Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Autumn

Happy Monday, and Happy Autumn!

When I left home this morning, I could have sworn I saw blue skies, but as soon as I got to work, damn---it all vanished!  It's cold, foggy and just plain "blah" looking.  Oh well, it's Monday-it might as well look yucky today.  I'm going to be stuck in this ugly building at work for most of the day, so let it rain even! 

I'm hoping this week is better than the last-it was a very forgetful week, full of weird and silly things.  Remember the dead frog?  Well it seems that Lizzy did not run over it after all.  It seems like it was actually "planted" there.  Tania remembers seeing the bloody mess on the driveway before Lizzy actually came home from work.  It's a miracle that she didn't run it over when she did come to work.  Liz has seen these dead frogs before in front of people's homes.  Apparently this is a group of younger people in the neighborhood that have a thing for frogs--they enjoy killing them for fun.  They are Frog haters.  Do they know that Lizzy is a Frog lover, or did someone just randomly leave the dead frog on our driveway?  Anyway, Liz is grateful that she wasn't the one who ran the poor creature over.  By the time I got home, what was left of the frog was gone.  I'm guessing a cat or those big black crows that like to poop on my car took it away-you know the circle of life thing. 

The animals around the neighborhood have been doing weird things lately.  Yesterday we saw a squirrel run around in the backyard with a bone in his mouth.  I'm hoping it was a chicken bone it found somewhere, and not something else.  I've never seen a squirrel with a bone in it's mouth.  Anyway, it saw me peering at him through my kitchen window, and then leaped onto one of the cypress trees like a flying squirrel.  And then there are the black crows.  I cannot stand those things.  They are scary looking, and they enjoying nothing more than poop all over my car.  They sit on the branches of the tree in the front yard, and I swear to you one day they actually followed me to my mother's house.  I never used to see black crows in my mom's neighborhood before--never--even as a child, and there they were one morning on the street in front of my mother's home, just squaking at me as if they were mocking me. 

"Hey mom, those birds!  I've never seen them around here before!" exclaimed Andrew.

"They are after me Andrew.  They enjoying pooping on my car."

Isn't there some ole' wive's tale out there that says if a bird poops on your car you are supposed to have tremendous amounts of good luck?  Well, that is what prompted me to buy that lottery ticket.  Well, I didn't win.  (You probably guessed that already.)  I didn't even get one number.  Instead, the next day I left my purse at home and had to beg for money from my son for gas in my car, and had to spend the whole day without a purse-not fun. 

In other news---I'm going to try and get a table at the Christmas Boutique at my church in November.  It's going to be an Avon information booth, and I'll have a basket to raffle out, and sell some gift baskets that I'm going to fix up.  You probably don't know this, but doing gift baskets for sale has always been an idea I've had for a very long time, so I'm actually a little excited about it.  My sister-inlaw may be coming down, and she is going to help me "recruit" some new Avon ladies, or men..  Yes, there are men out there that sell Avon.  Avon Men.  Weird, I know.


Anonymous said...

Hey, we have an Avon MAN at my work.... he actually sells this for his wife, but we call him the Avon Man!!  I'm SO GLAD that Lizzy didn't kill that frog, I know that bothered her.  And about the crow.... one morning my niece (when she was little) woke up, and came into the kitchen all sleepy eyed and messy hair, and she said to my dad "Grandpa, there's a crow in my room"... he said.... "Mija, your just dreaming, do you want to go back to bed?"  She pulled him by the arm and  said "No, grandpa, there's a crow in my room!!"  So, my dad went to her room and sure enough there was a baby crow in her room.... we NEVER did figure out how it got there!!!  Wouldn't THAT be kind of SCARY?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

oh i know of lots of Avon men. Avon and Mary Kay are BIG $$ for many.....i LOVE LOVE gift baskets!! Let me know if you can offer them online.
You are truly a riot, Julie and i KNOW you do not mean to be funny but the way you write things tickles me every time i read.

ok, those frog haters may grow up and be serial killers. If you see them doing it, i would tell on them. That is AWFUL that they do kill, even if it is a frog. I had a bird poop on my gas tank door...right in the groove where you HAVE to put your fingers to open it. I stood at the gas station, alone, talking to the long gone bird, asking it HOW it aimed it's diarrhea right on the damn lid. SIGH.

Anonymous said...

maybe it's just the change in seasons that has all the animals acting out...shoot even the teenagers around here having been doing that...LOL
hugs to ya