? Brown--the color of dirt.

27. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? No; but I do wear glasses sometimes at night when I drive.

28. FAVORITE FOOD? Italian or Mexican. 

29. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?  I like them both.  Scary movies usually don't have happy endings though, but they are fun to watch.

30. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? On T.V.?  National Treasure.

31. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? My Hard Rock Cafe, Maui T-shirt.  It's white.  I like it--it's long and covers my butt! :)

32. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer.  I like being outdoors in the sun.  Summer usually equals vacation.  I like going on vacation. 

33. HUGS OR KISSES? Both are equally my favorites.

34. FAVORITE DESSERT? Chocolate.  Doesn't matter in what.

35. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING RIGHT NOW? I have no time to read a book!

36. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? I don't have one!

37. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON T.V. LAST NIGHT? Desperate Housewives and Reno 911. 

38. FAVORITE SOUND? Laughter..especially little children giggling, happy laughter.  And, the sound of a sleeping house...snores and all.



41. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? I often get this asked to me often:  "How do you do it?"  Often they are referring to work, kids...etc..etc.  I say I don't know, I just do.  Then I'm asked myself:  Am I doing it?  Some people think I'm a super woman or something.  I only wish. 

Friday the 13th Aftermath..

It's a breezy, but sunny Sunday afternoon, and I'm relaxing from Friday 13th's aftermath.  I should have known that Friday the 13th would not by lightly.  Now, I'm not very superstitious, but it hit my daughter pretty badly.  She did not have a good day. 

Lizzy lost her wallet, somewhere between the bus, the lightrail, and the walk home.  Her wallet not only had her ID, but her bank card, and the cash she got from selling in some of few of her school books at the college bookstore.  She was not a happy camper.  Her boyfriend went out to look for the wallet at the lightrail, and when he didn't come back quick enough, she decided to take her brother's bike and go re-trace her steps herself. She decided to search one area where her boyfriend was at, and left my son's bike near a tree across the street.  When she came back the bike was gone. 

So, Liz not only lost her wallet, but also her brother's bike.  Let's just say this sent Liz off the edge and into hysterics.  I wasn't there when it happened, but according to her boyfriend, L:izzy needs to take some anger management classes.  She must get that from her father.  (Innocent look.. Ha ha ha!) 

We live in a fairly decent neighborhood, where people go out and jog, walk their dogs, and let their children ride their tricycles on the sidewalk.  It's not a place you would think someone would just come out and take a bike.  I was a little upset that she would just leave her brother's bike out there, not even asking for his permission to take it out in the first place, and leave it unattended away from eye's view.  I asked her if she had seen anyone pass by, and she answered:

"I saw these two men in a truck pass us twice, smiling and looking at me, but I always have guys pass and look at me.." 

Okay Lizzy

By the time I drove up into the driveway with my mother and Nick, the drama was settling down, but Liz was quite upset, saying over and over again that she didn't MEAN to get Andrew's bike stolen...etc..  I had brought home burgers for dinner because I was going to take my mom shoe shopping that night.  The older boys were at the park, so husband went out to fetch them.  I was taking my mother's things out of the car, and my mom, the last time I saw her was still in the garage.  Lizzy had to be at work at 6pm, and they were would be going shoe shopping.  By the time I got Nick settled, and the kids were eating their hamburgers, Liz was ready for work, and we were heading for the car, my mother was no where to be found.

Visions of my mother falling somewhere and lying on the ground went through our minds as we made a frantic search in the house, in front of the house and the backyard, but no where was she found.  Lizzy made made a desperate attempt to run down the block to see if she went walking towards the park, but she wasn't in eyes view. 

Lost wallet, lost bike, now lost mother.

We finally spotted her near the park.  She was easy to spot.  She was the only woman there wearing a light plaid suit, with a burgandy purse and matching pumps.  Apparently she thought we werent' going to get the kids back from the park so they could eat their burgers.  Oh the drama. 

I'm still recovering from Friday.  Friday night we finally hit the mall and my mother bought shoes...  Grey ones with rhinestones, black ones with rhinestones, sparkled brown ones, white sandals, black sandals...etc..  Oh, and matching purses as well..  I was surprised that Sears had such a selection.  I even found a few things for myself.  We left the mall at closing time.  My mother is happy.  If Mother is happy, EVERYONE is happy. 

Fortunately for Liz, Andrew wasn't too upset from the loss of his bike.  He is already tormenting his sister on the amount of money she owes him now for a bike, and I suspect he doesn't even want a bike to replace the one she lost. 

I typed this entry on Friday night, but AOL deleted it before I saved it. 


Friday, April 13, 2007

Cheryl, my long lost psychic/witch hairstylist...



My hair is thick, and is very resistant to curl.  I’ve always wanted curly hair.  I have a natural wave, but it just isn’t good enough for me.  This is why I frown each time I see my daughter with her ceramic hair straightener attacking her beautiful, natural curly hair.  I guess we always want what we don’t have.  When I was younger, I would make tight braids in my hair at night so my hair would be somewhat curly the next day.  It would last may be a day, and then it just go flat and heavy again.  There was only one woman who could curl my hair; her name was Cheryl. 


Cheryl worked out of a beauty salon that was owned by a very small, and old Moroccan man who used to style my grandmother’s hair.  He was a very sweet older gentlemen who still regular clients come in-most of whom were elderly women.  His eccentric, long haired  son worked by his side along with Cheryl.  I’m guessing that she was a little younger than her early 20’s.  (This was years ago.)


Cheryl was not your ordinary hair stylist.  She was quite entertaining, and I missed her when she suddenly stopped working at the salon.  Cheryl was a self proclaimed psychic/witch hair stylist.  She would entertain me with numerous stories about various dealings with clients and her personal life. Sometimes, however her stories gave me chills.  She would insist on telling me, each time I sat my butt in her chair that I was going to have another baby soon.  At the time, I only had Elizabeth, and it wasn’t until 6 years later did I have my second child.  I guess she was off most of the time with me.  Anyways, here is a few of the stories I remember sitting at Cheryl’s “beauty station of torture.”  (If you ever had your head in a sink with over 120 spiral curlers in your hair you will understand—pure torture I tell you!!) 


The Discontent Client


Cheryl had given a woman a haircut.  The woman was not talkative or attentive at all, and Cheryl felt a great uneasiness about her.  She wasn’t quite sure if this woman was sick or going through a personal drama; it was just something that Cheryl could sense about her that was just not right.  After the haircut, the woman did say that the haircut was not what she originally requested.  She left discontented, and upset.  The woman paid for her cut, left a small tip, but not before adding that she would never visit the salon again.   


The uneasiness from this client did not leave however.  Cheryl would be cutting someone’s hair, look into the mirror and see the face of the discontented woman staring back at her.  This went on for days, then stop, and start again.  The face of this woman continued to haunt her for weeks.  It was affecting her work, and her nerves.  Sometimes the woman would be staring back at her laughing, at other times, it would be glaring stares that would make Cheryl stop in a middle of a haircut.  Naturally, this was making Cheryl very uneasy, but she understood what was happening. 


After a brief search in the phone book, Cheryl set off to this woman’s house.  She knocked on the door with her book of black magic underneath her arm.  The woman opened the door with a surprised grin on her face. 


“Stop what you are doing, or you will live to regret it!” Cheryl shouted at her.  The woman noticed the book under arm, and quickly closed the door.  Cheryl would never see the woman’s menacing face stare back at her again. 


When it was time for another perm, I was sad to know Cheryl no longer worked at the salon.  I had asked where she was working now, but no one had an answer.  She left mysteriously without leaving notice or a goodbye.  True, after hearing her stories, I sometimes felt frightened that she would “pick up” something from me as well.  Her stories of her saying that I was going to have another baby were frightening in itself, but she would often tell me how she would pick up vibrations from very sick clients who she knew would not be “around” much longer.  Very creepy.  The last episode she recounted to me was that she was tired that day because she had stayed up past midnight to perform a “ceremony” under the moon.  She was working on a special “remedy” for a friend of hers who was hurting over a “relationship”.  I did not ask the specifics because I knew she would eventually tell me the outcome later.  Unfortunately I was left not knowing the ending.  It’s almost like getting into a real good book, and then right when it gets to the good part, the book goes lost and gone forever.  I don’t think I ever got a good perm every again either.   



Thursday, April 12, 2007

Customer Phone Service Rant

My recent dealings on the phone this week have really sent me a message:  Customer service is really going down the toilet.  This is just a vent.  You don’t have to read this…please, spare yourself now when you can! 


I need to get passports done for me and my three children for this summer.  I went into the phone book and realized that all local post offices in my area all have the same 800 #.  I called it, and spoke to one person on the phone who told me that my neighborhood post office did passport services every Saturday with an appointment.  I immediately called the post office, and was told that NO, they don’t do passport services at that post office, and that I needed to contact another post office in the city.  This person gave me the “secret” unlisted number.  I called that office, and was immediately contacted to a virtual operator that told me: “System is down.  Please call later.” 


Unfortunately, I left the “secret” number at work, and I had to call the 800# again to get the information again.  After a five minute wait on the phone I was connected to customer service agent who became quite annoyed with me immediately when I told her that I knew about the forms needed for passports already-I just needed the number for a particular post office.  She told me, “They don’t do passports there.  Who told you this?”  Then she corrected herself afterwards, and said that they did do passport services there, Monday through Friday only.  I didn’t believe her though.  I still asked for the number anyway.  “Here’s the number, but..I’m telling you they don’t do Saturday appointments!”  I said thank you, and dialed the number.  I immediately spoke to a nice man who informed me that they DID have Saturday services for passports, and appointments were not needed.  THANK YOU. 


The other morning, I was greeted with my mother who had a worried look on her face, holding a medical bill in front of me.  It was a pretty sizable bill, but no where on the statement could I find where they actually billed her insurance.  I called the clinic who told me immediately, “Oh, we have to fix this!  We didn’t bill her insurance!”  Okay.  Why would they send a BILL to someone demanding payment upon receipt when they didn’t even bill insurance yet is beyond me.  The lady on the phone told me to call back with her insurance information.  I did call a few hours later, and was switched to a man who apparently did not know how to use the phone.  I could hear him, but he couldn’t hear me.  All I heard was.. “Hello?  (SIGH)  Is anyone there…?”  I’m on the other end almost shouting… “HELLO!!!  I’m here!!”  Still he couldn’t hear me.  After another call and 5 minutes on hold I’m switched to another billing representative who refused to talk to me because I was not authorized by my mother to speak to anyone in regards to her bill.  Um..  I’m just trying to give information so you can get paid!  Hello!!  But no.  I guess I could have changed my voice and pretended to be my mother?  “You can call for her and have her speak to us on the phone, and tell us that it’s okay for us to talk to you about your bill.”  Oh brother.  I simply wrote all of her information on her bill and told them to bill the insurance.  I put it in the mail.  If they want to send another bill; let them.  We are not paying it.  Crazy I tell you, just crazy!!!  I am sure somewhere there is an older person out there that will not even question the bill, and pay it without their insurance companies even knowing.  It’s a sad reality. 


Two years after my father passed away, one of his doctors sent him a bill.  Apparently, they “forgot” to bill his insurance when he was alive for his last procedure.  I called them back immediately and informed them that my father had full coverage when he WAS ALIVE and how dare they try to bill my mother for a cost that they forgot to bill him when he was still insured.  They “ate up” the bill.  Of course, it took them about two  months of sending my mother bills, and phone calls from me until they “gave up” with a lame “we’re sorry”. 



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Not for Teenagers MEME

Hello!  I got this from Dawn, who got this from Cin..  :)  Feel free to copy and paste, and pay them both a visit if you can!

What is the longest shift you have ever worked? 10 hours.  There were days in my past where I would work 8 hours, and go do a part time, so it was a 12 hour day.  I don't miss those days.

Do you have Life Insurance and a current Will? Life insurance.  We need a Will. 

How many times have you been married? Technically, two times.  I married my first husband twice for immigration reasons.  First time was officiated by a judge, and three months later we had a church wedding-a month after my 20th birthday.  That marriage lasted almost 12 years.   I stayed much too long hoping things would change--they didn't.  Got married again to a wonderful man--I don't want ANYTHING to change.  We'll be celebrating our 4th anniversary this month.

 How old were you last time someone asked for your ID while you were buying alcohol or cigarettes? I think it was when I was in my early 30's.  To tell you the truth, I never buy cigarettes, and I don't really buy alcohol.

How much was your last electric bill? Oh gosh.  We were talking about this last night.  We are going to get new windows.  On average it's like in the $400 range. 

Do you know your cholesterol level? No.  I'm bad, I know.

Ever been fired from a job? Yes, when I was quite younger.  I called in "sick" to take my driver's test for my license.  They fired me.  That was okay; I passed the test and I didn't like working at the slave factory for eyeglasses anyway.  My boss was mean, and asked me weird questions during my interview, like:  Are you a good girl?  Do you clean your room every day?  He was a very short Chinese man who EVERYONE was afraid of.  I was 16 or 17. 

Have you ever owned an 8-Track player? No, but I used to play with my brother's.  He had Oliva Newton John and Thank God It's Friday..  I think I broke one of them. 

What did it cost to go to a rock concert when you were a teenager? Not more than $15 or $20. 

What was the first concert you attended? The Thompson Twins!  (Don't laugh).

Have you been tested for HIV? When I got my life insurance they tested me.  They asked if I wanted it when I was pregnant as well.

What is the furthest you have lived from where you were born? I live about 45 miles away from where I was born.  I work within a mile from the hospital where I was born though.  I pass it everyday. 

When is the last time you went to a kegger? Ha ha ..  I never went to one.  (Remember, I was a good girl who stayed at home every night until I got "kidnapped"--sorry, MARRiED.)  Oh, don't feel too sorry for me. 

Remember when MTV began? (You know, back when they played music?) I loved MTV.  I LOVED watching the videos!  I remember actually taping the videos on to a video cassette.  Those were the days! 

What time do you get up when you are "sleeping late"? My youngest will sometimes sleep until 8 or 9.  Getting up at 9 is very late for me.  It hardly ever happens though.

R is for Retail, and Romance

I have a few other Retail memories to share. 

A worked with a few co-workers that were quite younger; early 20's, late teens.  One girl in particular, we'll call her "Mardi" and I became quick friends.  She was cute, and tom-boyish, and had a boyfriend.  She lived with her brother and her single father.  She had mentioned one day that her father worked at the same cement plant my father had worked, as well, as other family members-including my ex-husband.  The next day at work she reported to me that her father knew my family; and had to work with my ex-husband for a short period of time.  He knew the whole story how my ex just picked up and quit the plant, and how everyone was shocked how he could have just ran off and left the way he did.  Great.  Cement plant drama at it's best.  Everyone "knew" my story it seemed.  Everyone knew what a jerk my ex was and how he bailed from the child support that was attached to his wages.  Wonderful. 

I guess Mardi mentioned to her father, (we'll call him Hugh) that I was single and working two jobs, because it was a few days later that he came around to the work place to say "hello."  Great.   I smiled, and I was polite, but I certainly was not interested in this man whatsoever.  He was considerably older than me, and although he was very nice, he wasn't my type by any means.  The stories that Mardi had told me about his "farting" contests nights before did not help any either.  Unfortunately, he was "smitten" by me.  Lovely.  He called me a few times, but I made sure they were short calls.  Mardi when come in all smiling, saying things like, "My father likes your smile.."  Great. 

 I didn't want to hurt Mardi's feelings, but I wanted her to know that I was not interested in her father at all.  That is when I asked the potato chip truck delivery guy that I was friends with to stop by at the store and talk to me.  This guy was an odd fellow.  We used to go out on dates with his coupon book.  He was a coupon book date guy--never left the house without it.  It was never a serious relationship by any means, but I needed to send a message to Mardi.  The few calls her father Hugh did make was enough to make me nervous.  I wanted him to stop calling, but I was too "nice" to say it to him directly.  Potato Chip guy, we'll call him "Chip" did come by a few times during the shift, but that didn't stop Hugh from calling again.  I finally just told  him that "I wasn't ready" for anything more than a friendship right now, and I didn't hear from him every again.  (Heavy sigh of relief).

Weeks later, Mardi came up to me asking if I knew "so and so".  So happens, her father had a blind date with someone I worked with.  Another heavy sigh of relief.  The woman who he had a date with was an older professional woman.  Although they were closer in age, there was no way in hell I could see these two people together.  I heard that they met and had a few beers at a mountain bar.  I don't think it was a love connection. 

One of the store managers heard about my "other" job, and wanted to know if I knew a certain pretty probation officer that he had met one night playing pool.  I knew of her, but didn't quite know her, but I was afraid to let him know because he was a weasel.  We called him George Washington because of his jagged and gappy teeth-they looked like they were made of wood.  He was a weasel because we would always catch him "checking out" the girls on floor.  I could not understand what my co-worker at my "other" job would see in the guy.  Anyway, one day, I was minding my own business and working on the display of Christmas slippers.  As I walking back to the register, my other co-worker, Maureen starting laughing.  "I saw ole' George checking you out..." she exclaimed.  I never wore that wool skirt ever again. 

No, that isn't me..


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Random Retail Memories...



Oh, the "glamorous" life of retail!  Way back, when I was a single mom working a 65 hour week, working part time at a department store near my home, I would see a lot of different people coming inside the store.  When you work in a fairly small town, you tend to see the same people everyday—the regulars.  There were a few characters that I remember, here are a few of them. 


The Sterling Silver Lady:  This woman would come in almost every other day on my shift to admire the sterling silver.  I worked in the “accessories” department in the store where scarves, socks, stockings, slippers, and costume jewelry.  This woman, who I’m guessing was  in her late 50’s or early 60’s would come in and look at the sterling silver and gems through the glass cases near my register.  She was particularly fond of the necklaces and charmed bracelets, and would ask me quite often to get them out of the case so she could get a closer look.  She always wore blue and white, and seemed to always wear her graying blonde hair in a pony tail, and bangs—think of an aging Alice in Wonderland for a moment, and that was her.  She was always very nice and polite, but would always come in the following week to return a bracelet to exchange for another.  Normally, that would bother some people, but I never minded.  She was one of the nicer customers, and her oddness was refreshing at times.




Never Satisfied Bitter Old Diva Women, Snooty Bitches:  These women usually traveled in packs, or in groups of two.  They often would travel together from one end of the store to the other.  These women were professionals.  They knew what they wanted, where to find it, and all of the return policies.  Always dressed in always seemed to be in either pastels or bright colored matching jogging suits; their lipstick and manicured nails were always matching.  Think of Golden Girls’ for a moment.  The store managers knew them by name, and they knew their names.  And yes, they would hide in the break room when they were on the prowl.  It wouldn't be long however until one of the managers were called over the intercom for assistance.


 “I want to buy this purse, but the leather is scratched!  I want a 20% discount!” 


  They ALWAYS got their discount.  Happily, they would leave with their purchase.  I couldn't stand these women.  They always felt “entitled” all the time. 



“This wasn't on sale last week, but it is now, and I’m returning it to get my discount!”


  There was one woman from the pack that set herself from the rest in particular who shopped with her little toy poodle, who was extra SNOOTY.  We were told to give her “anything she wants” because she was an owner of a chain ice cream company.  Whoopee do!!  You would think she was the queen of England or something.  She reminded me of the wicked witch of the West who kidnapped Toto. 


The Mother & Her Tranny Son:   This older woman would always bring her son with her shopping every Tuesday night.  Tuesdays were Senior Citizen Discount Day.  Everyone over 55 got a special discount on everything in the store, plus free gift wrap!  Every Tuesday night, her son would accompany her for an outing of shopping, and every Tuesday this son would go to the racks of earrings in the accessories section wearing a skirt.  Now, from the back, this man, looked just like a woman; he had long waist length hair, and some really nice looking legs.  I would stand there behind the register and actually watch men walk past do a double take.  It was quite amusing; especially watching other customer’s reactions.  I’ve witnessed people stare in disbelief, and become so offended as far as leaving the store, or grabbing their children and leave the department because they felt uncomfortable.  Poor guy was only checking out the earrings for God’s sake.  He never bothered me.  Poor dear though did not have what you call a feminine looking face.  Razor stubble, badly plucked eyebrows, and a very “hard” looking face-he didn’t know how to use make up either.  I’ll never forget one woman in particular coming to my register asking:


“Is IT gone yet?” 


Very sad. 




The Looney Hooker:  This woman was quite a character.  She would usually come into the store during the day, but I had seen her come in a few times during my shift.  I was told by a co-worker that it was a known fact that she was a “lady of the night,” who would sometimes come into the store waving cash in her hand, and a bottle of booze in her purse.  She was a larger woman, who always wore very long dresses, and long velvet dark coats over them.  She had long hair, and had a very loud and happy laugh.  She seemed to be friends with one of the men working in the men’s department.  She always paid in cash.  One day she came into the store on a particular slow night with a huge fist of cash in her hands.  She called out loudly to her friend in the men’s department on her way up the elevator to the furniture department:  “I’m going to buy myself a new bed!” as she waved her money in front of her face.  It must have been a good night. 


The Old Men and Their Mail Order Brides:  On weekends, I would see them: Very homely, older looking men, with petite size, very young and pretty Asian women, shopping together.  It was obvious that these women could barely speak a word of English.  These men were old enough to be their grandfathers, and it was obvious that they weren’t related.  A co-worked nudged me and made a comment:  “There’s your classic mail order bride couple.”  It was hard to look at; it still is today.  I remember one couple in particular at the fine jewelry department across from me.  The man bought the woman a gold necklace.  By looking at her, you would have thought the guy bought her a triple scoop ice cream cone!  She was jumping up and down in delight, shouting.. “Fo Me?  Fo Me?!”   

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Weekend Assignment #159


From JohnScalzi, the Blogfather, we have a new Weekend Assignment #159: Your Pen Name

You've decided to become a writer under a pen name. What pen name do you choose?  Because, after all, writers use pen names all the time -- sometimes to maintain anonymity, sometimes to start a new career when their writing career under their real name has crashed and burned, and sometimes just because they want a different name than the one they were born with. You can assume any of the reasons for taking up a pen name. (No fair using a name that's taken: Your pen name can't be "Steve King" or "Jonathan Grisham" or some such.)

Hmm..  I think I would go by my intials from my maiden name, JAC with my married last name, Langley.  Jack Langley, or J.A.C. Langley, or maybe just Jackie Langley.  Or may be I should just go for Jules Langley.  It sounds so British and proper---a name used for a man or a woman, like Jack.  Or..  I might just skip that all together and just go by J. A. Costa.  It's sometimes good to add a little mystery to a name; I think.  Hmm...decisions, decisions..  I must work on this one. 

Extra Credit: Using this Anagram Maker, share an amusing anagram of your name.

Oh, this was fun!  Here is one using my full name!  Oh joy, just call me:


Saturday, April 7, 2007

Fill in Your Basket

Easter Fill In the Blanks

I got this from Dawn who got it from Cin..  And I'm doing it now..  Thanks, girls!

1. My favorite thing in an Easter basket is _____!

Money.  Plastic eggs with money.  No, I've never been so lucky, but now that I'm older and wiser, I know better.  Easter bunney, hand me the cash!  I can buy my own chocolate! 

2. Easter means _____ to me.

The Resurection; God's love; promising of everlasting life; plus can't forget family, kids, coelhas & coelhos (bunnies), the eggs, SPRING, flowers..  It's my favorite time of the year. 

3. The best part of the chocolate Easter bunny is _____.

The ears.   

4. My memories of Easter as a child include_____.

Uncomfortable church clothes--matching dresses my mother used to make for me and my sister.  And chocolate eggs & bunnies.  Being the youngest, I had to remind my mother sometimes that Easter bunny was due to arrive in the morning. 

"Mom!  The Easter bunny hasn't come yet!"  I would exclaim. 

"Um..  Go upstairs for a few minutes and come back!"  my mom would answer.

As if by magic, a few minutes later, there was my basket.  DUH.

Most memorable Easter would have to be when we had cousins staying with us that year.  It was their first Easter in America.  I was the Easter bunny, and that is how I got my title as COELHA.  :B 

5. _____ jelly beans are the ones I eat first.

Pink, and red, and white ones.  I throw away the black ones. 

6. I like _____ grass in my Easter basket!

Paper grass, preferable in the color green.  See answer for question #1.

7.  What I will be doing this Easter: 

COOKING!!!  I am having family over; we will eat ham.  We may have an Easter egg hunt.  I am seriously thinking of taking a day or two off next week. 


Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday

Good Friday is a very solemn day.  I think I will need to go visit my father's grave today.  I haven't made the time to go there as much as I should.  I would go there more often, but it was depressing me a little too much--more than I could handle on some days. I need to leave him some flowers.  I know he isn't "there" anymore.  My faith, and my heart  knows he is somewhere in a far better place, but it's the closet place I can get to from here. 

I found this at a website and thought I would share it. 

The Cradle of Hope
by Max Lucado

Christ rose first; then when Christ comes back, all his people will become alive again.
1 Corinthians 15:23 TLB

Let’s go to the tomb, for Jesus lies in the tomb.

Still. Cold. Stiff. Death has claimed its greatest trophy. He is not asleep in the tomb or resting in the tomb or comatose in the tomb; he is dead in the tomb. No air in his lungs. No thoughts in his brain. No feeling in his limbs. His body is as lifeless as the stone slab upon which he has been laid.

The executioners made sure of it. When Pilate learned that Jesus was dead, he asked the soldiers if they were certain. They were. Had they seen the Nazarene twitch, had they heard even one moan, they would have broken his legs to speed his end. But there was no need. The thrust of a spear removed all doubt. The Romans knew their job. And their job was finished. They pried loose the nails, lowered his body, and gave it to Joseph and Nicodemus.

Joseph of Arimathea. Nicodemus the Pharisee. Jesus had answered the prayer of their hearts, the prayer for the Messiah. As much as the soldiers wanted him dead, even more these men wanted him alive.

As they sponged the blood from his beard, don’t you know they listened for his breath? As they wrapped the cloth around his hands, don’t you know they hoped for a pulse? Don’t you know they searched for life?

But they didn’t find it.

So they do with him what they were expected to do with a dead man. They wrap his body in clean linen and place it in a tomb. Joseph’s tomb. Roman guards are stationed to guard the corpse. And a Roman seal is set on the rock of the tomb. For three days, no one gets close to the grave.

But then, Sunday arrives. And with Sunday comes light — a light within the tomb. A bright light? A soft light? Flashing? Hovering? We don’t know. But there was a light. For he is the light. And with the light came life. Just as the darkness was banished, now the decay is reversed. Heaven blows and Jesus breathes. His chest expands. Waxy lips open. Wooden fingers lift. Heart valves swish and hinged joints bend.

And, as we envision the moment, we stand in awe.

We stand in awe not just because of what we see, but because of what we know. We know that we, too, will die. We know that we, too, will be buried. Our lungs, like his, will empty. Our hands, like his, will stiffen. But the rising of his body and the rolling of the stone give birth to a mighty belief: “What we believe is this: If we get included in Christ’s sin-conquering death, we also get included in his life-saving resurrection. We know that when Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end. Never again will death have the last word. When Jesus died, he took sin down with him, but alive he brings God down to us” (Rom. 6:5–9 MSG).


Forgotten Shoes

This morning I felt a little rushed, and I did it again..  I forgot to pack Nicholas' shoes. 

I hate that it when that happens!!

It's not the first time I've forgotten his shoes.  There is NOTHING open at 8:00 besides a few drug stores around my work.  I made a mad rush to Rite Aid and found a pair of slip ons in his size.  They are nothing fancy, but at least he will have shoes to play in at preschool.  Today they are having an Easter egg hunt--don't want him to miss on that one.  I pay so much each week for his half day preschool care, that I really don't want him to miss a day.  I want my money's worth!!  I know Nick is not going to be too happy with them.  "I want my Spiderman shoes!"  I can hear him now already.

A few years ago, my older son Andrew forgot to put on his shoes for school.  He just dragged himself out of the house and sat in the car wearing only socks.  Poor kid goes to school near my work, so during the 40 minute drive to school, he just falls back to sleep again most of the time.  We didn't realize he had no shoes until we got into town.  He was so upset because his class was going on a field trip that day to Monterey, and there he was shoe-less.  "Lucky" for him, his sister left her shoes in the car from the previous day.  Even more lucky for him, it was tennis shoes--black ones.  Sure, they were a little big, and I worried that  he would be teased all day long, but no one noticed--not even the little playboy bunnies emblems on the sides.  His pants were long enough to hide those. 

Poor guy.  He is now a 7th grader he wears size 10 shoes, is taller than his sister,  and entering those "awkward years".  The peach fuz on his upper lip is getting darker.  Looks like he'll need a shaver soon.  Yesterday afterschool he disclosed to me that he was having a bad day in sports.  "I keep dropping the ball.."  After school I found him lying on his futon in his room taking a nap.  "I need a hug, mom."  he said.  <Sigh..>  My little boy is growing up.  I hope he never out grows those "I need a hugs.." days though.  I'll miss those. 

 Don't worry..I won't be wearing these on the plane.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Tidbits/Thankful Thursday

Nelly..  What were you thinking when you put this outfit on?  I'm a little disappointed with you Ms. Furtado!!  Que vergonha!  She looks like a bird who flew to hell and back..  Oh dear..  May be Sanjaya will adopt this look for his next appearance on American Idol..  Why not?

I've been busy today going to and fro being the Easter bunny.  I think I've purchased enough chocolate for the children.  I don't know what I'm thinking.  I have a lot on my mind right now..  Yesterday was a nice, relaxing day that ended with a nice dinner out with the family.  Nicholas was pretty good at the restaurant.  He even entertained us with live performances of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.  

  Now, I have the weekend to plan for, which inclues Easter dinner for Sunday.  My mother will bringing the ham.  Next weekend, I'll be taking her shoe shopping for her big Azorean trip in June.  (She has a suitcase packed already.)  Weekend after that, me and my hubby are going away for a few days for our anniversary..  YIPPEE!!  I'm looking forward to that very, very much. 

Thankful Thursday:  Here are a few things I'm thankful of:

1.  I'm thankful that I will NEVER have to wear a bird costume like Nelly Furtado and make a complete fool of myself.  I love you Nelly, but...PLEEEEAASSE.  Furthermore, I'm glad I am not famous and no one cares what I'm wearing.  If I could go to work in pajama pants, I would. 

2.  I'm thankful for another birthday with my family, and hope there are many, many, many more years to come for me to spend with them. 

3.  I'm thankful that my mom is bringing the ham.  One less thing to worry about.

4.  I'm thankful that although I dread the shoe shopping ordeal with mother, I am glad she is walking again and back to her ole' self. 

5.  I'm thankful that it's April and Ican finally leave the kids at home for a weekend with husband.  It's been four years people!  {SIGH}